Daniel Davis, Ph.D.

Chair, Language, Culture, and the Arts; Professor of Linguistics
Image of Dr. Davis, in navy blazer, and red and white striped tie, standing in front of a window and smiling towards the camera
College of Arts, Sciences, and Letters
Language, Culture, and the Arts

Teaching Areas:


Research Areas:

English, Linguistics

Biography and Education

Daniel R. Davis is Professor of Linguistics in the Department of Language, Culture, and Communication. He studied linguistics and Celtic languages at Harvard and Oxford universities, and taught linguistics for eight years at the University of Hong Kong before coming to 蹤獲扦-Dearborn in 1999. His research and teaching interests include world Englishes, the history of the English language, American English, Arab American English, and approaches to descriptive grammar. He is Co-Editor of the journal World Englishes (Wiley) and Executive Director of the International Association for World Englishes (IAWE).


Ph.D., Oxford University

Selected Publications

Grammar and culture in the work of Yamuna Kachru, World Englishes 34.1: 45-54 (2015)

World Englishes in World Religions (with Rajeshwari Pandharipande), World Englishes 32.3: 377-442. (2013)

"Standardized English: The history of the earlier circles," in Andy Kirkpatrick, ed. The Routledge Handbook of World Englishes. 17-36 (2010)

"Language learning, grammar, and integrationism," in Michael Toolan, ed. Language Teaching: Integrational Linguistic Approaches. 73-87 (2009)

The History of World Englishes: North America (edited, 8 vols, 2003)

The Development of Celtic Linguistics 1850-1900 (edited, 6 vols, 2001)

Celtic Linguistics 1700-1850 (edited, 8 vols, 2000)

Awards and Recognition

Distinguished Teaching Award, University of Michigan-Dearborn (2002)

Sir John Rhys Prize, proxime accessit, Oxford University (1989)

Sir John Rhys Studentship in Celtic, Jesus College, Oxford (1987-1988)

Bowdoin Prize, English Undergraduate Essay, Harvard University (1985)