SUBJECT: Comprehensive Campus Planning Update: Renick UC and Fairlane Center News

March 4, 2024 at 11:04 AM

Dear Colleagues,

Bottom Line Up Front

  • Comprehensive Campus Planning assessment of consolidating campus operations has concluded; work on the final plan continues
  • Campus forum will be held in May to share results of the full Comprehensive Campus Plan
  • Renick University Center renovations set to begin next month
  • College of Business and College of Education, Health, and Human Services scheduled to move to main campus over the next two to four years; smaller units and centers may move sooner
  • Additional details below

We are writing to provide an update on . It was announced to the campus this past summer that we were updating the campus plan to guide future decisions regarding how to prioritize our space needs, deferred maintenance investments and future development projects.

The comprehensive campus plan development continues to progress with help from an outside partner, the Smith Group. During the data collection and evaluation phase the Smith Group reviewed the , had thoughtful conversations with various campus stakeholders, including the deans, and received input from the campus community at large (including students) through listening sessions and an online survey. The results of the final plan will be used to inform key decisions involving campus facilities and operations for the next 10 years.

We expect to complete this work in April and share the results with the campus in May. A forum will be held to review the data collection and evaluation process, share the findings and address questions from the campus community.

Two projects that were running parallel, but in conjunction, to the planning process were the need to make the Renick University Center more student service focused and explore the possibility of consolidating the campus into one footprint on the main campus.

Bids to redesign and renovate the east side of the Renick University Center were sent to local construction companies last week. This project will entail:

  • A complete renovation of the east side of the RUC from the current One-Stop location up to the 蹤獲扦 Credit Union
  • Relocating the UUE Info Center and office space closer to the meeting rooms they manage
  • A renovated Enrollment Management suite along with a large meeting/presentation room for prospective student tours, a gathering/lounge space for general campus use, and several small meeting rooms
  • Offices for TRIO, START and Career Services will be created in this new space

Important details to note:

  • Current first floor occupants move to temporary spaces between March 18-29
  • The RUC will remain open during construction, including the Bookstore, Picasso and credit union as well as all event space
  • Second floor will be accessible via the elevator and stairwells, as usual. Some minor construction work will take place on the second floor; this will be communicated to building occupants when we have developed the timeline
  • The One-Stop will temporarily relocate to the SSB building
  • The UUE info desk will temporarily relocate to the northwest corner of the RUC, outside of Kochoff Hall
  • The Office of International Affairs will relocate to the second floor of RUC
  • Kochoff Hall and meeting rooms 1225 and 1227 will remain open for scheduling
  • The second half of the RUC roof replacement will also take place this summer

It was shared in an earlier campus communication that renovations to the first floor of the Mardigian Library are part of this plan. Work in the library is not part of this initial round of design and construction and will be phased in over the next few years, this includes work to the grassy area between the RUC and library to serve as collaboration and relaxation space.

There has been much discussion regarding moving occupants of the Fairlane Center to main campus. The Office of the Provost and the Office of Facilities Operations have been working for months to evaluate and test this possibility (note the move of COB and CEHHS to main campus last summer was part of the test), sharing ideas with building occupants regarding new locations and most importantly addressing feedback and concerns raised by COB and CEHHS. After months of discussion and debate, details regarding moving Fairlane Center occupants to main campus are below.

The exploration and information results:

  • The move is supported by the campus comprehensive plan and COB and CEHHS Academic Space Planning  Committee
  • Data (course schedules and current modalities, office needs and current and planned/projected enrollment growth) support the move to main campus
  • The move allows the university to reduce expenses and reallocate resources to other priorities through the reduction of shuttle services, building maintenance/cleaning and utility savings
  • Costs associated with the move will be paid back within three years as a result of future savings (heating/cooling, janitorial, maintenance, etc.)
  • Consolidating to main campus will build density and afford all students easy access to main campus services
  • Cost savings allow for funding of campus priorities

What to expect and when:

  • COB will relocate to the Social Sciences Building
  • CEHHS will relocate and have dedicated/distinct space in the Administration Building
  • The move will be phased in over the next few years and the final schedule is subject to planning and construction timelines; construction and move dates will be shared in the future
  • The university-wide culture of space sharing will apply to all colleges including SSB classrooms and lecture halls, which will receive renovations
  • COB and CEHHS will have equitable (proportional) space to the other colleges
  • Service units in the Fairlane Center and those impacted in the AB will be relocated in a phased way, details regarding these offices will be shared later, please direct any questions to the supervisors and deans, as appropriate
  • Once Fairlane Center occupants are relocated and the Comprehensive Campus Plan is complete, planning will begin for the future of the Fairlane Center

If you have any questions, please contact your dean, vice chancellor or the provost. We look forward to seeing you in May as we discuss the comprehensive campus plan, including specific plans for the RUC and Fairlane Center.



Gabriella Scarlatta
Provost and Executive Vice Provost for Academic Affairs


Brian Dadey
Vice Chancellor for Business Affairs

Office of the Provost

1080 - Administration Building
4901 Evergreen Road
Dearborn, MI 48128
Phone: 313-593-5030