Xi Chen, Ph.D.
LEO Lecturer III, Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering

College of Engineering and Computer Science
Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering
2290 Heinz Prechter Engineering Complex | 4901 Evergreen Road |
Dearborn, MI
Biography and Education
Research Interests
- Supply chain management
- Sustainable operations
- Smart mobility systems and the sharing economy
- E-commerce and supply chains
Ph.D., Industrial & Systems Engineering, University of Minnesota
M.S., Industrial & Systems Engineering, University of Minnesota.
B.S., Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, Fudan University, China.
Selected Publications
Chen, X. (2018). When Does Store Consolidation Lead to Higher Emissions? International Journal of Production Economics, accepted.
Chen, X., Xi, Z. and Jing, P. (2017). A Unified Framework for Evaluating Supply Chain Reliability and Resilience. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 66(4), 1144-1156.
Chen, X., Benjaafar, S. and Elomri, A. (2013). The Carbon Constrained EOQ. Operations Research Letters, 41(2), 172-179 (Most downloaded papers in 2013-2014).