Georges Ayoub, Ph.D.

Teaching Areas:
Automotive and Mobility Systems Engineering, Human Centered Engineering Design, Manufacturing Systems EngineeringResearch Areas:
Materials and Material ProcessingBiography and Education
Dr. Ayoub research interests encompass characterizing processed materials and establishing models that can predict the material response and hence guide the design of materials through processing to be used for manufacturing purposes and for in-service performance, that are of interest to transportation, defense, energy, aerospace, biomedical and oil and gas industries. Topics of interest: fracture and fatigue of polymers and composites; welding; metal forming; additive manufacturing; nano-multilayer composite coatings design and modeling;thermo-mechanical processing; fatigue and fracture.
Recent research project:
Fatigue life prediction of elastomeric material (Ministery of Higher education, Research and Innovation of France)
Characterization and modeling of the static and cyclic behavior of thermoplastics (Ministery of Higher education, Research and Innovation of France)
Multiscale modeling and characterization of advanced interface materials for high energy and corrosive environments (QNRF)
Durability of Semicrystalline Polymers under Extreme Environments: Characterization and Modeling (QNRF)
Investigating the Superplastic Behavior of Twin-Roll Cast Magnesium Alloys for Effective Use in Automotive Applications (QNRF)
Characterizing the impact loading response of friction-stirred welded (FSW) bimetallic joints (QNRF)
Optimization of 6000 series aluminum sheet blanking and trimming (Fodor Motor company)
Out of plane yield calibration and SPR modeling (Fodor Motor company)
Development of a lithium ion battery separator aging model (Fodor Motor company)
Ph.D., Mechanics of Materials, University of Lille
M.S., Mechanical Engineering, University of Lille
B.S., Material Science for Mechanical Engineering, University of Rennes
Selected Publications
1. Yang, W., Ayoub, G., Salehinia, I., Mansoor, B., Zbib, H., Document Deformation mechanisms in Ti/TiN multilayer under compressive loading Acta Materialia, 2017, Vol. 122, pp. 99-108
2. Rodriguez, A.K., Ayoub, G., Mansoor, B., Benzerga, A.A., Document Effect of strain rate and temperature on fracture of magnesium alloy AZ31B, Acta Materialia, 2016, Vol. 112, pp. 194-208
3. Dorbane, A., Mansoor, B., Ayoub, G., Shunmugasamy, V.C., Imad, A., Mechanical, microstructural and fracture properties of dissimilar welds produced by friction stir welding of AZ31B and Al6061, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2016, Vol. 651, pp. 720-733
4. Dorbane, A., Ayoub, G., Mansoor, B., Kridli, G., Hamade, R., Shabadi, R., Imad, A., Microstructural observations and tensile fracture behavior of FSW twin roll cast AZ31 Mg sheets Materials Science and Engineering A, 2016, Vol. 649, pp. 190-200
5. Dorbane, A., Ayoub, G., Mansoor, B., Hamade, R., Kridli, G., Imad, A., Observations of the mechanical response and evolution of damage of AA 6061-T6 under different strain rates and temperatures Materials Science and Engineering A, 2015, Vol. 624, pp. 239-249
6. Ayoub, G., Za簿ri, F., Na簿t-Abdelaziz, M., Gloaguen, J.M., Kridli, G., Document A visco-hyperelastic damage model for cyclic stress-softening, hysteresis and permanent set in rubber using the network alteration theory Source of the Document International Journal of Plasticity, 2014, Vol. 54, pp. 19-33
7. Ayoub, G., Na簿t-Abdelaziz, M., Za簿ri, F., Document Multiaxial fatigue life predictors for rubbers: Application of recent developments to a carbon-filled SBR Source of the Document International Journal of Fatigue, 2014, Vol. 66, pp. 168-176
8. Ayoub, G., Na簿t-Abdelaziz, M., Za簿ri, F., Gloaguen, J.M., Charrier, P., Document A continuum damage model for the high-cycle fatigue life prediction of styrene-butadiene rubber under multiaxial loading International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2011, Vol. 48 (18), pp. 2458-2466
9. Ayoub, G., Za簿ri, F., Na簿t-Abdelaziz, M., Gloaguen, J.M., Document Modeling the low-cycle fatigue behavior of visco-hyperelastic elastomeric materials using a new network alteration theory: Application to styrene-butadiene rubber, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2011, Vol. 59 (2), pp. 473-495
10. Ayoub, G., Za簿ri, F., Na簿t-Abdelaziz, M., Gloaguen, J.M., Modelling large deformation behaviour under loading-unloading of semicrystalline polymers: Application to a high density polyethylene Source of the Document International Journal of Plasticity, 2010, Vol. 26 (3), pp. 329-347