Sang-Hwan Kim, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering

College of Engineering and Computer Science
Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering
2230 Heinz Prechter Engineering Complex | 4901 Evergreen Road |
Dearborn, MI
Teaching Areas:
Human Centered Engineering DesignResearch Areas:
Automotive Engineering, Human Factors and ErgonomicsBiography and Education
Research Areas
- Human Factors and Ergonomics
- Cognitive Engineering
- Human-Machine Interaction
- UI/UX Design and Evaluation
- Aviation/Driving Psychology
Ph.D., Industrial & Systems Engineering, North Carolina State University, USA, 2009.
M.S., Industrial Engineering, Korea University, Korea, 2002.
B.S., Industrial Engineering, Soongsil University, Korea, 2000.
Selected Publications
- Tijerina, L., Warren, D., Kim, S-H., and Dolins, F. (2017). An Examination of Driver Eye Glance Behavior, Navigational Errors, and Subjective Assessments While Using In-Vehicle Navigational Systems with and Without Landmark Enhancements. Proceedings of SAE 2017 World Congress, SAE Technical Paper 2017-01-1375, doi:10.4271/2017-01-1375.
- Jeon, B.W., Kim, S-H., Jeong, D., and Chang, J. (2016). Development of Smart Shift and Drive Control System Based on the Personal Driving Style Adaptation. Proceedings of SAE 2016 World Congress, SAE Technical Paper 2016-01-1112, doi:10.4271/2016-01-1112.
- Kim, S-H., and Kaber, D.B. (2014). Examining the Effects of Conformal Terrain Features in Advanced Head-Up Displays on Flight Performance and Pilot Situation Awareness. Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries, 24 (4), 386-402. doi: 10.1002/hfm.20501.
- Jeon, B.W., and Kim, S-H. (2014). Measurement and Modeling of Perceived Gear Shift Quality for Automatic Transmission Vehicles, SAE International Journal of Passenger Cars – Mechanical Systems, 7(1), 423-433. doi:10.4271/2014-01-9125.
- Kim, S-H., Xu, M., Harrelson, H., Pedamallu, R.K.A., Weiss, B., and Escobar, C. (2014). Examining Relations of Driver’s Self-Confidence Level with Automotive Instrument Cluster Reading Performance. Proceedings of Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 2014 Annual Meeting, Santa Monica, CA: Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.
- Jeon, B.W, Kim, S-H., and Harrelson, H. (2013). Multidimensional Measure of Perceived Shift Quality Metric for Automatic Transmission Applying Kansei Engineering Methods. Proceedings of SAE 2013 World Congress, SAE Technical Paper 2013-01-0336, doi:10.4271/2013-01-0336
- Kaber, D.B., Naylor, J.T., Gil, G-H., Pankok, C., and Kim, S-H. (2013). The Influence of Dynamics and Flight Domain on Pilot Perception of Clutter in Aviation Display. Journal of Aerospace Information Systems. 10(12), 550-559.
- Kaber, D., Kaufmann, K., Alexander, A., Kim, S-H., Naylor, J.T., Prinzel, L.J., Pankok, C., and Gil, G-H. (2013). Testing and Validation of a Psychophysically Defined Metric of Display Clutter. Journal of Aerospace Information Systems. 10(8), 359-368. doi: 10.2514/1.I010048.
- Alexander, A.L., Kaber, D.B., Kim, S-H., Stelzer, E.M., Kaufman, K., and Prinzel, L.J. (2012). Measurement and Modeling of Display Clutter in Advanced Flight Deck Technologies. International Journal of Aviation Psychology, 22(4), 299-318.
- Gill, G-H., Kaufmann, K., Kim, S-H., and Kaber, D.B. (2012). Effects of Modes of Cockpit Automation on Pilot Performance and Workload in a Next Generation Flight Concept of Operation. Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries, 22(5), 395-406.
- Kim, S-H., Prinzel, L.J., Kaber, D.B., Alexander, A.L., Stelzer, E.M., Kaufmann, K., and Veil, T. (2011). Multidimensional Measure of Display Clutter and Pilot Performance for Advanced Head-up Display. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine, 82(11), 1013-1022.
- Kaber, D.B., and Kim, S-H. (2011). Understanding Cognitive Strategy in Adaptive Automation in Dual-Task using Computational Cognitive Modeling. Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making, 5(3), 309-331.
- Kaber D.B., Green, R.S., Kim, S-H., and Segall, N. (2011). Assessing Usability of Human Interfaces for Life Science Automation using Computational Cognitive Models. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 27(6), 481-504.
- Kaber, D.B., Stoll, N., Thurow, K., Green, R.S., Kim, S-H., and Mosaly, P. (2009). Human-Automation Interaction Strategies and Models for Life Science Applications. Human Factors & Ergonomics in Manufacturing, 19(6), 601-621.
- Kim, S-H., and Kaber D.B. (2009). Design and evaluation of dynamic text-editing methods using foot pedals. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 39(2), 358-365.