Visitors and Volunteers to the University of Michigan-Dearborn Laboratories


Visitors and volunteers are welcomed in University of Michigan- Dearborn (ÂÜÀòÉç- Dearborn) laboratories; however, given the inherent nature of research, there is always a potential risk for injury and additional liability for the University.  The Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) department requires that a responsible person appointed by the Laboratory Director or Department Head supervise all visitors or volunteers when they enter a laboratory to work or for a visit. Departmental policy to this effect will reduce or eliminate the risk of personal injury to visitors/volunteers in research laboratories, and the risk of damage to projects and property.

If the visitor or volunteer is a minor, refer to the Minors in Research Laboratories document for the appropriate policies and procedures. However, minors not taking part in a university-approved visit or volunteer role are not permitted within research settings for any reason.  Among other things, this prohibition applies to instances when an employee office is inside a laboratory space.


This  applies to all academic, clinical, and service units involved in laboratory operations on the Dearborn campus.

Related Documents

ÂÜÀòÉç Standard Practice Guide (SPG) , & 


Enforcement of this Guideline will be primarily the responsibility of the PI’s, the Lab/Facility Managers, and the Department Head with compliance and assurance by Facilities Management, EHS, and the Department of Public Safety (DPS).


Chemical Hygiene Plan:  The University Chemical Hygiene Plan is a written program that applies to all research, teaching, student and other laboratories at ÂÜÀòÉç- Dearborn covered by the MIOSHA Part 432, Hazardous Work in Laboratories Standard.

Department Head:  The person that holds authority over a Primary Investigator or other researcher and is in a position to review requests for visits.  This raises the approval level beyond the individual lab or research facility.

Laboratory Director:  The person with the highest level of authority within the laboratory. In research labs, this is typically the Principal Investigator (PI).

Other:  Visitors employed by another company who have been given permission by their employer and a specific ÂÜÀòÉç-Dearborn department, to work at the University for learning purposes.

 PPE:  Personal Protective Equipment

Research Facility:  Any space within a University building where clinical, research, or laboratory support operations are conducted.  This includes any space where research animals are housed or supported.

Responsible Person:  Any person approved by the Principal Investigator (PI), the Laboratory Director/Facility Manager, or the Department Head to oversee and/or supervise the activities of a visitor/volunteer while in the research facility.

Visitor/Volunteer:  Any person entering a research facility or laboratory on campus for a tour or non-compensated work-related purpose.  This would also apply to ÂÜÀòÉç-Dearborn employees touring laboratories at the University as a visitor.


Observation Only Visits

The individual (non-minor) is not conducting any research using hazardous materials or equipment.

Approval Process

Anyone wishing to bring a visitor into an active Research Facility must follow their specific department’s approval process.

At a minimum, the request for approval of a Visitor/Volunteer/Other must be submitted in writing to the Principal Investigator, Laboratory/Facility Manager, and/or the Department Head a minimum of two (2) weeks in advance of the planned visit.  The approval must describe the purpose of the visit and who will be the responsible person to oversee the visit.

The Visitor or the Responsible Person must produce the approval document upon request.  Records of the approval and visit are required to be maintained by the Research Facility for a minimum of three (3) years.  It is recommended that the documents are maintained in Section 6, Additional Documentation of the CHP Document Binder (i.e., Blue Binder).

PPE Requirements

Visitors must be provided with appropriate PPE as needed based on work activity underway in the


At a minimum, safety glasses, long pants and closed-toe shoes must be worn in laboratories where chemicals are used or stored. Laboratory coats and other PPE deemed necessary by the hazards present must be worn even during observation only visits.


Observation-only visitors must receive a brief discussion of potential hazards that may be encountered in the laboratory during their visit and procedures to follow if there is an emergency. Documentation of training is recommended.

Visitors and Volunteers (Non-Minors) Performing Research Activities Using Hazardous Materials or Equipment

Approval Process

Anyone wishing to bring a Visitor/Volunteer/Other into Research Facilities for the purpose of conducting research or other laboratory related procedures must do the following:

  • Seek approval from their Department Head.
  • Upon approval and prior to start of work in the Research Facility, all individuals must complete the attached ÂÜÀòÉç- Dearborn Laboratory Use, Assumption of Risk and Release of Liability for Volunteers and Visitors (Appendix A).
PPE Requirements

Individuals must be provided with appropriate PPE as needed based on work activity.

At a minimum, safety glasses, long pants and closed-toe shoes must be worn in laboratories where chemicals are used or stored.  Laboratory coats and other PPE deemed necessary by the hazards present must be worn when directly working with chemicals and will be provided at no cost.


The Comprehensive Laboratory Safety Training and associated Quiz must be completed by each individual prior to using or beginning work with hazardous materials or operations.  The training and quiz are available at the Dearborn campus EHS website:

Comprehensive Laboratory Safety Training

Additional EHS training courses as deemed necessary. The additional training may include, but is not limited to:

  • Bloodborne Pathogens
  • Centrifuge Training
  • Autoclave Standard Operating Procedures
  • Laser Safety Basic Training
  • Radiation Safety

Laboratory-specific Training provided by the Laboratory Director must cover necessary work practices, procedures and policies to ensure that all individuals are protected from potentially hazardous chemicals, biological pathogens and dangerous equipment used in the workplace. Training on emergency procedures must also be included.

Medical Surveillance

Medical Surveillance may be a state or federal regulatory requirement depending on the type of research and work activities being conducted. Examples may include: respiratory protection clearance; animal handler; or audiograms for noise exposure.

  • Consult with EHS on the need for medical surveillance. Individual may be required to participate in University medical surveillance program(s).
  • Individuals may be requested to show proof of current medical surveillance from another entity to confirm the individual is adequately covered by another work group.

All Training must be documented and maintained in the research facility with the EHS document binder (i.e., Blue Binder- Section 4, Training Records- Part 2: ).

Records of the approval and waiver form must be maintained by the research facility for a minimum of three (3) years.

Emergency Procedures for Observers and those Performing Research Activities

All near hit/near miss incidents, injuries and illnesses must be reported.  Appropriate medical treatment may be necessary. Determine what must be done for each visitor and ensure all responsible persons are aware of the procedures.

For all incidents – Complete the Incident and Near Miss/Near Hit Report and submit to the Dearborn campus EHS with 72 hours (3 days) of the unplanned event occurring.

Visitors should be referred to their own physician or the nearest emergency center depending on the nature of their issue.

Technical Support

Technical support will be provided by EHS and the Office of Risk Management (ORM).

Policy owned by: Environmental Health & Safety (EHS)

Last reviewed date: 7/8/2024

Last updated date: 7/8/2024

Next review date: 7/7/2027