Brooks Hull, Ph.D.

Professor Emeritus of Economics
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College of Arts, Sciences, and Letters
Social Sciences

Biography and Education

After retiring in 2014, my wife and I moved to Port Orchard, Washington, where we enjoy outdoor activities and time with family and friends.

Teaching Areas

Applied microeconomics, industrial organization, environmental economics.

Research Areas

The economics of religion.


Selected Publications

Religion, Warrior Elites, and Property Rights, with R. Warren Anderson. Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on Religion, 13:Article 5, 2017.

Free Riding, Market Structure, and Church Member Donations in South Carolina, with Jody Lipford. Review of Religious Research, 52(2):172-87, December 2010. [Permanent URL:]

Religion Still Matters. The Journal of Economics, 26(2):35-48, 2000. [Permanent URL:]

The Churching of Colonial Connecticut: A Case Study, with Gerald Moran. Review of Religious Research, 41:165-83, December 1999. [Permanent URL:]