Imad Makki

Teaching Areas:
Electrical Engineering, Robotics EngineeringBiography and Education
Ph.D., Systems & Control, Wayne State University
M.S.E.E., Systems & Control, University of South Florida
B.S., Electrical Engineering, University of South Florida
Selected Publications
- Matthew Franchek, Behrouz Ebrahimi, Karolos Grigoriadis, Imad Makki, Physics-Based Lumped Parameter Modeling of Automotive Canister Fuel Purge, Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, Transactions of the ASME, July 2016, Vol. 138, 071008-1: 071008-6.
- Fatemeh Zamanian, Matthew A Franchek, Karolos M Grigoriadis, and Imad Makki, Feed-forward control of purge flow in internal combustion engines, International Journal of Engine Research, February 2016, Vol. 17 no. 2 221-234.
- F. Zamanian, M. A. Franchek, K. M. Grigoriadis and I. Makki, "Steady state fueling compensation for purge control in internal combustion engines," 2014 American Control Conference, Portland, OR, 2014, pp. 855-860.
- Pankaj Kumar, Imad Makki and Dimitar Filev. A Non-Intrusive Three-way Catalyst Diagnostics Monitor Based on Support Vector Machines IEEE international conference on SMC 2014, pg 1630-1635.
- Fling Tseng, Dimitar Filev, Imad Makki, Ratna Chinnam, A Novel Feature Extraction Method for Monitoring (Vehicular) Fuel Storage System Leaks, Proc. of 2014 Annual Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management Society, Oct 2014, Pages 604-611.
- Pankaj Kumar, Imad Makki, James Kerns, Karolos Grigoriadis, Matthew Franchek, Vemuri Balakotaiah, A low-dimensional model for describing the oxygen storage capacity and transient behavior of a three-way catalytic converter, Chemical Engineering Science, Volume 73, May 2012, Pages 373-387.
- Muske, K. R., J. C. Peyton Jones, J. S. Kirschman J. C. Frey, I. H. Makki, M. J. Uhrich, and J. W. Howse, Probability Density Diagnostic Metric for an Integrated Three-way Catalyst Controller and Monitor, Proceedings. IMechE. Part D: Journal of. Automobile. Engineering, 2008.
- Kenneth R. Muske, James Peyton Jones, Imad Makki, Micheal Uhrich, James Howse, "An Evaluation of Detection Metrics for an Integrated Catalyst Controller and Diagnostic Monitor", the Fifth IFAC Symposium on Advances in Automotive Control, Monterey Coast, California, USA, August 20, 2007, pp.191-198.
- Zhang, F., K. M. Grigoriadis, M. A. Franchek and I. H. Makki, Linear Parameter-Varying Lean Burn Air-Fuel Ratio Control for a Spark Ignition Engine, Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, Transactions of the ASME, July 2007 Volume 129, Issue 4, pp.404-414.
- Zhang, F., K. M. Grigoriadis, M. A. Franchek and I. H. Makki, Transient Lean Burn Air-fuel Ratio Linear Parameter-Varying Control using Input Shaping, International Journal of Modeling, Identification and Control, Volume 3 No 3, pp. 318-326, 2008.
- James C. Peyton-Jones, Imad H. Makki, Kenneth R. Muske, E. M. Franceschi, An Adaptive Delay-Compensated PID Air Fuel Ratio Controller, SAE 2007, Detroit, Michigan, 2007-01-1342.
- Franchek, M., Buehler, P. J., and Makki, I., "Intake Air Path Diagnostics for Internal Combustion Engines Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, January 2007, Volume 129, Issue 1, pp. 32-40.
- J. C. Peyton Jones, I. H. Makki, K. R. Muske, "Catalyst Diagnostics Using Adaptive Control System, Parameters", SAE 2006, Detroit, Michigan, 2006-01-1070, pp.1-8.
- Zhang, F., Grigoriadis, K. M., Franchek, M. A., and Makki, I., "Linear Parameter Varying Lean Burn Air-Fuel Ratio Control Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control & 2005 European Control Conference, Seville, Spain, pp. 2688-2696, 2005.
- P. J. Buehler, M. A. Franchek, I. H. Makki, Mass Air Flow Sensor Diagnostics for Adaptive Fueling Control of Internal Combustion Engines, Proceedings of the 2002 American Control Conference, Volume 3, page(s): 2064-2069.
- L. Y. Wang, I. H. Makki, and W. Zhan, A Note on Robust Stabilization of Feedback Linearizable Systems, International Journal of Nonlinear and Robust Control, Vol. 7, 85-95 (1997). Zhang, F., K. M. Grigoriadis, M. A. Franchek and I. H. Makki, Transient Lean Burn Air-fuel Ratio Control using Input Shaping Method combined with Linear Parameter-Varying Control, Proceedings of the 2006 American Control Conference, Minneapolis, MI, June 2007.
- Zhang, F., K. M. Grigoriadis, M. A. Franchek and I. H. Makki, Linear Parameter-Varying Air-Fuel Ratio Control for a Lean Burn Engine, ASME, , in Press, January 25, 2007.
- P. J. Buehler, M. A. Franchek, I. H. Makki, Mass Air Flow Sensor Diagnostics for Adaptive Fueling Control of Internal Combustion Engines, 2002 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition.
- H. Jammoussi and I. Makki Diagnostics of Oxygen Sensors and Air-Fuel Ratio Adaptive Controls", ICEF2015-ASME Internal Combustion Engine Division Fall Technical Conference; Houston, Texas; November 8-11, 2015.
- H. Jammoussi and I. Makki Adaptive Air Fuel Ratio Controls in Presence of Oxygen Sensor Faults", DSCC2015-ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference; Columbus, Ohio; October 28-30, 2015.
- Hassene Jammoussi, Imad Makki, Adaptive Controls for UEGO sensors; SME/DSCC 2014, San Antonio, TX (Oct 22-24, 2014)
- Hassene Jammoussi, Imad Makki, Dimitar Filev, Matthew Franchek, Statistics Based Detection and Isolation of UEGO Sensor Faults, ASME Dynamic Systems and Controls Conference; Stanford University, Palo Alto, California; Oct 21-23 2013.
- Imad Makki, Promoting STEM Education thru the Ford High Scholl Science & Technology Program, the 3rd Annual ASQ Advancing the STEM Agenda Conference, Collaboration with Industry on STEM Education, Grand Valley State University, Grand Rapids, Michigan, June 3-4, 2013.
- Makki, I. H., Kerns, J. M., "Robust Feed-forward Controls for Better Tracking: A Novel Approach to Optimal Air-Fuel Controls & Low Emissions", 2011 ASME International Combustion Engine Division, Fall Technical Conference, October 2-5, Morgantown, West Virginia, USA.
- Makki, I. H., "Model Based Engine Diagnostics with Applications to Sensors & Three-way-catalyst Diagnostics", 3rd Advanced Automotive Diagnostics Systems, June 27 29, Dorint Pallas Wiesbaden, Germany.
- Air Fuel Control for Green Vehicles, the Electrical Engineering Program, Texas A&M University, Qatar, April 16, 2008.
- H. Jammoussi, M. A. Franchek, K. Grigoriadis, I. Makki, S. Smith and J. Kerns "A Switch Model Approach for UEGO Sensor Diagnostics in the Presence of Asymmetric Faults", International Association of Science & Technology for Development (IASTED) conference; Vancouver, Canada; June 1-3, 2011.
- Kirschman, Free, Jesse, Muske, Kenneth R, Peyton Jones, James, Makki, Imad, Uhrich, Michael, A Probability Density Metric for Automotive Three-Way Catalyst Diagnostics, 2008 American Control Conference, June 1113, Seattle, Washington, USA.
- Kenneth R. Muske, James C. Peyton Jones, Imad H. Makki, "Monitoring and Fault Detection of Catalytic Automotive Emission Control Systems", the 2005 Annual Meeting on Computers in Operations and Information Processing, Cincinnati, OH. USA.
- Mass Air Flow Sensor Diagnostics for Adaptive Fueling Control of Internal Combustion Engines, Vehicular Technology, IEEE, Southeastern Michigan Section, Detroit, Michigan, March 26, 2003.
- Mass air flow sensor diagnostics for adaptive fueling control of combustion engines, 2002 ACC - American Control Conference, Anchorage, Alaska, May 9th, 2002.
- More than 30 internal reports, technical papers, and presentations at Ford Motor Company.
Awards and Recognition
2016 Controls Engineering Chief Engineer Award for Research & Innovation.
2015 The 2014 Corporate Global Diversity & Inclusion Award, Ford Motor Company.
2014 Research & Advanced Engineering Award for Outstanding Leadership in Promoting STEM Education, Ford Motor Company.
2014 Research & Advanced Engineering Operational Excellence Award
2012 2013 Certificate of Appreciation for Leadership & Service as IEEE SEM Section Chair.
2012 2013 Certificate of Appreciation for Leadership & Service as IEEE Control Systems Society Chapter, SEM Section
2012 Research & Advanced Engineering Award for Outstanding Contributions & Leadership in support of the Ford High School Science & Technology Program.
2007 2008 Teaching Award, Foundation Program/Pre-medical Department, WCMC-Q.
2006 2007 Teaching Award, Foundation Program/Pre-medical Department, WCMC-Q.
2006 The Henry Ford Technology Award, Ford Motor Company, Detroit, Michigan.
2006 Powertrain Technical Excellence Award, Ford Motor Company, Detroit, Michigan.
1999 Present 85 Patents and Defense Publications filled & Awarded - Ford Motor Company, Detroit, Michigan.