HongTae Kang, Ph.D.
Professor, Mechanical Engineering

College of Engineering and Computer Science
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
3031 Engineering Lab Building | 4901 Evergreen Road |
Dearborn, MI
Teaching Areas:
Automotive and Mobility Systems Engineering, Mechanical EngineeringResearch Areas:
Automotive Engineering, Materials and Material ProcessingBiography and Education
Areas of Research Interests
- Materials Fatigue
- Fatigue of Welded Joints and Structures
- Structural Durability Analysis
- Battery Package Design for Hybrid Vehicles
- Thermo-Mechanical Fatigue
Ph.D. in Engineering Mechanics, The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Alabama, 1999
M.S. in Engineering Mechanics, The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Alabama,1997
B.S. in Earth Science Education, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, 1992
Selected Publications
- John J. Bonnen, Hari N. Agrawal, Mark Anthony Amaya, Raj Mohan Iyengar, Hong Tae Kang, Abolhassan K. Khosravaneh, Todd M. Link, Michael Shih, Matthew Scott Walp, and Benda Yan, "Fatigue of Advanced High Strength Steel Spot Welds," SAE 2006 Transactions Journal of Materials & Manufacturing, 2007, pp. 726-744.
- Reyes-Villanueva, G. and Kang, H., "Mechanical Behavior of lightweight Thermoplastic Fiber-Metal Laminates," Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol. 186, 2007, pp. 284-290.
- Kang, H., Lee, Y., Chen, J. and Fan, D., "Thermo-Mechanical Fatigue Damage Model for Variable Temperature and Loading Amplitude Conditions," International Journal of Fatigue, Vol. 29, 2007, pp. 1797-1802.
- Kang, H. and Reyes-Villanueva, G., "Fatigue Prediction of Lightweight Thermoplastic Fiber-Metal Laminates," Journal of Testing and Evaluation, Vol. 35, May 2007.
- Kang, H., Dong, P., and Hong, J., "Fatigue Analysis of Spot Welds Using The Mesh-Insensitive Structural Stress Method," International Journal of Fatigue, Vol.29, 2007, pp.1546-1553.
- Kang, H.T., "Fatigue Prediction of Spot Welded Joints Using Equivalent Structural Stress," Materials and Design, Vol. 28, No. 3, 2007, pp 837-843.
- Kang, H., "Fatigue Damage Parameter of Spot Welded Joints Under Proportional Loading," International Journal of Automotive Technology, Vol. 6, No. 3, June 2005, pp 285-291.
- Park, J, and Kang, H. "Prediction of Fatigue Life for Spot Welds Using Back-Propagation Neural Networks," Materials & Design, Vol. 28, 2007, pp. 2577-2584.
- Kang, H., Lee, Y., and Sun, X. "Effects of residual stress and heat treatment on fatigue strength of weldments," Materials Engineering and Science A, 2008, Vol. 497, No. 1-2, pp. 37-43.
- Kang, H. and Ostrom, T., "Mechanical behavior of cast and forged magnesium alloys and their microstructures," Materials Engineering and Science A, 2008, Vol. 490, No. 1-2, pp. 52-56.
- Le, Q., Kang, H., Kridli, G., Khosrovaneh, A.K., Yan, B., "Modified Strain-Life Equation to Consider the Effect of Different Strain Paths for Dual Phase Sheet Steel," Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2009, Vol. 209, No. 7, pp. 3525-3531.
- Bhat, N. and Kang, H., "Parametric Modeling Approach for Development of an Automotive Bucket Seat Frame," International Journal of Materials and Product Technology, 2009, Vol. 34, No. 3, pp. 251-263.
- Le, Q., Kang, H., Kridli, G., Khosrovaneh, A.K., and Yan, B., "Effect of Prestrain Paths on Mechanical Behavior of Dual Phase Sheet Steel," International Journal of Fatigue, 2009, Vol. 31, No. 4, pp. 607-615.
- Ho, S., Lee, Y.-L., Kang, H. and Wang, C., "Optimization of a Crankshaft Rolling Process for Reliability and Robustness," International Journal of Fatigue, 2009, Vol. 31, No. 5, pp. 799-808.
- Bonnen, J.J., Mandapati, R., Kang, H., Mohan Iyengar, R., Khosrovaneh, A.K., Amaya, M.A., Citrin, C., Shih, H.-C., "Durability of Advanced High Strength Steel Gas Metal Arc Welds," SAE Int. J. Mater. Manuf. 2(1): 155-171, 2009
- Lei, Z., Kang, H., and Reyes, G., "Full Field Strain Measurement of Resistant Spot Welds Using 3D Image Correlation Systems," Experimental Mechanics, DOI: 10.1007/s11340-008-9186-5.