Ya Sha (Alex) Yi, Ph.D

Teaching Areas:
Electrical EngineeringResearch Areas:
Automotive Engineering, Bioengineering, Integrated Design and Manufacturing, Materials and Material Processing, Nano Electronic and Photonic Materials and Devices, Power Electronics and Energy Systems, Wearable SensorsBiography and Education
The group is performing dynamic research in the following areas: Integrated nano electronic and photonic materials and devices, photovoltaics&power related materials and devices, solar cells, light emitting diodes (LEDs), lasers, semiconducting materials and devices, high performance computation and large scale simulation, photonic crystals, plasmonics, optoelectronic sensor, biomedical imaging, display, integrated nanoelectronics/MEMS and renewable energy. We have wide collaborations with Massachusetts Institute of Technology, European Union, National Laboratories and big industry companies.
Ph.D., Electronics and Optoelectronics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Selected Publications
I have more than 80 journal papers, have edited one book, written three book chapters, and holds 11 U.S. patents and one international patent. Please see my personal website for updates:
Awards and Recognition
1. Presidential Fellowship, M. I. T
2. Rosenblith Fellowship, M. I. T
3. Marquis Who’s Who in Science and Technology
4. Excellent student scholarship of Academia Sinica
5. Guang Hua Prize of Peking University (the highest scholarship in Peking University).
6. Excellent student prize of Peking University
7. C.S.Wu Prize of Nanjing University
8. Member, IEEE, 2002-present
9. Senior Member, Optical Society of America, 2002-present
10. Member, American Physical Society, 1998-present
11. Member, Material Research Society, 2002-present