News from the Dearborn Research Office

April 9, 2012

Read the latest from the ÂÜÀòÉç-Dearborn Research Office.

External Awards
Qiang Zhu, assistant professor, computer and information sciences, received $28,000 additional funding from IBM Centre for Advanced Studies. This award is a fellowship that will enable him to continue research into progressive database queries.

Internal Campus Grant Awards Announced
At their spring meeting, the Campus Grants Committee (Faculty Senate Research Support Board) awarded campus grants in the following categories:

Faculty Research Initiation and Seed Grants provide up to $6,000 to full-time faculty for research and other scholarly activities. These grants are intended to fund projects that will lead to future external grant support. Awards were made to: 

Daniel Lawson and Simone Marincean, Natural Sciences
Emily Saarinen, Natural Sciences
Francia Martinez, Language Culture and Communications
Nitya Sethuraman, Behavioral Sciences

Faculty Research Support and Maintenance Grants provide up to $6,000 for significant projects in fields where there are few opportunities for external funding.   Awards were made to:

Lisa Martin, Women’s and Gender Studies, Health Policy Studies
John Thomas, Natural Sciences
Sonia Tiquia, Natural Sciences
Caitlin Finlayson, Literature, Philosophy, and the Arts

Faculty Small Research Grants provide up to $800 for projects that foster scholarship and research and relate to the applicant’s scholarship goals. Awards were made to:

Malyoua Vang, School of Education
Eric Ratts, Mechanical Engineering
Melita Schaum, Literature, Philosophy, and the Arts
Qin Wang, Finance

The next submission deadline for these awards is October 15, 2012.

Undergraduate Research Fellowships
The Undergraduate Research Fellowships provide $2,500 funding to students who demonstrate a commitment to academic excellence and who are invited by a faculty member to participate in an independent research project.

The following students received fellowships for research projects to take place this summer:

Amal Algahmi
Humayra Nikhat Khan
Aaron Noles
Paul Renauer