William DeGenaro, Ph.D.

Professor of Composition and Rhetoric
Bill DeGenaro
College of Arts, Sciences, and Letters
Honors Program
Language, Culture, and the Arts
schedule Winter 2025: Weds 8:30a - 9:45a, 12p - 1p in CB 3064 or by appointment via Zoom (email to arrange)

Teaching Areas:

Composition and Rhetoric, Creative Writing, Honors, Writing for Civic Engagement

Research Areas:

Basic Writing Pedagogy, Composition, Service Learning, Working-Class Studies

Biography and Education

I've taught at 蹤獲扦-Dearborn for twenty years. I teach first-year writing, advanced classes for the Professional Writing and Rhetoric major, Honors seminars, and exchange courses inside a local prison. I've taught in Lebanon, Jordan, and the UAE. I'm working on a book about writer-artist William Steig, who you might know as the guy who wrote Shrek. I love writing (duh!), cooking, traveling, hiking, and spending time with my wife and our dog, Juliet.



Ph.D., The University of Arizona (2002)

Selected Publications

With Michael T. MacDonald. Keyword First-Gen: An Ideological Critique of First-Generation Support Websites. Beyond Fitting In: Rethinking First-Gen Literacy and Literacy Education, Ed. Kelly Ritter, MLA, 2022, pp. 27-44.

Book Reviews, Record Reviews & Features for Pop Matters. Available: 

Kurt Cobain, Writing Program Administrator. WPA: Writing Program Administration 42.1 (2018): 17-35. Available: 

With Jerrice Donelson and Anthony DeGenaro. Its Essentially Writers Talking about Writing: The Role of Reflection in a Co-Curricular Studio Course. Open Words: Access & English Studies 11.1 (2018): 82-101. Available: 

With Michael T. MacDonald. Negotiating a Transcultural Ethos from the Ground Up in a Basic Writing Program. Journal of Basic Writing 36.1 (2017): 25-55. Available: 

Awards and Recognition

  • Fulbright Scholar to Jordan (2019-2020)
  • The Best of Rhetoric & Composition Journals, Nomination for "Kurt Cobain: Writing Program Administrator" (2020)
  • With Michael T. MacDonald, Vansant-Spoiden Award for Best Journal Article, LCC Department (2018)
  • Fulbright Scholar to Lebanon (2010-2011)
  • University of Michigan "Roads" Scholar (2009)