Maureen Linker, Ph.D.

Teaching Areas:
Philosophy, Women's & Gender StudiesResearch Areas:
Feminist Philosophy, Logic and Critical Thinking, Philosophy, Social EpistemologyBiography and Education
Maureen Linker received her Ph.D. in philosophy in from the City University of New York, Graduate Center. She is currently Professor of Philosophy in the Department of Literature, Philosophy, and the Arts. She has published in a variety of academic journals including The Criminal Law Quarterly, Social Theory and Practice, and the International Journal of Argumentation. Her most recent book is Intellectual Empathy: Critical Thinking for Social Justice, published by University of Michigan Press in 2015. In addition to writing and classroom teaching, Maureen has led workshops on "Diversity Fatigue," "Navigating Difficult Dialogues," " Finding Common Ground through Intellectual Empathy, and "Managing Cultural Competency.
PhD Institution:
City University of New York/Graduate Center, 1996
Selected Publications
Intellectual Empathy: Critical Thinking for Social Justice, University of Michigan Press, 2015, 237 pages.
"Epistemic Privilege and Expertise in the Context of Meta-Debate, " Argumentation, Vol. 28, No. 1, 2014, pp. 67-84.
"Do Squirrels Eat Hamburgers: Intellectual Empathy as a Remedy for Residual Prejudice" in Informal Logic, Vol. 31, No. 2, September 2011, pp. 110-138.
"When Worlds Collide: The Global Exportation of Anti-Enlightement Scholarship" in Social Theory and Practice: An International and Interdisciplinary Journal of Social Philosophy, Vol. 31, No. 3, 2005, pp. 451-464.
Awards and Recognition
Faculty Research Award, Women's and Gender Studies, 2015
University Distinguished Teaching Award, 2009
Susan B. Anthony Award, 2006