Wessam Elmeligi, Ph.D.

Associate Professor; Director, Center for Arab American Studies
Wessam Elmeligi
College of Arts, Sciences, and Letters
Center for Arab American Studies
Language, Culture, and the Arts

Teaching Areas:

Arab American Studies, Arabic, Middle East Studies

Research Areas:

Arab Cinema, Classical and Modern Arabic Art and Literature, Comparative Literature, Gender Studies, Immigration Narratives, Literary Psychoanalysis, Narratology, SWANA Cultures, The Graphic Novel, Visual Media

Biography and Education

Director: Comparative Literature Certificate

Director: Arabic Translate Certificate

Dr. Wessam Elmeligi is the Director of the Center for Arab American Studies, and associate professor of Arabic Studies and Comparative Literature in the Department of Language, Culture, and Arts, as well as the director of the Comparative Literature program and the Arabic Studies and translation program. His research interests include Literary Theory, Arabic, Comparative and World Literature, Film, and Art. He is also a graphic novelist and artist. 


PhD, Literary Theory, Alexandria University, Egypt; MA, Literary Theory, Alexandria University, Egypt; BA, Language and Literature, Alexandria University, Egyp

Teaching and Research


Narratology, visual media, comparative literature, gender studies, literary psychoanalysis, immigration narratives, the graphic novel, classical and modern Arabic art and literature, Arab cinema, SWANA cultures

Teaching Interests

Arabic literature, Arabic language, Arabic-English and English-Arabic translation, comparative literature

Selected Publications


Elmeligi, Wessam. Dystopia in Arabic Speculative Fiction: A Poetics of distress. Routledge, 2023. 

Elmeligi, Wessam. Cultural Identity in Arabic Novels of Immigration: A Poetics of Return. Rowman & Littlefield, 2021

Elmeligi, Wessam. The Poetry of Arab Women from Pre-Islamic Times to Andalusia. Routledge, 2019


Elmeligi, Wessam. "Differently Empowering: The Performativity of Strong Female Leads by Faten Hamama and Hind Rostom." In Arab Stardom: Transnational Glamor and Empowerment. Kayla Davies Hayon and Stefanie Van De Peer (Eds.). Bloomsbury, 2023, pp.115-136.

Elmeligi, Wessam. "I was Their American Dream by Malaka Gharib: Theory and Visual Analysis." In Muslim Women's Writing from across South and Southeast Asia. Feroza Jussawalla and Doaa Omran (Eds.). Routledge, 2022, pp.252-262. 

It Is Not Just Phonetics and Aristocrats It Is Sexuality and Politics: The Adaptation of Bernard Shaws Pygmalion in the Egyptian Theatre. In Rewriting Narratives in Egyptian Theatre: Translation, Performance, Politics, ed. Sirkku Aaltonen & Areeg Ibrahim. Routledge 2016


Elmeligi, Wessam. "Islands, Rooms, and Queues: Three Tropes in Arabic Science Fiction." Journal of Science Fiction4(2), 2021. 3649

Elmeligi, Wessam. Unreliable Author: Narrative Duality in Sonallah Ibrahims 尨Amr蘋knl蘋. Authorship 8, no.1. Ghent: Ghent University/DOAJ, 2019. 1-17

Elmeligi, Wessam. Narrative Fluidity: Intermedial Interpretation of the Persian Legend, Khosrow and Shirin: Abbas Kiarostamis film Shirin, Ferdowsis miniatures, and Nizami Ganjavis 12th century Epic Khamsa. Image & Narrative 19, no.2 (2018): 105-123

Graphic Novels:

Elmeligi, Wessam. Jamila. Seshat Press, 2017.

Elemligi, Wessam. Y & Y. Seshat Press, 2016. 

Awards and Recognition

Educator of the Year (nominee), Macalester College, 2013

Academic Excellence Faculty Award, Alexandria University, Damanhur Campus, 2007

Fund for the Advancement of Collaborative Teaching, Macalester College, 2018 (with Professor Ernesto Ortiz-Diaz) to develop course Hyphenating Identities: Multiculturalisms in Al-Andalus and the Americas

Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence, Macalester College, 2008-2009 Fulbright Award, Summer Institute on Contemporary Literature, University of Louisville, Kentucky, 1999

Scholarship Recipient, award sponsored by Alexandria University, Edinburgh University, and the British Council in Alexandria for New Worlds: British Culture in the Twentieth Century, Scottish Universities International Summer, 1995