Employee Tuition Support Program

Policy owned by: Human Resources

Last reviewed: 08/2024

Last updated: 08/2024

Next Review Date: 08/2027


To enhance the Tuition Support Program () for employees, 蹤獲扦-Dearborn Human Resources provides a centralized fund to several segments of employees. To request tuition support, employees will work with their supervisor to provide appropriate documentation to the Human Resources Office, including verification of successful completion of the course for credit.

Amount of Support Provided and Process

The process for employee tuition support on the 蹤獲扦-Dearborn campus is managed within the HR Office. 

For 蹤獲扦-Dearborn employees taking 蹤獲扦-Dearborn classes only, 75% of the cost of tuition and fees will be paid by campus units and centralized fund. This process will remain in conjunction with the 25% U-M Employee Scholarship available to employees seeking degrees on the 蹤獲扦-Dearborn campus.

  • To request an advance or reimbursement for 75% of tuition and fees, complete and follow the submission instructions on the . The form must be signed by the employee and their supervisor and forwarded to HR with a tuition statement for final approval. HR will enter the shortcode in the Administrative Section.
  • To request the 25% scholarship, complete and follow the instructions on the U-M Employee Scholarship Application Form.
  • At the end of each semester, submit an official grade report to HR to show successful completion of the course(s) listed on the Tuition Support Request Form. Successful completion is defined as receiving a grade of B or better for graduate level courses and a grade of C or better for all other courses.

For 蹤獲扦-Dearborn employees taking courses at institutions other than 蹤獲扦-Dearborn, HR will work with senior leadership to identify a limited number of employees who would be eligible for centralized financial support as part of a succession development plan where 蹤獲扦-Dearborn does not offer the program. This process will include a review of performance discussions, long term career goals, and growth within individual positions. Senior leaders will work with HR to ensure that career development opportunities exist for all staff.

Per the SPG, the home department can still elect to pay for the 75% tuition and fees without centralized funding support. That decision will remain at the discretion of the department as outlined in . The 25% U-M Employee Scholarship does not apply to employees taking courses at institutions other than 蹤獲扦-Dearborn.

  • Upon admittance into one of the limited educational support slots, complete and follow the instructions on the . The form must be signed by the employee and their supervisor and forwarded to HR with a tuition statement for final approval. HR will enter the shortcode in the Administrative Section.
  • At the end of each semester, submit an official grade report to HR to show successful completion of the course(s) listed on the Tuition Support Request Form. Successful completion is defined as receiving a grade of B or better for graduate level courses and a grade of C or better for all other courses.

HR will evaluate the employee tuition support program as needed and assess the contribution of central funds as necessary.


Policy owned by: Financial Services and Human Resources

Last reviewed: 10/2019

Next review: 4/2021