Alan Argento, Ph.D.

Professor, Mechanical Engineering, Director of Bioengineering Program
Alan Argento
College of Engineering and Computer Science
Department of Mechanical Engineering
1260 Heinz Prechter Engineering Complex | 4901 Evergreen Road | Dearborn, MI 48128

Teaching Areas:

Bioengineering, Mechanical Engineering

Research Areas:

Bioengineering, Vibrations and Mechanics

Biography and Education

Areas of Research Interests

  • Orthopedic Biomechanics
  • Rate dependence of Plastics, Foam, and Biological Materials
  • Impact
  • Structural Dynamics
  • Modal Testing
  • Soy and other Plant-based Materials
  • Elastic Wave Propagation


Ph.D., University of Michigan, 1989

Selected Publications

  1. Tian, Y., Kim, W., Kowalski, E., Kiziltas, A., Mielewski, D. and Argento, A. Damping of micro-and nanocellulose reinforced PA610 composites and influences of moisture absorption. Materials Today Communications, 104325, 2022
  2. Ni, L., Riesterer, J., Wang, H., Berry, L., Blackburn, K., Chuang, J., Kim, W., Xu, G., Moroi, S.E. and Argento, A. Method for the biomechanical analysis of aqueous veins and perilimbal sclera by three-dimensional photoacoustic imaging and strain field calculation. Scientific Reports. 11(1),1-10, 2021
  3. Man, X., Arroyo, E., Dunbar, M., Reed, D.M., Shah, N., Kagemann, L., Kim, W., Moroi, S.E. and Argento, A. Perilimbal sclera mechanical properties: impact on intraocular pressure in porcine eyes. Plos 1. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0195882, 5/2018
  4. Chakraborty, N.,  Wang, M., Solocinski, J., Kim, W., and Argento, A. Imaging of Scleral Collagen Deformation using Combined Confocal Raman Microspectroscopy and Polarized Light Microscopy Techniques. Plos 1. 11.11,  e0165520, 2016
  5. Kern, W.T., Kim, W., Argento, A., Lee, E. and Mielewski, D.F. Finite element analysis and microscopy of  random, natural fiber composites containing microcellular voids.  Materials and Design. 106, 285-294, 2016.
  6. Liua, R., Zhaoa, Z., Zoua,  L., Fangb, Q., Chenc, L., Argento, A., and Lo, J. Compact, non-invasive frequency domain lifetime differentiation of collagens and elastin. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical. 219, 283-293, 2015
  7. Kim, W., Argento, A. and Flanigan, C. F. Effects of soy-based oils on the tensile behavior of EPDM rubbers. Polymer Testing. 46, 33-40, 2015.