Anys Bacha, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Computer and Information Science

College of Engineering and Computer Science
Computer and Information Science
215 Computer and Information Science Building | 4901 Evergreen Road |
Dearborn, MI
Teaching Areas:
Computer and Information Science, Cybersecurity and Information AssuranceResearch Areas:
Computing and Networks, CybersecurityBiography and Education
- Ph.D., The Ohio State University
Teaching and Research
Courses Taught
Selected Publications
- A. A. Elkhail, N. Lachtar, D. Ibdah, R. Aslam, H. Khan, A. Bacha, and H. Malik, "Seamlessly Safeguarding Data Against Ransomware Attacks," IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC), 2022 (Accepted).
- N. Lachtar, A. Abu Elkhail, A. Bacha, H. Malik, "An Application Agnostic Defense Against the Dark Arts of Cryptojacking", IEEE/IFIP International Conference on
Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN), 2021 (acceptance rate: 16.3%). - N. Lachtar, D. Ibdah, A. Bacha, "Towards Mobile Malware Detection Through Convolutional Neural Networks", IEEE Embedded Systems Letters (ESL), 2020.
- N. Lachtar, A. Abu Elkhail, A. Bacha, H. Malik, "A Cross-stack Approach Towards Defending Against Cryptojacking", IEEE Computer Architecture Letters (CAL), 2020.
- M. Samavatian, A. Bacha, L. Zhou, R. Teodorescu, "RNNFast: An Accelerator for Recurrent Neural Networks Using Domain Wall Memory", ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems (JETC), 2020.
- D. Ibdah, N. Lachtar, A. Abu Elkhail, A. Bacha, H. Malik, "Dark Firmware: A Systematic Approach to Exploring Application Security Risks in the Presence of Untrusted Firmware", International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and Defenses (RAID), 2020.
- K. Barber, A. Bacha, L. Zhou, Y. Zhang, R. Teodorescu, "SpecShield: Shielding Speculative Data from Leaky Side Channels", International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques (PACT), 2019 (acceptance rate: 21%).
- K. Barber, A. Bacha, L. Zhou, Y. Zhang, R. Teodorescu, "Isolating Speculative Data to Prevent Transient Execution Attacks", IEEE Computer Architecture Letters (CAL), 2019 (acceptance rate: 24%). Best Paper Award.
- L. Zhou, M. Samavatian, A. Bacha, S. Majumdar, R. Teodorescu, "Adaptive Parallel Execution of Deep Neural Networks on Heterogeneous Edge Devices", ACM/IEEE Symposium on Edge Computing (SEC), 2019.
- N. Lachtar, D. Ibdah, A. Bacha, "The Case for Native Instructions in the Detection of Mobile Ransomware", IEEE Letters of Computer Society (LOCS), 2019.
- Xiang Pan, Anys Bacha, Spencer Rudolph, Li Zhou, Yinqian Zhang, Radu Teodorescu, "NVCool: When Non-Volatile Caches Meet Cold Boot Attacks", IEEE International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD), 2018 (acceptance rate: 29%).
- X. Pan, A. Bacha, and R. Teodorescu, "Respin: Rethinking Near-Threshold Multiprocessor Design with Non-Volatile Memory", International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, 2017 (acceptance rate: 22%).
- A. Bacha and R. Teodorescu, "Authenticache: Harnessing Cache ECC for System Authentication". IEEE International Symposium on Microarchitecture, 2015 (acceptance rate: 21%).
- A. Bacha and R. Teodorescu, "Using ECC Feedback to Guide Voltage Speculation in Low-Voltage Processors", IEEE International Symposium on Microarchitecture, 2014 (acceptance rate: 19%).
- A. Bacha and R. Teodorescu, "Dynamic Reduction of Voltage Margins by Leveraging On-chip ECC in Itanium II Processors", ACM International Symposium on Computer Architecture, 2013 (acceptance rate: 19%).
Awards and Recognition
- 2020 CECS Faculty Excellence Award for Teaching
- 2020 NSF Grant (Award #1947580)
- 2019 Best of CAL Award
- 2019 NSF Grant (Award #1933772)
- 2019 U.S. Patent (10318431)
- 2018 U.S. Patents (10109370, 9940291, 9965391)
- 2016 IEEE Micro Top Picks Honorable Mention
- 2016 The Ohio State University CSE Graduate Research Award
- 2013-2016 U.S. Patents (9342123, 8347070, 7768756)
- 2015 Hewlett-Packard Innovators of the Year
- 2014-2015 Hewlett-Packard Gold Star Award
- 2014-2015 Travel Grant, IEEE MICRO