Arlo Clark-Foos, Ph.D.

Teaching Areas:
PsychologyResearch Areas:
Memory and Cognition, PsychologyBiography and Education
Dr. Clark-Foos graduated with his Ph.D. in Cognitive/Experimental Psychology from the University of Georgia in 2009. He is actively immersed in research that can be construed broadly as studying the mental representations and cognitive processes that underlie many forms of human learning and memory. Under that umbrella, he has at least four more specific programs of research. These include prospective memory, the residual effects of valence on both attention and memory, source monitoring, and theoretical issues in basic memory phenomena such as metacognition, recognition, and free recall.
Selected Publications
Clark-Foos, A., Brewer, G. A., & Marsh, R. L. (2015). Judging the reality of others’ memories. Memory, 23, 427-436.
Brewer, G. A., Marsh, R. L., Clark-Foos, A., Meeks, J. T., Cook, G. I., & Hicks, J. L. (2011). A comparison of activity-based and event-based prospective memory. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 25, 532-640.
Clark-Foos, A., Brewer, G., Marsh, R. L., Meeks, J. T., & Cook, G. I. (2009). The valence of event-based prospective memory cues or the context in which they occur affects their detection. American Journal of Psychology, 122, 89-97.
Clark-Foos, A. & Marsh, R. L. (2008). Recognition memory for valenced and arousing materials under conditions of divided attention. Memory, 16, 530-537.
Awards and Recognition
- Invited Keynote Address, Central Carolina Conference in Psychology, 2017
- Invited Research Colloquium, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, 2015
- Invited Research Colloquium, Dow Corning Technical Exchange Society, 2013
- Invited Research Presentation, ÂÜÀòÉç-Dearborn CASL Dean’s Advisory Council, 2013
- Certificate for Participation in Brain Awareness Week from Neurology Club, University of Michigan-Dearborn, 2013
- Invited Research Colloquium, Boston College, 2012
- Faculty Appreciation Award, University of Michigan-Dearborn, 2011
- Invited by Dean to attend Council on Undergraduate Research Institute, Portland, OR, 2011
- Honorary Member, Tau Sigma Honor Society, University of Michigan-Dearborn, 2010