John O’Donnell, D.Eng

Professor of Engineering Practice, Electrical and Computer Engineering
John Odonnell ECE
College of Engineering and Computer Science
Electrical and Computer Engineering
2092 Institute for Advanced Vehicle Systems Building | 4901 Evergreen Road | Dearborn, MI 48128

Teaching Areas:

Electrical Engineering

Biography and Education


Doctor of Engineering (D.Eng.), Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Michigan –
Master of Business Administration (MBA), University of Michigan – Ann Arbor
Master of Science (M.S.), Electrical Engineering, University of Michigan – Dearborn
Bachelor of Science (B.S.), Electrical Engineering, University of Michigan – Ann Arbor
Bachelor of Science (B.S.), Physics, University of Michigan – Ann Arbor

Teaching and Research


Machine Learning and Energy Systems

Selected Publications

1. O’Donnell, J.; Su, W. Attention-Focused Machine Learning Method to Provide the Stochastic Load
Forecasts Needed by Electric Utilities for the Evolving Electrical Distribution System. Energies 2023,
16, 5661, doi:10.3390/en16155661
2. O’Donnell, J.; Su, W. A Stochastic Load Forecasting Approach to Prevent Transformer Failures and
Power Quality Issues Amid the Evolving Electrical Demands Facing Utilities. Energies 2023, 16,
7251, doi:10.3390/en16217251.
3. Sharma, S.; O’Donnell, J.; Su, W.; Mueller, R.; Roald, L.; Rehman, K.; Bernstein, A. Engineering
Microgrids Amid the Evolving Electrical Distribution System. Energies 2024, 17, 4764.
4. Gaurish S. Gokhale, Bruce A. Mork, John O’Donnell, Steven R. Brehmer Ferroresonance case study
in a distribution network and the potential impact of DERs and CVR/VVO, Electric Power Systems
Research, Volume 220, 2023, 109303, ISSN 0378-7796.

Awards and Recognition

2022 EPRI Technology Transfer Award for Microgrid Viability Analysis
Engineering Society of Detroit’s Outstanding Young Engineer of the Year in 2000