Christopher Burke, Ph.D.

Teaching Areas:
Education (Doctorate), Education Specialist, Elementary Certification, M.A in Community Based Education, M.S. in Science EducationResearch Areas:
Community Based Education, Ecojustice Education, Multicultural Education, Place Based Education, Science Education, STEM Teaching and Learning, Urban EducationBiography and Education
Chris Burke PhD is a Professor of Science Education at the University of Michigan Dearborn. He is currently serving as the Chair of the Department of Education. Dr. Burkes work focuses on Place-Based education as a framework for identifying the social, cultural and ecological assets in a community as tools to make learning more meaningful. His current work focuses on helping preservice teachers develop the ability to engage with diverse students by understanding their own and students funds of knowledge and identifying a communitys assets as a critical practice in teaching.
Ph.D. Curriculum and Instruction: University of Illinois Urbana Champaign 2001.
Dissertation: Negotiating Boundaries & Spaces: An Examination of the Process & Context at Douglas Elementary School
M.S. Curriculum and Instruction: University of Illinois Urbana Champaign 1994.
Thesis: 4-H Missions in Space: Changing Student Conceptions Through Experiential Learning
B.S. News Editorial Journalism University of Illinois Urbana Champaign 1991.
Selected Publications
Stewart, K. & Burke, C. J. F. (2022) Change Day: How a High School Environmental Justice Class Inspired Student Agency and Prompted Civic Action. Race Ethnicity and Education.
Stewart, K. & Burke, C. J. F. (2021) Can We Call this Racism? Flint Students Respond to the Water Crisis. Journal or Urban Research Teaching and Learning
Burke, C. J. F. & Lazarowicz, A. (2021) Building Picnic Tables, Building Connections with the Community. Science and Children.
Hill, K. D. & Burke C. J. F. (2020) Equity and Education in the United States.
Lupinacci, J., Lowenstein, E., Burke, C., Lazarowicz, A. (2017) Teaching for Equity and Environmental Justice. Green Schools Catalyst Quarterly.