Kevin Kobelsky, Ph.D., C.P.A., C.I.S.A.

Teaching Areas:
BBA, BBA Accounting, MBA, MS in AccountingResearch Areas:
Auditing, Educational Technology, Information Security, Information Technology, Investments in ITBiography and Education
Kevin Kobelsky, Ph.D., Department Chair Accounting and Finance and Associate Professor of Accounting at the University of Michigan-Dearborn College of Business. Dr. Kobelsky holds a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Windsor, an M.B.A. from York University, and a Ph.D. from the University of California, Irvine, and previously held appointments at the University of Southern California and Baylor University. He also has nine years of professional experience as a Chartered Accountant (Canada) and a Certified Information Systems Auditor working in the areas of public accounting, internal auditing and business process reengineering.
Dr. Kobelsky joined the faculty in 2011. He teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in accounting information systems and information systems auditing. He has served the Information Systems section of the American Accounting Association in several roles including acting as the Annual Meeting Section Program Chair. He has also served as Group Vice President of the Special Interest Group for Accounting Information Systems in the Association for Information Systems.
Dr. Kobelskys research on the impacts of information technology on organizational performance, market value and internal control has been published in leading accounting and information systems journals including The Accounting Review, Accounting Horizons, Journal of Information Systems, International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, and the CPA Journal. His research has been funded by the National Science Foundation and his research findings have been profiled in InformationWeek magazine, a leading professional publication in IT industry. He is a member of the editorial boards of the Journal of Information Systems, and Intelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance and Management.
Bachelor Commerce University of Windsor, M.B.A. York University, Ph.D. University of California, Irvine
Selected Publications
- Green, B.P, K. Kobelsky, and M. Killey. 2019. Auditor Confidence in Managements Plausible Explanations. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting, 11(2):283-298.
- Larosiliere, G., McHaney, R., Kobelsky, K. 2014. "The Effects of IT Management on Technology-Process Integration" Journal of Computer Information Systems. 56 (4:)341-351.
- Kobelsky, K. 2014. "A Conceptual Model for Segregation of Duties: Integrating Theory and Practice for Manual and IT-based Processes" International Journal of Accounting Information Systems. 15 (4), December, pp. 304-322.
- Kobelsky, K. 2014. "Enhancing IT Governance with a Simplified Approach to Segregation of Duties" ISACA Journal. Volume 4, July, pp. 40-43.
- Kobelsky, K., G. Larosiliere, and E. Plummer. 2014.The Impact of Information Technology on Performance in the Not-for-Profit Sector International Journal of Accounting Information Systems. 15 (1), March, pp. 47-65.
- Kobelsky, K., J. Lim, and R. Jha. 2013. The impact of performance-based CEO and CFO compensation on internal control quality Journal of Applied Business Research. 29 (3), May/June, pp. 913-934.
- Klamm, B.K., K. Kobelsky, M. Weidenmier Watson. 2012. Determinants of the Persistence of Internal Control Weaknesses Accounting Horizons. 26 (2) June, pp. 307-333.
- Henderson, C., K. Kobelsky, V. Richardson and R. Smith. 2010. The Relevance of Information Technology Expenditures Journal of Information Systems. 24 (2) Fall, pp. 39-77.
- Kobelsky, K. 2010. From Academia to Action Information Week. Issue 1,278 September 13, pp. 83-85.
- Kobelsky, K. and M.A. Robinson. 2010. The Impact of Outsourcing on Information Technology Spending, International Journal of Accounting Information Systems. 11 (2), June, pp. 105-119.
- Kobelsky, K., S. Hunter and V. Richardson. 2008. Information technology, contextual factors and the volatility of firm performance, International Journal of Accounting Information Systems. September, 9 (3), pp. 154-174.
- Kobelsky, K., V. Richardson, R. Smith and R. Zmud. 2008. Determinants and Consequences of Firm Information Technology Budgets, The Accounting Review. July. 83 (4), pp. 957-995.