Nancy Wrobel, Ph.D.

Teaching Areas:
Arab American Studies, Master of Science in Psychology, PsychologyResearch Areas:
Arab American Studies, Mental Health, Psychometrics and Measurement, Research MethodsBiography and Education
Nancy Howells Wrobel, PhD, is a Professor of Psychology at the University of Michigan, Dearborn and a licensed clinical psychologist. She teaches classes in clinical psychology to both undergraduate and graduate students in Clinical Health Psychology. She completed her doctoral work at Wayne State University. Her research interests focus on assessment, particularly assessment and diagnostic decisions across cultural groups. Her published research includes validation of Arabic versions of mental health and dementia screening instruments as well as acculturative stress measures. She has also written about mental health risks and trauma as well as treatment and health related decisions in Arab Americans.
Selected Publications
Sankari, S., Wrobel, N.H., Leonard, M. T., Sankari, A. & Javanbakht, A. (2023). Sleep Disorders and PTSD in Syrian Refugees. Avicenna Journal of Medicine.
Wrobel, N. H. (2023). Mental Health and Developmental Risks in Arab Americans Across Political and Cultural Landscapes . In S. Nassar-McMillan, 2nd ed. A Biopsychosocial Approach to Arab Americans: Perspectives on Culture, Development, and Health. New York: Springer.
Kira, I., & Wrobel, N. H (2023). Arab Refugees: Trauma, Resilience, and Recovery: An Update. In S. Nassar-McMillan.
Mills, M., Whitehead, B. & Wrobel, N.H. (2020). Race and Personal Exposure to AD Influence Projected Memory Failure Attributions and Help-Seeking Behaviors, Clinical Gerontologist.
Awards and Recognition
2021 AMENA-Psy Distinguished Contribution to Psychological Scholarship Award from The American Arab, Middle Eastern, and North African Psychological Association (AMENA-Psy)