Adnan Shaout, Ph.D

Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Adnan Shaout ECE
College of Engineering and Computer Science
Electrical and Computer Engineering
2070 Institute for Advanced Vehicle Systems Building | 4901 Evergreen Road | Dearborn, MI 48128

Teaching Areas:

Computer Engineering

Research Areas:

Computing and Networks, Cybersecurity, Machine Learning, Optimization, and Intelligent Systems, Software Engineering

Biography and Education


B.S., Computer Engineering, Syracuse University

M.S., Computer Engineering, Syracuse University

Ph.D., Computer Engineering, Syracuse University

Selected Publications


1.           U.S. Patent Application

Title: Remote Interface Device for Vehicular Remote Control

Inventor:  Adnan K. Shaout et al.

Serial No. 14/865,994 - Filed: September 25, 2015

U of M Ref. 6226 - HDP Ref. No. 2115-006226-US

United States Patent and Trademark Office issued patent on February 28, 2017

Patent No.: US 9,584,646 B2

2.           Provisional Patent Application 2023-210 [7935-3206-US1] 

Title: Hash Tree Based Over-The-Air (Ota) Software Provisioning and Verification.  Filled on May 1, 2023.

Inventor: Abir Bassi, Adnan Shaout and Di Ma



, , Software Design for Six Sigma: A Roadmap for Excellence, Wiley, ISBN: 978-0-470-40546-8, 2010.


Book Chapters
  1. A. Shaout (1999), "Domestic Appliances", the Encyclopedia of IEEE by John Wily, February/1999.
  2. A. Shaout (1997), "Fuzzy Logic and Microprocessor Applications in Household Appliances", the Digital Consumer Electronics handbook, First Edition, Editor Ronald K. Jurgen, McGraw-Hill Book Company, May/1997.
  3. Adnan Shaout, Ali H. El-Mousa, and Khalid Matta (2010), Chapter 18 Models of Computation for Heterogeneous Embedded Systems, S.-I. Ao and L. Gelman (eds.) Electronic Engineering and Computing Technology, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 60, DOI 10.1007/978-90-481-8776-818, c Springer Science + Business Media B.V. 2010.
  4. A. Shaout, " Design Verification and Validation: Methods, Standards & Software testing Strategies for Embedded Systems," in the Advanced Readings in Requirements Engineering edited by Mohammed Odeh.
  5. Habib M. Ammari, Adnan Shaout and Fatme A. Mustapha, "Sensing Coverage in Three-Dimensional Space: A Survey (2016), " Handbook of Research on Advanced Wireless Sensor Network Applications, Protocols, and Architectures.
  6. Mariam Biltawi, Wael Etaiwi, Adnan Shaout, and Sara Tedmori (2018), Fuzzy based Sentiment Classification in the Arabic Language, Springer in Volume 868 of the Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing".
  7. Nevrus Kaja, Ahmad Nasser, Di Ma, Adnan Shaout (2018), Automotive Security, Encyclopedia of Wireless Networks. The Springer Publications.
  8. Adnan Shaout and Munther Al-Sawah (2024), 3G Universal Plugin for Car Remote Starters and Alarm Systems and Car Key Fobs submitted to the edited book entitled Embedded Systems in Automotive Applications, to be published by Elsevier.


Full List of Refereed Journal Publications


  1. Adnan Shaout, Hisham Gaber (2024), Vehicle Monitoring and Tracking System, the Transactions on Engineering and Computing Sciences (TECS). Vol. 12 No. 4 (2024).
  2. Abdelwahed Motwakel, Adnan Shaout,  Adnan Shaout; Arif Muntasa; Manar Ahmed Hamza; Anwer Mustafa Hilal; Sitelbanat Abdelgaddir Alhadi; Elmouez Samir Abd Elhameed (2024), Fuzzy Logic in Real-Time Decision Making for Autonomous Drones, submitted to IJDS.
  3. Adnan Shaout, Rosy Shrestha, and Shashanka Prajapati (2024), Smart Drinking Water Monitoring System, submitted to the journal academia engineering.
  4. Bazzi, Abir, Adnan Shaout, and Di Ma (2024), A Case Study to Optimize Secure Over-the-Air Software Updates with Feature-based Automotive Architecture in the Journal of Software (ISSN 2674-113X).
  5. M. Abu Alrub and A. Shaout (2024), Power DataMate Tool: Leveraging Logistic Regression Classification for Interactive Data Modeling, Transactions on Engineering and Computing Sciences (TECS), vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 195216, May 2024. DOI:
  6. Bazzi, Abir, Adnan Shaout, and Di Ma (2024), "A Novel Variability-Rich Scheme for Software Updates of Automotive Systems" in IEEE Access, vol. 12, pp. 79530-79548, 2024, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3409629.
  7. Adnan Shaout, Syed Adil Ahmed, Dan Osborn (2024), Comparison of Fuzzy Logic Control and MPC for a Smart ACC Vehicle System, the Jordan Journal of Electrical Engineering (JJEE). 2024, 10(1): 27-47". DOI:
  8. Adnan Shaout and Daniel Mesenger (2024), Multicore Processor Binning Using Fuzzy Logic, submitted to the Interciencia Journal.
  9. JiHo Han and Adnan Shaoit (2023), Fuzzy Inference System for HumanPerceptible Diagnosis of Diabetic Retinopathy, British Journal of Medical & Health Sciences (BJMHS)Vol. 5 Issue 12, December 2023.
  10. Bazzi, Abir, Adnan Shaout, and Di Ma (2023), "MT-SOTA: A Merkle-Tree-Based Approach for Secure Software Updates over the Air in Automotive Systems" Applied Sciences 13, no. 16: 9397.
  11. Luis Pastor S獺nchez-Fern獺ndez, Luis Alejandro S獺nchez-P矇rez, Paula Denisse Concha-G籀mez, Adnan Shaout (2023), Kinetic tremor analysis using wearable sensors and fuzzy inference systems in Parkinson's disease, the Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, Volume 84, July 2023, 104748. .
  12. Alkhadashi, M., & Shaout, A. K. (2022), Intelligent HVAC Control Prediction the International Journal of Smart Vehicles and Smart Transportation (IJSVST), 5(1), 1-25. .
  13. Jordan K Barett and Adnan K Shaout (2022), "A Multiple Badge Architectures Open Source RFID Reader with Insight Regarding Room Occupants" the Jordan Journal of Electrical Engineering (JJEE), Volume 8, Number 3, September 2022 Pages 242-252.
  14. Rawan Ghnemat, Adnan Shaout and Abrar M. Al-Sowi (2022), Higher Education Transformation for Artificial Intelligence Revolution: Transformation Framework", accepted to the International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET),  iJET Vol. 17 No. 19 (2022).
  15. Adnan Shaout and Shanmukha Pattela (2022), Automotive Embedded Systems -  Model Based Approach Review, the International Arab Journal of Information Technology (IAJIT) Volume 17, No. 4A, Special Issue 2022. 
  16. Qusef, Abdallah and Abdallah Ayasrah, and Adnan Shaout (2021), "Comprehensive Approach to Implement E-Government Backend in Jordan Using Service-Oriented Architecture," International Journal of Software Innovation (IJSI) 9, no.2: 122-135. .
  17. Roytburd, Benjamin and Shaout, Adnan and Sanchez-Perez, Luis Alejandro (2021), An Embedded Deep Learning Computer Vision Method for Driver Distraction Detection,) Available at SSRN Electronic Journal: 

or . 32 Pages Posted: 30 Dec 2021.

  1. Dean Lawrance, Hannah Imboden, Hussien Chebli, Maya Kabbash, Adnan Shaout (2021), EyePaint: A Gaze Estimation-based System for Hands-Free Painting, the Jordan Journal of Electrical Engineering (JJEE), Pages: 179- 201 doi: 10.5455/jjee.204-1614652154. Volume 7, Number 3, September 2021.
  2. Daniel A. Zajac, Jackson Harmer, Adnan Shaout (2020), An Open Source IoT Garage Real Time Controller (GarageRTC), Jordan Journal of Electrical Engineering (JJEE), 2020, 6(3): 179-203.
  3. Adnan Shaout and Brennan Crispin (2020), Streaming Video Classification Using Machine Learning, the International Arab Journal of Information Technology (IAJIT) Volume 17, No. 4A, Special Issue 2020. 
  4. Abdallah Qusef, Abdallah Ayasrah, Adnan Shaout, Muhanna Muhanna (2019), By two: A two-dimensional mobile game model for novice developers,&紳莉莽梯;Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Vol. 14, No. 3, June 2019, pp. 1336~1344 ISSN: 2502-4752, DOI: 10.11591/ijeecs.v13.i3.pp1336-1344.
  5. Nevrus Kaja, Adnan Shaout, Di Ma (2019), An intelligent intrusion detection system, Applied Intelligence, Springer.
  6. Adnan Shaout, Daniel Murray, Abdelwahed Motwakel (2019), Fuzzy Logic Image Processing,&紳莉莽梯; International Journal of Knowledge Engineering and Data Mining 2019 Vol.6 No.3. 10.1504/IJKEDM.2019.102489.
  7. Adnan Shaout, Dhanush Mysuru, Karthik Raghupathy (2019), Vehicle Condition, Driver Behavior Analysis and Data Logging Through CAN Sniffing, The International Arab Journal of Information Technology, Vol. 16, No. 3A, Special Issue 2019.
  8. Adnan Shaout, Aswath Reddy Gangireddy, Abdelwahed Motwakel (2019), Adaptive Fuzzy Cruise Control System to Maintain Safe Distance and Set Speed, in the International Journal of Computer Science Engineering (IJCSE).
  9. Dana Halabi and Adnan Shaout (2019), Website Tenders Evaluation Using Fuzzy Logic, the International Journal of Information Systems in the Service Sector (IJISSS), Volume 11, Issue 2. 
  10. Joshua M. Krbez and Adnan Shaout (2019), Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Application for Diet Journaling,&紳莉莽梯;the International Journal of Fuzzy System Applications (IJFSA). International Journal of Fuzzy System Applications, Volume 8 Issue 2 April-June 2019. 
  11. Raghda Hraiz, Mariam Khader and Adnan Shaout (2019), "A Multi-Stage Fuzzy Model for Assessing Applicants for Faculty positions in Universities," the International Journal of Intelligent Information Technologies (IJIIT) International Journal of Intelligent Information Technologies, Volume 15 Issue 1 January-March 2019.
  12. Adnan Shaout, Pavan Kumar Dasari, Abdelwahed Motwakel (2018), Smart Traffic controller using Fuzzy logic, the International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering (IJARCCE).ISO 3297:2007 Certified.  Vol. 7, Issue 7, July 2018.
  13. Rasha Fakhri Khalil and Adnan Shaout (2018), Government Cloud System (GCS) for Jordan, the Asian Journal of Computer Science Engineering (AJCSE).
  14. Adnan Shaout and Brennan Crispin (2018), Using the MQTT Protocol in Real Time for Synchronizing IoT Device State, the International Arab Journal of Information Technology (IAJIT). 
  15. Mohamed K Yousif and Adnan Shaout (2018), Fuzzy Logic Computational Model for Performance Evaluation of Sudanese Universities and Academic Staff, the  Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences, Elsevier Publication. Volume 30, Issue 1, January 2018, Pages 80-119.
  16. Luis S獺nchez-P矇rez, Luis P S獺nchez-Fern獺ndez, Ph.D.; Adnan Shaout, Ph.D.; Sergio Su獺rez-Guerra, Ph.D (2018), Rest Tremor Quantification Based on Fuzzy Inference Systems and Wearable Sensors, International Journal of Medical Informatics 114 (2018) 617. Elsevier.
  17. Adnan Shaout and Cameron Smyth (2017), "Fuzzy zero day exploits detector system", International Journal of Advanced Computer Research (IJACR), Volume-7, Issue-31, July-2017 ,pp.154-163. DOI:10.19101/IJACR.2017.730022.   
  18. Adnan Shaout and Jason Cooper (2017), "Electric vehicle power electronics cooling system pump control using fuzzy logic", International Journal of Advanced Computer Research (IJACR), Volume-7, Issue-31, July-2017 ,pp.111-120. DOI:10.19101/ IJACR.2017.730019
  19. Adnan Shaout and Yang Yang (2017), Development of a Fuzzy Ammonia Slip Detection Controller for Use with HD SCR DEF Dosing Strategy, the International Journal of Advanced Computer Research (IJACR), Vol 7(30), ISSN (Print): 2249-7277 ISSN (Online): 2277-7970. 
  20. Al-Zewairi1, M.,Biltawi, M., Etaiwi, W. and Shaout, A.(2017), Agile Software Development Methodologies:Survey of Surveys, Journal of Computer and Communications, 5, 74-97.
  21. Abdelwahed Motwakel, Adnan Shaout and Gasm Elseed Ibrahim (2016), Dry Fingerprint Image Enhancement Using Fuzzy Morphology, the International Journal of Knowledge Engineering and Data Mining.
  22. Marwah Alian and Adnan Shaout (2016), Predicting Learners Styles Based On Fuzzy Model, the Education and Information Technologies, Springer Publication. 
  23. Rawan Ghnemat and Adnan Shaout (2016), Hybrid Fuzzy Neural Search Retrieval System, the International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems (IJEIS). Vol. 12 No. 3.
  24. Salam Hamdan and Adnan Shaout (2016), Hybrid Arabic Speech Recognition System Using FFT, Fuzzy Logic and Neural Network" the IRACST -International Journal of Computer Science, Information Technology, & Security (IJCSITS). Volume 6 Number 4 July-August 2016.
  25. Malak Osman and Adnan Shaout (2016), Pilgrim Communication Using Mobile Phones, Journal of Image and Graphics, Vol. 4, No. 1, June 2016.
  26. Adnan Shaout and Alaa Maher Altarazi (2016), An Intelligent System for Learning and Recognizing Symbols, the International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering.
  27. Adnan Shaout and Anthony Walker (2016), State of the Art: Benchmarking Microprocessors for Embedded Automotive Applications, the International Journal of Advanced Computer Research(IJACR). August, 2016. Vol 6(26)                                                                                                           ISSN (Print): 2249-7277   ISSN (Online): 2277-7970.
  28. Adam Bodenmiller, Adnan Shaout, and Zhivko Tyankov (2016), A Classified Advertisement Framework to Support Niche and other Targeted Markets, the International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems (IJEIS). Vol. 12 No. 3.
  29. Richard Mo and Adnan Shaout (2016), "Portable Facial Recognition Jukebox Using Fisherfaces (FRJ)", in International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA) Volume 7, Issue 3, March 2016. 
  30. Marwah Mustafa Alian, Dima Suleiman and Adnan Shaout (2016), "Regression Test Reduction Techniques - A Survey", in the International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA) Volume 7, Issue 5, May 2016.
  31. Salam Hamdan and Adnan Shaout (2016), "Face Recognition Using Neuro-Fuzzy and Eigenface", the International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE), ISSN(P): 2278-9960; ISSN(E): 2278-9979, Vol. 5, Issue 4, Jun - Jul 2016; 1-10. Impact Factor (JCC) - 2015: 4.6723; Index Copernicus Value (ICV) - 2015:3.0; NAAS Rating:1.89.
  32. Dana H Halabi and Adnan Shaout (2016), "Mutation Testing Tools for Java Programs A Survey", the International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering. International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE), ISSN(P): 2278-9960; ISSN(E): 2278-9979, Vol. 5, Issue 4, Jun - Jul 2016; 1-10. Impact Factor (JCC) - 2015: 4.6723; Index Copernicus Value (ICV) - 2015:3.0; NAAS Rating:1.89.
  33. Adnan Shaout and Shahzeb Khan (2016), AlHajj Hajj App for iOS, the International Islamic University Malaysia Engineering Journal (II蹤獲扦E), Vol. 17, No. 1, 2016.
  34. Malak Osman and Adnan Shaout (2016), "Identification & Tracking System Using Mobile Device Enabled NFC For Pilgrim", the International Journal of Industrial Control Systems Security (IJRFIDSC), Volume 4, Issue 2, ISBN 978-1-908320-34-6.
  35. Adnan Shaout, Ramsamir Ravath and Vaibhav Madalagi (2016), 360簞 Time Lapse - A New Leap in Time Lapsing with Rotation, International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering (An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization) Vol. 5, Issue 1, January 2016.
  36. Abdelwahed Motwakel and Adnan Shaout (2016), Fingerprint Image Quality Fuzzy System, the International Arab Journal of Information Technology (IAJIT). 
  37. Luis S獺nchez-P矇rez, Luis P S獺nchez-Fern獺ndez, Ph.D.; Adnan Shaout, Ph.D.; Sergio Su獺rez-Guerra, Ph.D (2016),Airport take-off noise assessment aimed to identify responsible aircraft classes, the Journal of  Science of the Total Environment,Volume 542, Part A, 15 January 2016, Pages 562577. 
  38. Omer Balola Ali, Adnan Shaout and Mohammed Elhafiz (2015), Two stage classifier for Arabic Handwritten Character Recognition, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering Vol. 4, Issue 12, December 2015.
  39. Adnan Shaout and Khurram Abbas (2015), "An Embedded Modbus Compliant  Interactive Operator Interface for a Variable Frequency Drive using RS 485", the International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA - ISSN 2156 5570) Volume 6 Issue 11, November 2015.
  40. Malak Osman and Adnan Shaout (2015), Overview of Mobile Help for Performing Hajj Rituals, the International Journal of Emerging Technology & Advanced Engineering (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal), Volume 5, Issue 10, October 2015.
  41. Luis S獺nchez-P矇rez, Luis P S獺nchez-Fern獺ndez, Ph.D.; Adnan Shaout, Ph.D.; Sergio Su獺rez-Guerra, Ph.D (2015), Multilayer Neural-Fuzzy Model for Aircraft Class Recognition Based on Signal Segmentation, submitted to the Journal of Pattern Recognition.
  42. Adnan Shaout and Adam Wilke (2015), Fuzzy Fan Controller Design and Simulation, submitted for the International Journal of Advanced Research in  Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering (An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization), Vol. 4, Issue 10, October 2015.
  43. Adnan Shaout and Anthony Walker (2015), The Art of Creating Software Requirements, the International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, ISBN:2278-1021. Vol. 4, Issue 9, September 2015, pages 227-233. 
  44. Adnan Shaout and Cassandra L. Ristovski (2015), Revising ResPCT to an Open-Source Software Lifecycle, the International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering 5 (9), September-2015. 
  45. Abdelsalam Obeidat; Adnan Shaouot; Atef Nsour; Nidal Al-Omari (2015), State of the Art: Vehicle-to-Vehicle Information Exchange, the International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security13.2 (Feb 2015): 40-53.
  46. Adnan Shaout and Dominic Colella (2015), Fuzzy System Model for Management of Driver Distractions in Motor Vehicles, International Journal of Advanced Networking and Applications Volume: 06 Issue: 06 Pages: 2520-2528.
  47. Wiem Mkaouer, Marouane Kessentini, Adnan Shaout, Patrice Koligheu, Slim Bechikh, Kalyanmoy Deb, Ali Ouni (2015): Many-Objective Software Remodularization Using NSGA-III. ACM Transaction on Software Engineering Methodology. 24(3): 17 (2015).
  48. Adnan Shaout and Jamal Waza (2015), Solutions to Automotive Software Engineering Challenges, the International Journal of Computer & Organization Trends (IJCOT), VolumeIssue January 2015. Impact Factor is 2.190.
  49. Omar Balola Ali and Adnan Shaout (2014), Isolated Arabic Handwritten Character Recognition: A survey, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering 5 (8), October 2014. Impact Factor is 2.080.
  50. Adnan Shaout and Cassandra Dusute (2014), Where Did General Motors Go Wrong with Ignition Switch Recall, the International Islamic University Malaysia Engineering Journal (II蹤獲扦EJ), Vol. 15, No. 2, 2014.
  51. Adnan Shaout and Cassandra Dusute (2014), Verification and Validation of Embedded Systems - The Good, the Bad and the Ordinary,&紳莉莽梯;International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering 4 (10), October 2014. Impact Factor is 2.080.
  52. Adnan Shaout and Raj Tonshal (2014), Real Time Driver Activity Index Detection Using Fuzzy Logic, the International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering (IJAREEIE) (An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization), Volume 3, Issue 9, September 2014. Impact Factor is 1.686.
  53. Malak Osman and Adnan Shaout (2014), Hajj Guide Systems - Past, Present and Future, the International Journal of Emerging Technology & Advanced Engineering (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal), Volume 4, Issue 8, August 2014.
  54. Adnan Shaout and Mohamed Khalid Yousif (2014), Performance Evaluation Methods and Techniques Survey, the International Journal of Computer and Information Technology (ISSN: 2279 0764), Volume 03 Issue 05, September 2014. Impact Factor is 0.687. 
  55. Iman Yousif and Adnan Shaout (2014), Off-line Handwriting Arabic Text Recognition: A Survey, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering 5 (8), September 2014. Impact Factor is 2.080.
  56. Abdelwahed Motwake and Adnan Shaout (2014), Fingerprint Image Enhancement and Quality Analysis A Survey, the International Journal of Computer Networks and Security. Impact Factor is 2.561.

74.  Adnan Shaout and Mohamed Khalid Yousif (2014), Employee Performance Appraisal System Using Fuzzy Logic, the International Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology (IJCSIT). Impact Factor is 0.421.

75.  Adnan Shaout and Dennis Breton (2014), Validation and Verification for Embedded System Design An Integrated Testing Process Approach, the International Journal of Computer and Organization Trends (IJCOT), ISSN: 2249-2593, Volume 10 Number 1 July issue, pages 19-36.  Impact Factor is 0.421. 

  1. Fouad Atoui and Adnan Shaout (2014), Building a Secure Dating Site with Instant Block Feature to Defy Predators, the International Journal of Internet and Web Technology, ISSN: 2051-6219, Vol.39, pages 1103-1110, issue1.  Impact Factor is 1.892.
  2. Adam E. Bodenmiller, Adnan K. Shaout (2014), A High-Level Cloud Architecture for Community Software as a Service (CSaaS), the SYLWAN journal, English edition, 158 (5), pages 210-219: Impact Factor is 0.263.
  3. Adnan Shaout and Ryan Banksto, (2014), Enterprise It Logging In The Cloud: Analysis And Approaches,&紳莉莽梯;International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE), Vol. 3, issue 2, pages 47-66, March 2014.  ISSN: 2278-9979; Impact Factor is 2.3176.
  4. and Shahzeb Khan, (2014), GroceryHub A Cloud Based App

Shared Grocery Lists for iOS,&紳莉莽梯;International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS) Volume 3, Issue 1, Pages 66-74, January February 2014. Impact Factor is 3.258.

  1. and Cassandra Dusute, (2013), ResPCT A new Software Engineering Method, International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) 12/2013; Volume 2(Issue 12): Page 436 442, Impact Factor: 2.379.
  2. (2013), Instrument Cluster Driver Information Display Database and Viewer Tool, International Journal of Advanced Computer Research 12/2013; Volume-3 Number-4(Issue-13):172-183, Impact Factor: 1.863.
  3. Adnan Shaout and S. Sreedharan (2013), Design of Adaptive Storage Networks using Genetic Algorithms,&紳莉莽梯;International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE), Vol. 2, issue 5, pages 21-32, November 2013.  ISSN (Online): 2278-9979; Impact Factor (JCC):2.3176.
  4. Adnan Shaout and Kevin McGirr (2013), Real-Time Systems in Automotive Applications: Vehicle Stability Control Electrical Engineering Research Vol. 1 Issue 4, October 2013.
  5. Joshua M. Krbez and Adnan Shaout (2013), Fuzzy Nutrition System,&紳莉莽梯;International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, Vol. 1, Issue 7, September 2013.
  6. Adnan Shaout and Juan C. Garcia (2013), Fuzzy Rule Base System for software Classification , the International Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology (IJCSIT) Vol 5, No 3, June 2013.
  7. Adnan Shaout and Jaldip Trivedi (2013), "Performance Appraisal System Using a Multistage Fuzzy Architecture" the International Journal of Computer and Information Technology (IJCIT), Volume 02 - Issue 03, May 2013.
  8. Adnan Shaout, Samir A. El-Seoud, Islam Taj-Eddin, and Kamel H.Shafaamri (2012), Dynamic Video Content Streaming, International Journal of Computer Applications, July 2012.
  9. Adnan Shaout and Ashok Madhuranath (2012), Flexible Intelligence Testing System (FITS) The Journal of Engineering Technology (JET), Vo.1, No.1, June 2012.
  10. Iyad Aldasouqi and Adnan Shaout, (2009), Earthquake Monitoring System Using Ranger Seismometer Sensor, International Journal of Geology Issue 3, Volume 3, 2009.
  11. Adnan Shaout and Chhaya, Tejas (2009), A new process model for embedded systems control for automotive industry, International Arab Journal of Information Technology, November 2009, volume 6, Number 5.
  12. Adnan Shaout and Hari Srinivasan, Framing Pervasive Computing,&紳莉莽梯;, 2009.
  13. Ahmad M. Sarhan, Adnan Shaout and Michele Shock, "Real-Time Connect 4 Game Using Artificial Intelligence," the Journal of Computer Science, 2009.
  14. O. Al-Jarrah and A. Shaout, AutomotiveVolume Control Using Fuzzy Logic, The Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, Volume 18, Number 4 / 2007   Pages: 329 343.
  15. Adnan Shaout, Brady King, and Luke Reisner, Real-Time Game Design of Pac-Man Using Fuzzy Logic The International Arab Journal of Information Technology,   Vol. 3,   No. 4,   October 2006.                                         
  16. Ali Elkateeb, Paul Richardson, Adnan Shaout, Afzal Hussain, and Mohammed Elbeshti, Scalable ATM network interface design using parallel RISC processors architecture the Journal of Microprocessors and Microsystems 28 (2004) 499-507.
  17. M. AL-Rousan and A. Shaout, "Closed-form Solution for Reliability of SCI-based Multiprocessor Systems Using Weibull Distribution and Self-healing Rings" the International Journal on Computers and Electrical Engineering,  , June 2004, Pages 309-329.

97.  A. Shaout, and Atif A. Nsour, Von-data Hybrid System Architecture,&紳莉莽梯;Malaysian Journal of Computer Science (MJCS), volume 16, number 2, December 2003.

98.  A. Shaout, T. Eldos, and Najamuz Zaman, "Scalable Autonic Processing Systems, the International Journal of Computer Application Technology, Volume 16, No. 1, 2003.

99.  A. Shaout, and T. Eldos, On the Classification of Computer Architecture the International Journal of Science and Technology, summer 2003, Vol. 14.

100.                 M. A. Jarrah, and A. Shaout, "Fuzzy Modular Autonomous Intelligent Control (AICC)", the journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems Applications in Engineering and Technology, Vol. 11, Nos. 3-4, 2001.

101.                 A. Shaout, Omar M. Al-Jarrah and Mohd AL-Rousan, "Fuzzy Test System for Low Level High Precision Signal Systems, the Computer Science & Information Management (CSIM), Vol. 4, No. 1, 2001.

102.                 A. Shaout and L. Colagiovanni, " a New Cache Memory Policy", the informatics and Engineering Journal, Taiwan, Vol. 17 No. 5, 2001.

103.                 A. Shaout, and Charles Mallon, "Automotive Airbag Technology Past, Present, and Future", the International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, Vol. 13, Nos. 3-5, 2000.

104.                 A. Shaout and Jeff Scharboneau, " Neural Network Back propagation Training Algorithm Using Fuzzy Logic", the computer and electrical engineering international journal, 26(2000) 126-139.

105.                 A. Shaout and P. McAuliffe, "Fuzzy Load Balancing in an Industrial Distributed System for Job Scheduling", the Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 8 (2000) 191-199.

106.                 A. Shaout, E. Al-Hujazi, and F. Yamaoka "Multiple Classifier Combination System using Fuzzy Theory" the Abhath Al-Yarmouk Journal - Pure science and engineering series, Vol. 9, No. 1, 2000.

107.                 M. A. Jarrah, A. Shaout "Automatic Braking System using Fuzzy Logic" the Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, Volume 7, issue 1, January 1999.

108.                 A. Shaout and P. McAuliffe, "Job Scheduling Using Fuzzy Balancing Distributed System", IEE Electronic Letters, issue 20, volume 34, October/1998.

109.                 A. Shaout and M. Al-Shammari "Fuzzy Logic Modeling for Performance Appraisal Systems" The journal of Expert Systems with Applications, Volume 14, No. 3, 1998, pp. 323-328.

110.                 A. Shaout, P. Pietrzyk, "A Priority Buffer Insertion Ring Protocol for LANs", the International Journal of Modeling & Simulation, Volume 18, No. 1, 1998.

111.                 A. Shaout, and A. Quail "Application of Fuzzy Logic in Household Appliances" the International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, Vol. 10, Nos. 5/6, 1997

112.                 A. Shaout, and M. A. Jarrah "Cruise Control Technology Review" the Computer & Electrical Engineering International Journal, Vol. 23, No. 4, pp. 259 - 271, 1997

113.                 A. Shaout, "Memoryless Iterative Algorithm for Pipelined Evaluation of Trigonometric Functions", the Saudi Computer Journal, Volume 1, No. 2, 1997.

114.                 A. Shaout, "An Optimal Replacement Policy for Multiprocessor Environment", the International Journal of Modeling & Simulation, Nov., 1992, Vol. 12 No. 3.

115.                 A. Shaout, T. Viergever, "Memoryless Pipelined Trigonometric Processor", IEE Electronic Letters, 30th July 1992. Vol. 28 No. 16.

116.                 A. Shaout, M. Suk, "A Distance Measure for Attributed Fuzzy Tournaments", IEE Proceedings - Computer and Digital Techniques, Vol. 139, No. 5, September 1992.

117.                 P. Pietrzyk, A. Shaout, "A New Message Based Priority Buffer Insertion Ring Protocol", IEE Electronic Letters, 7th November 1991.

118.                 A. Shaout, D. Smyth, "Performance Estimation of Semi-Random Data Transfer within a Directed Hypercube Interconnection Network", the IEE Proceedings-E, Computers and Digital Techniques, July, 1991.

119.                 A. Shaout, "On Matching Attributed Fuzzy Graphs in Scene Analysis", the International Journal of Science and Technology, fall 1990 Volume 3, Number 2.

120.                 Colagiovanni, A. Shaout, "Cache Memory Replacement Policy for a Uniprocessor System", IEE Electronic Letters, 14th April 1990, Vol. 26, No. 8.

121.                 A. Shaout, M. A. Jarrah "Self-Tuning Fuzzy Logic Controller for the Automatic Calibration of Evaporative Purge" the Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems.

122.                 Minsoo Suk, , "Matching attributed fuzzy graphs and applications in scene analysis", (2): 110 (1988).

Full List of Refereed Conference Publication

  1. Jiho Han and Adnan Shaout, ENACT-Heart - ENsemble-based Assessment Using CNN and Transformer on Heart Sounds, to be presented at the DigiHealth.KEE2024 conference, Abu Dhabi, UAE, September 24-26, 2024.
  2. Adnan Shaout, Amit Mandhane and Fernando Zetina, Embedded IoT Flowerpot Irrigation System, the IEEE, the 23rd the International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT'2023) which is organized by Ajman University, UAE, December 6-8, 2023. 
  3. Abdel-Rahman Shaout, Mohamed Zohdy and Adnan Shaout, Compartmentalization: A Solution for UAV Challenges, the IEEE, the 23rd the International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT'2023) which is organized by Ajman University, UAE, December 6-8, 2023.
  4. Adnan Shaout, Nicole Png and Ziang Li, Concrete Crack Detection: Fuzzy Logic Vs Neural Network, the IEEE, the 23rd the International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT'2023) which is organized by Ajman University, UAE, December 6-8, 2023.
  5. Adnan Shaout and JiHo Han, A Novel Retinal Image Contrast Enhancement Fuzzy Based Method, the IEEE, the 23rd the International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT'2023) which is organized by Ajman University, UAE, December 6-8, 2023.
  6. Adnan Shaout and Sarah Overbeck, The Past Present and Future of Robotic Systems in Automotive Applications, proceedings of the IEEE, the 23rd the International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT'2022) which is organized by Al- Ain University, UAE, November 22-24, 2022.
  7. Adnan Shaout, Abdelrahman Shaout and Sadhvi Ajit Varagiri, ADAS Technology Classifications Using a Modified Agile Process, proceedings of the IEEE, the 23rd the International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT'2022) which is organized by Al- Ain University, UAE, November 22-24, 2022.
  8. Adnan Shaout and Brian Wiec, Design of a Software-Defined Multi-Channel Function Generator, proceedings of the IEEE, the 23rd the International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT'2022) which is organized by Al- Ain University, UAE, November 22-24, 2022.
  9. Abir Bazzi, Di Ma and Adnan Shaout, "Secure Software Update in Automotive Modern Software Architecture" the proceedings of the 2022 Women in Semiconductor Hardware (WISH) Conference held at the Santa Clara Convention Center in Santa Clara, CA, September 13, 2022.
  10. Adnan Shaout, Nidhi Shah and Sneka Dhandapani, Secure Smart Lock System Utilizing the MQTT Protocol, the proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Information and Communication Systems (ICICS 2022) June 21-23, 2022 Irbid, Jordan.
  11. Mohamed Alkhadashi and Adnan Shaout, A Roadmap for intelligent HVAC control in Vehicle Cabin, proceedings of the IEEE 2021 22nd International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT) at Department of Information Study, College of Arts and Social Sciences, Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Al-khoud, Oman, December 21- 23, 2021.
  12. Adnan Shaout and Shanmukha Pattela, Model Based Approach for Automotive Embedded Systems, proceedings of the IEEE 2021 22nd International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT) at Department of Information Study, College of Arts and Social Sciences, Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Al-khoud, Oman, December 21- 23, 2021.
  13. Adnan Shaout and Max Theisen, State of the Art - Smart Doorbell Systems, proceedings of the IEEE 2021 International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT) at Department of Information Study, College of Arts and Social Sciences, Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Al-khoud, Oman, December 21- 23, 2021.
  14. Adnan Shaout, Benjamin Roytburd and Luis Alejandro Sanchez-Perez, An Embedded Deep Learning Computer Vision Method for Driver Distraction Detection, proceedings of the IEEE 2021 22nd International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT) at Department of Information Study, College of Arts and Social Sciences, Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Al-khoud, Oman, December 21- 23, 2021, pp. 1-7, doi: 10.1109/ACIT53391.2021.9677045.
  15. Adnan Shaout and Nathan Schmidt, Keystroke Identifier Using Fuzzy Logic to Increase Password Security, the proceedings of the International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT) at Misr University for Science & Technology 6th of October city, Egypt, November 28-30, 2020.
  16. Adnan Shaout and Ali Hassani, An Intelligent Real Time Road Sign System, proceedings of the IEEE 2019 International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT) at Al Ain University in the period of 3rd Dec 2019 - 5th Dec 2019.
  17. Adnan Shaout and Udit Gami, Sentiment Analysis of Yelp using Advanced V Model, proceedings of the IEEE 2019 International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT) at Al Ain University in the period of 3rd Dec 2019 - 5th Dec 2019. 
  18. Nevrus Kaja, Adnan Shaout and Di Ma, Fuzzy Based Threat Assessment Model (FTAM), proceedings of the IEEE 2019 International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT) at Al Ain University in the period of 3rd Dec 2019 - 5th Dec 2019.
  19. Adnan Shaout and Nathan Schmidt, Bee Hive Monitor, proceedings of the IEEE 2019 International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT) at Al Ain University in the period of 3rd Dec 2019 - 5th Dec 2019.
  20. Adnan Shaout and Brennan Crispin, Markov Augmented Neural Networks for Streaming Video Classification, proceedings of the IEEE 2019 International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT) at Al Ain University in the period of 3rd Dec 2019 - 5th Dec 2019.
  21. A. Shaout, D. Mysuru and K. Raghupathy, "CAN Sniffing for Vehicle Condition, Driver Behavior Analysis and Data Logging," proceedings of the IEEE 2018 International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT), Werdanye, Lebanon, 2018, pp. 1-6. doi: 10.1109/ACIT.2018.8672721. 
  22. A. Shaout and B. Crispin, "Cloud Based System for Detecting Children in Automobiles," proceedings of the IEEE 2018 International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT), Werdanye, Lebanon, 2018, pp. 1-6. doi: 10.1109/ACIT.2018.8672724.
  23. N. Kaja and A. Shaout, "CCTM - Cloud Computing Trust Model," proceedings of the IEEE 2018 International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT), Werdanye, Lebanon, 2018, pp. 1-6. doi: 10.1109/ACIT.2018.8672583.
  24. Mariam Biltawi, Wael Etaiwi, Adnan Shaout, and Sara Tedmori (2018), Fuzzy based Sentiment Classification in the Arabic Language, the IEEE Technically Sponsored Intelligent Systems Conference (IntelliSys) 2018, 6-7 September 2018 in London, United Kingdom.
  25. Nevrus Kaja, Adnan Shaout and Di Ma (2017), A Two-Stage Intrusion Detection Intelligent System, proceedings of the IEEE 2017 International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT2017), Tunis, December 22-24, 2017.
  26. Adnan Shaout and Brennan Crispin (2017), Real Time Hardware System for Synchronizing IoT Device State using the MQTT Protocol, proceedings of the IEEE 2017 International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT2017), Tunis, December 22-24, 2017.
  27. Adnan Shaout and Spencer G. Scott (2017), IoT Fuzzy Logic Aquaponics Monitoring and Control Hardware Real-Time System, proceedings of the IEEE 2017 International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT2017), Tunis, December 22-24, 2017.
  28. Adnan Shaout, Nevrus Kaja and Omid Dehzangi (2017), Two Stage Intelligent Automotive System to Detect and Classify a Traffic Light, proceedings of the IEEE 2017 International Conference on New Trends in Computing Sciences (ICTCS 2017), October 11-14, 2017, Jordan.
  29. Mehdi Mohammadi and Adnan Shaout (2017), Reconfigurable Implementation of Fuzzy Inference System Using FPGA, proceedings of the IEEE 2017 International Conference on New Trends in Computing Sciences (ICTCS 2017), October 11-14, 2017, Jordan.
  30. Adnan Shaout and Malak Osman (2017), Towards Developing an Intelligent HAJJ Guide system, proceedings of the IEEE 8th International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT), Amman, Jordan, May 17-18, 2017.
  31. Adnan Shaout and Victoria Yanez Mayo (2017), Model Tire Pressure Sensor ID Learning Method using Fuzzy Logic, proceedings of the IEEE 8th International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT), Amman, Jordan, May 17-18, 2017.
  32. Adnan Shaout and Ibrahim Alafeef (2016), Android App for Muslims Daily Activities, proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Islamic Applications in Computer Science and Technologies (IMAN 2016), Khartoum, Sudan, 20 22 December 2016.
  33. Mohamed Khalid Yousif and Adnan Shaout (2016), Fuzzy Logic Computational Model for Islamic Websites Evaluation, proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Islamic Applications in Computer Science and Technologies (IMAN 2016), Khartoum, Sudan, 20 22 December 2016.
  34. Malak Osman, Adnan Shaout and Abdelwahed Motwakel (2016), Locating Pilgrims during Hajj Using Fuzzy Logic and Mobile Sensor Networks, proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Islamic Applications in Computer Science and Technologies (IMAN 2016), Khartoum, Sudan, 20 22 December 2016.
  35. Abdelwahed Motwake, Adnan Shaout and Malak Osman (2016), Fingerprint Intelligent System for Servicing the Holy Sites in Saudi Arabia, proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Islamic Applications in Computer Science and Technologies (IMAN 2016), Khartoum, Sudan, 20 22 December 2016.
  36. Omar Balola Ali and Adnan Shaout (2016), A Hybrid Recognition System for Islamic Annotation and Historical Arabic Handwritten Manuscripts, proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Islamic Applications in Computer Science and Technologies (IMAN 2016), Khartoum, Sudan, 20 22 December 2016.
  37. Abdelwahed Motwakel and Adnan Shaout (2016), Oily Fingerprint Image Enhancement Using Fuzzy Morphology, proceedings of the 2016 International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT2016) proceedings, Sultan Moulay Slimane University, Beni-Mellal, Morocco, December 6-8, 2016.
  38. Omar Balola Ali and Adnan Shaout (2016), Hybrid Arabic Handwritten Character Recognition Using PCA and ANFIS, proceedings of the 2016 International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT2016) proceedings, Sultan Moulay Slimane University, Beni-Mellal, Morocco, December 6-8, 2016.
  39. Marwah Alian and Adnan Shaout (2016), Fuzzy-Logic Based Learners Style Prediction System, proceedings of the 2016 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (IEEE SSCI 2016) held in Athens, Greece. December 6-9, 2016.
  40. Malek Al-Zewairi, Dima Suleiman and Adnan Shaout (2016), Multilevel Fuzzy Inference System for Risk Adaptive Hybrid RFID Access Control System, proceedings of the Cybersecurity and Cyber Forensics Conference (CCC 16) at the University of Jordan, Jordan August 2-4, 2016. 
  41. Malak Osman and Adnan Shaout (2016), Sign Language Communication Aid for Pilgrims, proceeding of the 2016 5th International Conference on Computer Technology and Science (ICCTS 2016), Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei on June 1-3, 2016.
  42. Husein Dakroub, Adnan Shaout and Arafat Awajan (2016), Connected Car Architecture and Virtualization, the proceedings of the SAE conference in Detroit, April 12-14, 2016.
  43. Mohamed Khalid Yousif and Adnan Shaout (2016), Fuzzy Logic Model Design for Performance Evaluation of Sudanese Universities & Academic Staff, proceedings of the Sixth International Arab Conference on Quality Assurance in Higher Education (IACQA' 2016), Sudan University of Science and Technology, Sudan, February 9-12, 2016.
  44. Mohamed Khalid Yousif and Adnan Shaout (2016), Fuzzy Consistency Algorithm for Performance Evaluation of Sudanese Universities, proceedings of the Sixth International Arab Conference on Quality Assurance in Higher Education (IACQA' 2016), Sudan University of Science and Technology, Sudan, February 9-12, 2016.
  45. Adnan Shaout, Nevrus Kaja and Selim Awad (2015), A Smart Traffic Sign Recognition System , the 11th International Computer Engineering Conference (ICENCO), December 29-30, 2015, Giza, Egypt.
  46. Adnan Shaout, Karen Juzswik, Kiet Nguyen and Heather Peurasaari (2015), Agricultural Monitoring System: A System for Data Collection in Remote Areas, the 11th International Computer Engineering Conference (ICENCO), December 29-30, 2015, Giza, Egypt.
  47. Adnan Shaout and Abdur Rafay Mir (2015), A Mobile Application for Safer-Intelligent Driving and Vehicle Preventive Maintenance Using Vehicle OBD Data, the 2015 International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT2015) proceedings, Jordan, December 13-15, 2015.
  48. Adnan Shaout and Gamal Waza (2015), Ideal Software Architecture for the Automotive Industry, the 2015 International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT2015) proceedings, Jordan, December 13-15, 2015.
  49. Adnan Shaout and Husein Dakroub (2015), Smart Sump-Pump Using Fuzzy Logic Controller, the 2015 International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT2015) proceedings, Jordan, December 13-15, 2015.
  50. Abdelwahed Motwakel and Adnan Shaout (2015), Fingerprint Image Quality Analysis Using Fuzzy Logic Technique, the 2015 International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT2015) proceedings, Jordan, December 13-15, 2015.
  51. Malak Osman, Adnan Shaout (2015), "Using Fuzzy Logic for Localization in Mobile Sensor Networks", the 9th IEEE International Conference on Application of Information and Communication Technologies (AICT2015) , Rostov Region, Russia. , 14-16 October 2015.
  52. Ali Alao, Adnan Shaout, Malak Osman (2015), Tawaf Counting, the proceedings of the 3nd International Conference on Islamic Applications in Computer Science and Technology (IMAN 2015) 1-3 October 2015 Konya, Turkey.
  53. Malak Osman, Adnan Shaout and M.  Mohandes (2015), Easy Hajj Applications Track & Educate Pilgrims, proceedings of the 3nd International Conference on Islamic Applications in Computer Science and Technology (IMAN 2015) 1-3 October 2015 Konya, Turkey.
  54. Nevrus Kaja, and Adnan Shaout (2015), Robust Hardware Security for Cloud Computing, the 24th USENIX Security Symposium will be held August 12-14, 2015, in Washington, D.C.
  55. Malak Osman and Adnan Shaout (2015), Pilgrim Communication Using Mobile Phones, the proceedings of the ICCTS 2015, Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei June 2015.
  56. Malak Osman and Adnan Shaout (2015), Towards Developing an Intelligent Hajj Guide System Pilgrim Tracking and Identification Using Mobile Phones, proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT2015), Amman, Jordan May 2015.
  57. Adnan Shaout, Dennis Breton and Salim Awad (2014), Fuzzy Diagnostic Gear Determination, proceedings of the 10th international computer engineering conference, December 29-30, 2014, Giza, Egypt. 
  58. Adnan Shaout , Yulong Li, Mohan Zhou and Salim Awad (2014), Low Cost Embedded Weather Station with Intelligent System, proceedings of the 10th international computer engineering conference, December 29-30, 2014, Giza, Egypt.
  59. Fouad Atoui and Adnan Shaout (2014), A Secure Cloud Based Architecture for a Muslim Spouse Search Website proceedings of the 2014 International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT2014), Oman, December 9-11, 2014.
  60. Adnan Shaout, Nevrus Kaja and Mikhail Borovikov (2014), Security Solution for Cloud Computing Using a Hardware Implementation of AES proceedings of the 2014 International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT2014), Oman, December 9-11, 2014.
  61. Ali Alameen and Adnan Shaout (2014), A Sample Fuzzy Arabic Document Clustering proceedings of the 2014 International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT2014), Oman, December 9-11, 2014.
  62. Adnan Shaout, J. Alan Gleichman and S. Awad (2013), A Device for Logging Student Drivers Experience, proceedings of the 9th international computer engineering conference, December 29-30, 2013, Giza, Egypt.
  63. Adnan Shaout, Ryan McGee, and S. Awad (2013), An Embedded Fuzzy Logic Prediction Cruise Control System,&紳莉莽梯;proceedings of the 8th international computer engineering conference, December 29-30, 2012, Giza, Egypt.
  64. Adnan K. Shaout and John N. Vangelov (2012), Cloud Based Module Configuration, proceedings of the ACIT'2012.  Zarqa University, JordanDecember 10-13, 2012.
  65. Adnan Shaout and Sreekant Sreedharan, Fault-Tolerant Storage System for Cloud Datacenters proceedings of the ACIT'2012.  Zarqa University, JordanDecember 10-13, 2012.
  66. Adnan K. Shaout and Adam E. Bodenmiller, A Mobile Application for Monitoring Inefficient and Unsafe Driving Behaviour, proceedings of the 2011 International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT2011), Saudi Arabia, December 11-14, 2011.
  67. Basem El-Haik and Adnan Shaout, The Employment of Axiomatic Design in Software Engineering: A Software Development Conceptual Framework, proceedings of the 2011 International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT2011), Saudi Arabia, December 11-14, 2011.
  68. Adnan Shaout, Dominic Colella, S. Awad, Advanced Driver Assistance Systems - Past, Present and Future,&紳莉莽梯;the proceedings of the 7th international computer engineering conference, December 27-28, 2011, Giza, Egypt.
  69. Adnan Shaout, Dan Miller and Selim Awad, Flexible Paging Algorithm Simulator (FPAS),&紳莉莽梯;proceedings of the 6th international computer engineering conference, December 27-28, 2010, Giza, Egypt.
  70. Adnan Shaout, Monika Arora, and Selim Awad, Automotive Software Development and Management, proceedings of the sixth international computer engineering conference, December 27-28, 2010, Giza, Egypt.
  71. Adnan Shaout, and Jeff Sterniak, Neural and Fuzzy Methods for Handwritten Character Recognition, proceedings of the 2010 International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT2010), Libya, December 14-16, 2010.
  72. Dean T. Winiewski, and Adnan K. Shaout, Fuzzy Logic applied to Regen Enhanced Eco-Routing of Automobiles, proceedings of the 2010 International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT2010), Libya, December 14-16, 2010.
  73. Adnan Shaout, Maia Broadway and Selim Awad, Power Aware System Design, proceedings of the 5th international computer engineering conference, December 27-28, 2009, Giza, Egypt.
  74. Ala' F. Khalifeh, Ali H. El-Mousa and Adnan Shaout, A Telemedicine Video Conferencing System: Implementation Challenges and Solutions,&紳莉莽梯;proceedings of the International Conference on Information and Communication Systems, December 20 - 22, 2009, Amman, Jordan.
  75. Adnan Shaout, Samir Abou El-Seoud and Kamel Hussein Shafaamri, Adaptive Video Content Streaming (AVCS), proceedings of the International Conference on Information and Communication Systems, December 20 - 22, 2009, Amman, Jordan.
  76. Adnan Shaout, Ali H. El-Mousa and Khalid Mattar, "Specification and Modeling of HW/SW CO-Design for Heterogeneous Embedded", the proceedings of the 2009 International Conference of Computer Science and Engineering ICCSE09, UK, July 1-3, 2009.
  77. Adnan Shaout, Gheith Abandah, Maia Johnson, and Shang-Yeu Chang, "Routing Algorithms for Network-on-Chip in Tile-Based Multiprocessor Templates", the proceedings of the Mosharaka International Conference on Communications, Propagation and Electronics, Jordan, February 6-8, 2009. 
  78. Adnan Shaout and Tejas Chhaya, A new process model for embedded systems control in Automotive Industry, the proceedings of the 2008 International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT2008), Tunis, December 16-18, 2008.
  79. Adnan Shaout, Khalid Mattar, and A. Elkateeb, An Ideal API for RTOS Modeling at the System Abstraction Level, proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Symposium on Mechatronics and its Applications (ISMA08), Jordan, May 27-29, 2008.
  80. Ali El Kateeb and Adnan Shaout, Teaching Introductory Course in VLSI for Graduate Level Program, proceedings of the fifth IEEE International Symposium on Mechatronics and its Applications (ISMA08), Jordan, May 27-29, 2008.
  81. Ali El Kateeb and Adnan Shaout, An Open Platform for Developing Next-Generation Sensor Networks Applications proceedings of the 2006 International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT2006), Jordan, December 19-21, 2006.
  82. Adnan Shaout and Sarah Sikandar, Distributed Real Time tasks in MANETs proceedings of the 2005 International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT2005), Jordan, December 6-8, 2005.
  83. A. Shaout, Brady King, and Luke Reisner, Fuzzy Based Approach to Intelligent Game Design, proceedings of the 2005 International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT2005), Jordan, December 6-8, 2005.
  84. Adnan Shaout, and Rich Schupbach, Infrared (IR) Wireless Remote Control of the iPod Digital Music Player proceedings of the 2004 International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT2004), Algeria, December 12-15, 2004.
  85. Adnan Shaout, and Firasat Husaini, Distributed Computing with Bluetooth, the proceedings of the 2004 International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT2004), Algeria, December 12-15, 2004.
  86. Kiumi Akingbehin, Nilesh Patel, Paul Richardson, David Yoon, Hasina Abdu, Jie Shen, and Adnan Shaout, A Hybrid Wireless Harness for Automotive Applications, proceedings of the 3rd Annual International Conference on Computer and Information Science (ICIS 2004) Omni hotel, Los Angeles, U.S.A., August 18 - 19, 2004.
  87. Adnan K. Shaout, , : A Fuzzy Data Mining System for Medical Records. : 376-381.
  88. AShaout and M. Al-Bzoor, Bluetooth Integrated with in Vehicle Bussing System to Provide in Vehicle Applications,&紳莉莽梯;proceedings of the 2003 International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT2003), Alexandria, Egypt, December 20th-23rd, 2003.
  89. A. Shaout and H. Hashim, The Design of the PANDA Intermediate Format, proceedings of the 2002 International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT2002), Doha, Qatar, December 16th-19th, 2002.H. Hashim and A. Shaout, Developing Multi-Platform Ready Software Application using PANDA, proceedings of the ICCTA, Alexandria, Egypt, August 2002.
  90. O. M. Al-Jarrah, and A. Shaout, Intelligent Automotive Volume Control, the proceedings of the 2001 International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT2001), Irbid, Jordan, November 13th-15th, 2001.
  91. A. Shaout, and T. Eldos, Scalable Automotive Processing Systems, proceedings of the 2001 International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT2001), Irbid, Jordan, November 13th-15th, 2001.
  92. A. Shaout, N. N, and P. Watta, Enhancing the Digital Systems Courses with Modern Design Tools and Practices, proceedings of Annual ASME conference, NM, June, 2001.
  93. A. Shaout and M. Jarrah "Fuzzy Four Wheel Drive Controller", the IEEE proceedings of the 43rd Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, August/2000.
  94. A. Shaout, O. Jarrah and M. Al-Rousan, "Fyzzy test System", the IEEE proceedings of the 43rd Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, August/2000.
  95. A. Shaout, P. Dwivedi, and A. Kiumi, "Fuzzy Search Techniques for Binary-Valued Network Data", proceedings of the SNPD '00 conference to be held at the University of Reims, France, May 18-21, 2000.
  96. A. Shaout, M. Jarrah, and K. Kiumi, "Fuzzy Modular Autonomous Intelligent Cruise Control (AICC) System", proceedings of the ASTED International Conference on Modeling and Simulation, May 12-15, Pittsburgh, 2000.
  97. Adnan K. Shaout, : Fuzzy load balancing in a distributed system. : 362-365.
  98. A. Shaout, and M. Al-Shammari, "Fuzzy Modeling for Performance Appraisal Systems", proceedings of the International Association of Science and Technology for Development (IASTED) conference, March 30 - April 2 1998, Irbid, Jordan.
  99. A. Shaout, and Y. Zhou, "Fuzzy Load Sharing Algorithms in Distributed Real-Time Systems", proceedings of the International Association of Science and Technology for Development (IASTED) conference, March 30 - April 2 1998, Irbid, Jordan.
  100. A. Shaout, and Paul Watta, "A New Graduate Course on Fuzzy Subsets and Engineering Applications", proceedings of the north central section of the American society for engineering education (ASEE) 1998 spring (April 3 -4) conference in Detroit, Michigan.
  101. A. Shaout, and Paul Watta, "A New Digital Logic Design Laboratory Course Sequence", proceedings of the north central section of the American society for engineering education (ASEE) 1998 spring (April 3 - 4) conference in Detroit, Michigan.
  102. A. Shaout, and M. A. Jarrah, "Fuzzy Logic Controller for Calibration of Evaporative Purge", proceedings of the ASTED International Conference on Modeling and Simulation, April 27-29 1996, Pittsburgh, Pa.
  103. A. Shaout, and I. Hwa, "Vehicle Steering Fuzzy Controller", ICP95 proceedings, May, Detroit, 1995.
  104. D. Milot, and A. Shaout, "Adaptive Fuzzy Control Strategy for Automotive Applications", ICP95 proceedings, May, Detroit, 1995.
  105. A. Shaout, and C. Boewe, "Fuzzy Cache Algorithm", proceedings of the ASTED International Conference on Modeling and Simulation, April 27-29, Pittsburgh, 1995.
  106. A. Shaout, and J. Scharboneau, "Fuzzy Optimization of the Neural Network Back Propagation Training Algorithm", proceedings of the ASTED International Conference on Modeling and Simulation, April 27-29, Pittsburgh, 1995.
  107. F. Yamaoka, Yi Lu, Adnan Shaout and M. Shridhar "Integration of Handwritten Digit Recognition Results using Evidential Reasoning," The Fourth International Workshop on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition, December 7-9, Taiwan, pp. 456-460, 1994.
  108. N. Al-Holou, D. S. Joo, and A. Shaout, "The Development of Fuzzy Logic Controller for Semi-Active Suspension System", The IEEE proceedings of the 37th Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, August/94.
  109. A. Shaout, M. Shridhar, J. Miller, and T. Peatee, "A Fuzzy Algorithm for Reconstructing Regions of Image Drop_Out in Images of Shattered Glass", the IEEE proceedings of the 36th Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, August 16 - 18, Detroit, 1993.
  110. A. Shaout and J. T. McDonough III, "Fuzzy System Identification Using Rule_Based Models", the IEEE proceedings of the 36th Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, August 16 - 18, Detroit, 1993.
  111. A. Shaout, A. Cherri, and J. Cotner, "Fuzzy Route Choice: An Enhancement to Future Automotive Navigation Systems", the IEEE proceedings of the 36th Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, August 16 - 18, Detroit, 1993.
  112. A. K. Cherri and A. Shaout, "Multi_Bit Parallel Digital Adder Using a Symmetric Recorded Modified Signed_Digit Numbers", the IEEE proceedings of the 36th Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, August 16 - 18, Detroit, 1993.
  113. K. Abani, K. Akingbehin, and A. Shaout, "Fuzzy Decision Making for Load Balancing in a Distributed System", the IEEE proceedings of the 36th Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, August 16 - 18, Detroit, 1993.
  114. G. Gumkowski, and A. Shaout, "Reconfigurable Automotive Display System", SAE Technical paper series 930456, March/1993, Detroit.
  115. A. Shaout, and A. Quail, "A Fuzzy Controller for a Smart Aquarium", International Fuzzy Systems and Intelligent Control Conferences, January/1993.
  116. A. Shaout, A. Quail, "State of the Art in Household Appliances Using Fuzzy Controllers", the proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Industrial Applications of Fuzzy Control and Intelligent Systems, December 2-4, Texas, 1992.
  117. A. Shaout, P. Kueber, "Torque Converter Modeling Clutch Controller Using Fuzzy Logic", the proceedings of the International Symposium on Robotics and Manufacturing, November 9-10, 1992.
  118. R. Baraszu, A. Shaout, "An Adaptive Fuzzy Logic Controller for an Automobile Suspension System", the proceedings of the International Symposium on Robotics and Manufacturing, November 9-10, 1992.
  119. A. Shaout, T. Stojevich, E. Orady, S. Orady, "A Design of an Architecture for Real-Time Distributed Processing Applications", the proceedings of the Second IASTED International Conference on Computer Applications in Industry, Alexandria, Egypt, May 5-7, 1992.
  120. A. Shaout, P. Pietryzk, "A New Message Based Priority Buffer Insertion Ring Protocol for LAN", the proceedings of the Second IASTED International Conference on Computer Applications in Industry, Alexandria, Egypt, May 5-7, 1992.
  121. A. Shaout, A. Arvanitis, "A Register Transfer Language (RTL) Design and Simulation Package Developed for Microcomputers", the proceedings of the 23rd Modeling and Simulation Conference, May 1, Pittsburgh, PA, 1992.
  122. A. Shaout, T. Viergever, "Modeling and Simulation of a Parallel Memoryless Method of Arc Cosine Computation", the proceedings of the 23rd Modeling and Simulation Conference, May 1, Pittsburgh, PA, 1992.
  123. A. Shaout, T. Viergever, "Fuzzy Trigonometric Functions: Properties and Simulation", the proceedings of the 23rd Modeling and Simulation           Conference, May 1, Pittsburgh, PA, 1992.
  124. A. Shaout, L. Colagiovanni, "A Location Policy Cache Memory Control Design", the proceedings of the ISMM International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems, Washington, Oct. 1991.
  125. A. Shaout, T. Viergever, "Parallel Algorithms for Deriving Trigonometric Functions", the proceedings of the ISMM International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems, Washington, Oct. 1991.
  126. A. Shaout, D. Smyth, "Dataflow Model for a Hypercube Multiprocessing Network", the proceeding of the 20th Annual Conference on Parallel Processing, August 12-16, 1991, DuPage County, ILL.
  127. A. Shaout, P. Dwivedi, "Application of Search Techniques in a Fuzzy Domain", the Proceedings for NAFIPS-91, May 15-17, Columbia, Missouri.
  128. A. Shaout, R. Bolduc, "Simulation of a new Architecture for Real-Time Distributed Processing", the proceedings of the 22nd Annual Pittsburgh Conference on Modeling and Simulation, May 2-3, 1991.
  129. A. Shaout, E. Orady, "Modeling and Simulation of a new Memory Replacement Policy for Computerized Manufacturing Systems" the proceedings of the 22nd Annual Pittsburgh Conference on Modeling and Simulation, May 2-3, 1991,
  130. A. Shaout, "Simulation for Data Flow Transfer Model within Hypercube Network" the proceedings of the 22nd Annual Pittsburgh Conference on Modeling and Simulation, May 2-3, 1991.
  131. A. Shaout, D. Smyth, "A Pipeline Algorithm for Deriving Trigonometric Functions", the proceedings of the 22nd Annual Pittsburgh Conference on Modeling and Simulation, May 2-3, 1991.
  132. E. Orady, A. Shaout, "Computer Assisted Tools for Simultaneous Engineering", the proceedings for IPC90, April, Detroit, 1991.
  133. A. Shaout, "Image Analysis: Using Attributed Fuzzy Tournament Matching Algorithm" the Proceedings for the SPIE Intelligent Robot and Computer Vision IX Conference, Nov. 4-9, Boston, MA, 1990.
  134. A. Shaout, "On Handwritten Alpha-Numeric Arabic Character Recognition Using Attributed Fuzzy Tournaments", the proceedings for the Annual Association for Muslim Scientists and Engineers Conference, Detroit, MI, Oct. 26-28, 1990.
  135. A. Shaout, A. Juhasz, "Adaptive Routing in Wormhole Interconnected Networks", the proceedings of the 12th National Computer Conference and Exhibition, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia, Oct. 21-24, 1990.
  136. A. Shaout, R. Bolduc, "A New Architecture for Real-Time Distributed Processing", the proceedings of the 12th National Computer Conference and Exhibition, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia, Oct. 21-24, 1990.
  137. A. Shaout, K. Akingbehin, "Path Driven Learning for Neural Networks", the proceedings for the IASTED International Symposium Machine          Learning and Neural Networks, New York, NY, Oct. 10-11, 1990.
  138. A. Shaout, D. Smyth, "Optimal Space-Array Partitioning for Distributed Memory Hypercube Multicomputers", the proceedings of the ISMM Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems, New York, NY, Oct. 10-12, 1990.
  139. A. Shaout, S. Foss, "Self-Correcting Programmable Logic Array", the proceedings of the ISMM Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems, New York, NY, Oct. 10-12, 1990.
  140. A. Shaout, K. Akingbehin, "Neural Network Communication Using Wormhole Techniques" the proceedings of the ISMM Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems, New York, NY, Oct. 10-12, 1990.
  141. K. Akingbehin, K. Khorasani, A. Shaout, W. Smari, "Models for Neuromolcular Computing", Collection Book from MNEMO '90,           October 1990, Bulgaria.
  142. A. Shaout, K. Akingbehin, "A Learning Model and Simulation for Neural Networks", Collection Book from MNEMO '90, October 1990, Bulgaria.
  143. A. Shaout, K. Akingbehin, D. Thornburg, "On the Performance of Pipelined Processors" the Proceedings for the 3rd Midwest UNIX Exposition, Sept. 4-6, Dearborn, MI, 1990.
  144. A. Shaout, P. Pietrzyk, "An Enhanced Classification for LAN Access Protocols", the Proceedings for the 3rd Midwest UNIX Exposition, Sept. 4-6, Dearborn, MI, 1990.
  145. K. Akingbehin, K. Khorasani, A. Shaout, "Alternative Models for Neural Computing", the Proceedings of the International Association of Science and Technology for Development - Symposium on Expert Systems and Neural Networks Theory and Applications, Honolulu, Hawaii, August 15-17, 1990.
  146. A. Shaout, C. Isik, "Mobile Robot Map Updating Using Attributed Fuzzy Tournament Matching", the SPIE Proceedings on Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision, Philadelphia, PA, Nov., 1989.
  147. A. Shaout, K. Akingbehin, "Wormhole-Type Routing in Neural Networks", the Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual International Conference IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Seattle, Washington, Nov., 1989.
  148. A. Shaout, J. Konstantine, "Time Shared Bus Multiprocessor with Private Caches", the Proceedings for the 15th Annual AMSE Conference,        Rochester, NY, Oct., 1989.
  149. A. Shaout, E. Orady, S. Boppana, "A Memory Replacement Policy for Multiprocessor Environment in Manufacturing Systems", the Proceedings           for the 15th Annual AMSE Conference, Rochester, NY, Oct., 1989.
  150. A. Shaout, "On 2-D Shape Matching Using Attributed Fuzzy Chains", the proceedings of the Third International Fuzzy Systems Association          (IFSA) Conference, Seattle, Washington, August 6-11, 1989.
  151. A. Shaout, "Attributed Fuzzy Tournaments: Theory and Applications", the proceedings of the Third International Fuzzy Systems Association          (IFSA) Conference, Seattle, Washington, August 6-11, 1989.
  152. A. Shaout, "Attributed Fuzzy Graph Searching: A Parallel Algorithm", the Proceedings of CORS/TIMS/ORSA, Vancouver, Canada, May 8-10, 1989.
  153. A. Shaout, "Handwritten Arabic Character Recognition: Using Fuzzy Tournaments", the proceedings of the Workshop on Knowledge Based Systems and Models of Logical Reasoning, Cairo, Egypt, December 26-31, 1988.
  154. M. Suk, A. Shaout, "Matching Attributed Fuzzy Graphs and Applications in Scene Analysis", the Proceedings of North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society (NAFIPS), Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, May 5-7, 1987.
  155. A. Shaout, "On Fuzzy Graphs Searching", the Proceedings of North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society (NAFIPS), Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, May 5-7, 1987.

Awards and Recognition

  1. The paper titled "Mutation Testing Tools for Java Programs A Survey" has been selected for BESTPAPER AWARD / CERTIFICATE by the International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE) for the June-July issue, 2016.
  2. The paper titled "Face Recognition Using Neuro-Fuzzy and Eigen-face" has been selected for BESTPAPER AWARD / CERTIFICATE by the International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE) for the June-July issue, 2016.
  3. Fulbright Award to Jordan, 2008/2009
  4. Outstanding Paper Award, 2008 International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT2008), Tunisia, December 16-18, 2008.
  5. Outstanding Paper Award, Second International Conference on Fuzzy Control and Intelligent Systems (1992).
  6. Educational Enhancement Award at the University of Michigan-Dearborn for 1990.
  7. Nominated for a "Best in Class" award, for my effort towards the success of the Computer and Information Science Program at the University of Michigan-Dearborn for the academic year 1990.
  8. Dean's list 1980-1982.
  9. Summer of 1984 Fellowship, Syracuse University.
  10. Teaching Assistant (1983-1987) Syracuse University.