Ara Sanjian, Ph.D.

Teaching Areas:
Arab American Studies, Armenian, History, Middle East StudiesResearch Areas:
HistoriographyBiography and Education
Ara Sanjian is Associate Professor of History and the Director of the Armenian Research Center at the University of Michigan-Dearborn. He received his masters degree in history from Yerevan State University (1991) and PhD in Modern History of the Middle East from the School of Oriental and African Studies, the University of London in 1996.
From 1996 to 2005 Sanjian was the Chairman of the Department of Armenian Studies, History and Political Science at Haigazian University in Beirut. In fall 2003, he was the Henry S. Khanzadian Kazan Visiting Professor in Armenian Studies at California State University, Fresno.He joined the University of Michigan-Dearborn in January 2006.
Sanjians research interests focus on the post-World War I history of Armenia, Turkey and the Arab states of Western Asia. More recently he has also become interested in the development of Armenian historiography.
Ph.D., School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London
Teaching and Research
Courses Taught
Selected Publications
(2001), Slough, UK: Archive Editions, 2001
: A Joint Exhibit of the Armenian Research Center, University of Michigan-Dearborn, Mardigian Library, University of Michigan-Dearborn, October 18-November 16, 2012 [and] the Alex and Marie Manoogian Museum, Southfield, the Alex and Marie Manoogian Museum, Southfield, December 11, 2012-January 31, 2013. Dearborn: Armenian Research Center, University of Michigan-Dearborn, 2012.
. Yerevan: The Armenian Center for National and International Studies, September 1997.
Articles and book chapters
In English
2021 , E-SAS: Entries of the Society for Armenian Studies, 6 January 2021.
2017 , Journal of Society for Armenian Studies, vol. 26 (2017), pp. 106-110.
2011 The ARFs First 120 Years: A Brief Review of Available Sources and Historiography, The Armenian Review, vol. 52, nos. 3-4 (Fall-Winter 2011), pp. 1-16.
2009 Commentary: Armenian Studies in the United States under Renewed Assault: Can Calm Be Restored after the Storm? Journal of the Society for Armenian Studies, vol. 18, no. 2 (December 2009), pp. 25-32. (co-authored with Vartan Matiossian).
2007 in Michel Bruneau, Ioannis Hassiotis, Martine Hovanessian and Claire Mouradian (eds.), Arm矇niens et Grecs en diaspora: approches comparatives (Ath癡nes, 2007), pp. 273-282
2003 The Armenian Church and Community in Jerusalem and the Holy Land (From their origins until the modern era), in Anthony OMahony (ed.) The Christian Communities in the Holy Land: Studies in History, Religion, and Politics (University of Wales Press, 2003).
2001 ,&紳莉莽梯;Bulletin of the Royal Institute for Inter-Faith Studies (Amman, Jordan), Volume 3, Number 1 (Spring/Summer 2001), pp. 149-179.
1997 , Middle Eastern Studies (London), Vol. 33, No. 2, April 1997, pp. 226-66.
In Armenian
2018 竄堇梮梮楖晥晛梮 捸桮捸桵梲捸梮晛梩 桹捸捸掅掍楖晥桮楖梮梮掍罈 [Identity and Armenia-Diaspora Relations], in Shahan Kandaharian (ed.), 晛梩 掍 晛梮梮楖晥晛梮 [Diaspora and Identity], Antelias: Catholicosate of the Great House of Cilicia, 2018, pp. 189-218.
2011 竄捸捸捰楖桮 晛桯晛掁捸梮晛 桹捸桭捸晙桵捸捸梮埭晛掅楖梩梮晛 捸桮捸掁晛梲捸朘捸梮 桹掍梲捸捰楖梲楖晥桮楖梮梮掍晛 朘掍梮梲楖梮晛 桴捸晛桯, 捸掍晙捸掁掍梲 楖. 埜捸 捸梮梜桮捸梮晛 桹掍梲罈 [Interview with Prof. Ara Sanjian, Director of the Armenian Research Center, the University of Michigan-Dearborn and Middle East Expert], in Araks Pashayan and Lilit Harutyunyan (eds.), 晛晛捸桮晛 桹捸桮 桹捸桭捸桮梮旍. 埜掑晛 桹晛桭梮捸晜梮掑晛梮掍 [The Armenian Community of Syria: Contemporary Challenges] (Yerevan, 2011), pp. 115-126.
2003 竄埮晛掅捸梮捸梮罈 [Lebanon], in 捸桮 桮楖梩 捸梮捸掁晛梲捸捸梮 [The Armenian Diaspora: An Encyclopedia] (Yerevan, 2003), pp. 290-328.
2000 竄捸桭捸梩梲 楖楖捸掁晛晢 捸桮朘捸捰掍捸梮 桹捸桭捸晙桵捸捸梮晛 桹捸桮捸掁晛梲捸朘捸梮 捸桭掅晛楖梮晛 45捸桭掍捸桮 梣捸梲桭楖晥掍捸梮 (1955-2000)罈 [A Brief Outline of the 45-year History of the Department of Armenian Studies at Haigazian University (1955-2000)], Haigazian Armenological Review, Vol. 20 (2000), pp. 9-86.
1992 竄捸桮 晡楖梐楖桴掑捸桮晛梮 朘楖桵捸朘楖晥掍捸梮 晢捸掁捸桮晛梮 捸桵梲捸晥楖梐晥掍旍罈 [The Statutes of the Armenian Populist Party], Haigazian Armenological Review(Beirut), vol. 12 (1992), pp. 309-38.
In Russian
2016 邾郇郕邽迮 郋訇邽郇 赲 郅郋赲邽 迣訄迠迡訄郇郕郋邿 赲郋邿郇 (訄赲郇迮郇邽迮 邽赲訄郇訄 邽 苤邽邽邽) [Armenians in the Midst of Civil Wars: Lebanon and Syria Compared], in 邽訄郈郋: 迮郱訄赲邽邽邾邿郇訄郇邿迠郇訄郅 [Diasporas: Independent Academic Journal] (Moscow), vol. 17, nos. 1-2 (2015), pp. 55-88. The original English version of this article is published as a supplement to Massis Weekly (California), vol. 35, no. 49, Saturday, January 2, 2016.
2016 郋迡迮邾 邽 郈訄迡郋郕 訄邾郇郕郋邿 郋訇邽郇 郅邽赲訄郇訄 [The Rise and Decline of the Armenian Community in Lebanon], in 邽訄郈郋: 迮郱訄赲邽邽邾邿郇訄郇邿迠郇訄郅 [Diasporas: Independent Academic Journal], (Moscow), no. 1 (2004), pp. 121-146.
In French
2008 [The Armenian Communities of the Arab Middle East; in French], Confluences M矇diterran矇e, Chr矇tiens dOrient, No. 66, t矇 2008, pp. 73-82. (co-authored with Nicola Migliorino).
Other research-based publications:
2017 EVN Report, 28 May 2017.
2015 竄埜梮捸梮朘捸晙晛 晥掍桭捸梮掍旍 桵桮楖梩捸桹捸桮 梣捸梲桭捸掁楖晥桮捸梮 桭掍梬 ; 迮 郈邽赲迮赲迮邾迮 迮邾 赲 邽郋邽郋迣訄邽邽 訄邾郇郕郋邿 迡邽訄郈郋罈 [Unwelcome topics in Armenian Diasporic Historiography], 埜梮捸晙晛梲晛朘楖梮/郇訄郅邽邽郕郋郇 [Analyticon], No. 11 (83), 2015. (in Armenian and Russian).
2014 , E-International Relations, 8 May 2014.
2012 , The Armenian Weekly, 1 September 2012, pp. 13-21.
2008 Armenia and Genocide: The Growing Engagement of Azerbaijan, , pp. 28-33.