Jian Hu, Ph.D.

Teaching Areas:
Human Centered Engineering DesignResearch Areas:
Operations Research and Decision ScienceBiography and Education
Dr. Hu's research interests focus on methodologies of data-driven risk
management and decision making uncertainty and their applications including
- risk analysis and management;
- decision making under uncertainty;
- data analytics and machine learning;
- stochastic models in supply chain management, transportation, logistics, finance, and health care.
He has led and participated in numerous federally and industrially funded
research projects on robust assessment of consumer preference,
advanced robust optimization models and algorithms, driving behavior
data analytics, emergency management of traffic incidents,
risk-adjusted homeland security budget allocation, resilient nurse
scheduling and rescheduling, and plant workforce planning.
Ph.D. Industrial Engineering & Management Sciences, Northwestern University
M.Sc. Applied Science & Systems Engineering, University of Arkansas at Little Rock.
M.Eng. Control Theory and Control Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China.
B.Eng. Information & Control Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University, China.
Selected Publications
1. Hu, J., Bansal, M., and Mehrotra, S., Robust Decision Making Using
a General Utility Set, European Journal of Operational Research,
269(2):699-714, 2018.
2. Hu, J. and Stepanyan, G., Optimization with Reference-Based Robust
Preference Constraints, SIAM Journal on Optimization, 27(4):2230-2257,
3. Hu, J. and Mehrotra, S., Robust Decision Making over a Set of
Random Targets or Risk-Averse Utilities with an Application to
Portfolio Optimization, IIE Transactions, 47(4):358-372, 2015.
4. Hu, J., Homem-de-Mello, T., and Mehrotra, S., Stochastically
Weighted Stochastic Dominance Concepts with an Application in Capital
Budgeting, European Journal of Operational Research, 223(3):572-583,
5. Hu, J. and Chan, Y., Stochastic Incident-Management of Asymmetrical
Network-Workloads, Transportation Research Part C, 27: 140-158, 2013.
6. Hu, J. and Mehrotra, S., Robust and Stochastically Weighted
Multi-Objective Optimization Models and Reformulations, Operations
Research, 60(4):936-953, 2012.
7. Hu, J., Homem-de-Mello, T., and Mehrotra, S., Sample Average
Approximation for Stochastic Dominance Constrained Programs,
Mathematical Programming Series A, 133(1-2): 171-201, 2012.
8. Hu, J., Homem-de-Mello, T. and Mehrotra, S., Risk Adjusted Budget
Allocation Models with Application in Homeland Security, IIE
Transactions, 43(12): 819-839, 2011.