Mitchel Sollenberger, Ph.D.
Professor of Political Science

College of Arts, Sciences, and Letters
Social Sciences
3095 College of Arts, Sciences, and Letters Building | 4901 Evergreen Road |
Dearborn, MI
Teaching Areas:
Master of Public Administration and Policy, Political ScienceResearch Areas:
Branches of American Government, Obama Administration, Politics / Political ScienceBiography and Education
PhD Institution: Politics, Catholic University, 2006
Teaching and Research
Courses Taught
Selected Publications
- (University Press of Kansas, 2012) (With Mark J. Rozell)
- (Carolina Academic Press, 2011)
- (University Press of Kansas, 2008)
- Presidential Studies, Behavioralism, and Public Law, Presidential Studies Quarterly, vol. 44, Dec. 2014
- The Origins and Development of Executive Branch Czars, Journal of Policy History, vol. 25, Fall 2013 (With Mark J. Rozell)
- Obamas Executive Branch Czars: The Constitutional Controversy and a Legislative Solution, Congress & the Presidency, vol. 29, Jan.-April 2012 (With Mark J. Rozell)
- Prerogative Power and Executive Branch Czars: President Obamas Signing Statement, Presidential Studies Quarterly, vol. 41, December 2011 (With Mark J. Rozell)
- The Blue Slip: A Theory of Unified and Divided Government, Congress & the Presidency, vol. 37, May-August 2010
- Statutory Qualifications on Appointments: Congressional and Constitutional Choices, Public Administration Quarterly, vol. 34, Summer 2010
Book Chapters:
- The Power to Advise and Consent, in Brien Hallett, ed., The Powers of U.S. Congress: Where Constitutional Authority Begins and Ends (ABC-CLIO, 2016)
- Presidential and Congressional Relations: An Evolution of Military Appointments, in Colton Campbell and David Auerswald eds., Congress and Civil-Military Relations (Georgetown University Press, 2015)
- Resolved, Presidential Czars Undermine Congress and the Constitution, in Richard J. Ellis and Michael Nelson, eds., Debating the Presidency: Conflicting Perspectives on the American Executive (CQ Press 2014) (With Mark J. Rozell)
- The Unitary Executive Theory and the Bush Legacy in Taking the Measure: The Presidency of George W. Bush, Donald R. Kelley and Todd G. Shields, eds. (Texas A&M University Press, 2013) (With Mark J. Rozell)
Opinion Pieces:
- Open all the Trump visitor logs, starting with the White House. USA Today, Aug. 1, 2017 (With Mark J. Rozell).
- Mr. President: Cooperation with Russian Investigation is your best Play, The Hill, May 26, 2017 (With Mark J. Rozell)
- Presidential Secrecy and Transparency in the Age of Trump. The Hill, Jan. 17, 2017 (With Mark J. Rozell)
- Policy Czars Already Have Too Much Power. Trump Would Make That Worse. Washington Post: In Theory, March 30, 2016 (With Mark. J. Rozell)
- Taking Executive Privilege Too Far, The Hill, Feb. 16, 2016 (With Mark J. Rozell)
- Why Congress Needs to Keep Up Heat on Clinton Emails, The Hill, March 20, 2015 (with Mark J. Rozell)
- Obama: The Art of Disguised Unilateralism, The Hill, Dec. 23, 2014 (with Mark J. Rozell)
Awards and Recognition
Distinguished Research Award, University of Michigan-Dearborn, 2012