Alcohol and Other Drug Policy for Students, Faculty and Staff

Policy owned by: Human Resources, Public Safety and Dean of Students

Last reviewed date: August 1, 2024

Last updated date: August 1, 2024

Next review date: September 1, 2027


The University of Michigan-Dearborn understands that the use of alcohol and drugs can lead to changes in the brain and body that impact impulse control, decision making, and learning. Substance use in its most serious form can lead to abuse and addiction which can seriously impact physical and emotional well-being. To support faculty and students who may find themselves with a range of challenges caused by drug and alcohol use, the University is dedicated to directing individuals towards education, support, and treatment services.  Under the "Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988" and the "Drug Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1991" the University is required to notify all employees and students of its specific alcohol and drug policy program. For the purpose of this Policy, the term "drug" includes:

  1. controlled substances, as defined in 21 USC 80
  2. controlled substances which were not legally obtained, including:
    • Prescribed drugs when prescription is no longer valid (e.g. use of medication after a course of  treatment is completed);
    • Prescribed drugs used contrary to the prescription;
    • Prescribed drugs issued to another person.

All members of the campus community also are governed by laws, regulations and ordinances established by the  federal government, the state and local ordinance and will be held accountable by law enforcement representatives of the entities for  any illegal activity. It is the responsibility of all campus members to be aware of these laws.

The elements of the policy and program include consequences that may follow the use of alcohol and other drugs, and sanctions that may be applied both by the University and by external authorities. The law requires that individuals be notified of possible sources of assistance for problems that may arise as a result of use.

This policy is intended to educate members of the University community about the health risks associated with the use and abuse of alcohol and other drugs and about the resources available for counseling and therapy. In addition, in order to assure a work and learning environment that promotes the University's mission and proper function, the University prohibits unlawful possession, use, or distribution of alcohol or illicit drugs by faculty, staff, or students on university property or as a part of any University activity. Federal and state sanctions also apply to such conduct.

Prevention strategies include efforts to change inappropriate community norms regarding alcohol and other drug use, to alter environmental factors that support inappropriate use, and to provide information and skills regarding sensible use.

Drugs: A full description of federal sanctions for drug felonies can be found in the page. This section is not intended as legal advice; consult with an  attorney regarding your specific legal issues. For more information on referrals to local legal services, contact the Office of the Dean of Students.

Alcohol: Under Michigan law it is illegal for anyone under the age of 21 to purchase, consume or possess, or  have any bodily content of alcohol. A first time conviction may result in a fine, substance abuse education and  treatment, community service and court-ordered drug screenings. There is also a provision for possible  imprisonment or probation for a second or subsequent offense. Use of false identification by minors in obtaining  alcohol is a misdemeanor  punishable by imprisonment up to 93 days and a $100 fine or both.

Individuals can be arrested/convicted of operating a vehicle while intoxicated with a blood alcohol concentration  (BAC) level at .08 or higher. If a student is under 21, there is a "zero tolerance" law in the state of Michigan and any  blood alcohol level of .01 or higher can lead to a minor in possession (MIP) ticket as well as being cited for  operating a vehicle while intoxicated. This is in addition to suspension of driving privileges in the state of Michigan.

Medical Amnesty: To better ensure that minors at medical risk as a result of alcohol intoxication will receive  prompt and appropriate medical attention, the State of Michigan provides for medical amnesty to remove  perceived barriers to calling for or seeking help.

Michigan law continues to prohibit a minor from purchasing, consuming, or possessing, or attempting to  purchase, consume, or possess, alcoholic liquor and from having any bodily alcohol content. The medical amnesty  law provides an exemption from prosecution for the following:

  • A minor (under the age of 21) who, after consuming alcohol, voluntarily presents himself or herself to a  health facility or agency for treatment or observation, including medical examination and treatment for  any condition as a result of sexual assault (as defined in Michigan law).
  • Any minor (under the age of 21) who accompanies any individual who, after consuming alcohol,  voluntarily presented himself or herself to a health facility or agency for treatment or observation,  including medical examination and treatment for any condition as a result of sexual assault (as defined in  Michigan law).
  • Any minor (under the age of 21) who initiated contact with law enforcement or emergency medical services  personnel for the purpose of obtaining medical assistance in connection with a legitimate health care concern. Any individual who seeks medical assistance for themselves because of drug overdose or use of a prescription  drug that is a controlled substance or a controlled analogue.
  • Any individual who accompanies or procures medical assistance for another individual as a result of drug  overdose or use of a prescription drug that is a controlled substance.

The University maintains the discretion to refer the individual for appropriate educational intervention(s).

Distribution of Policy

A copy of this policy statement will be distributed to all faculty, staff and students one time per year (August) via email.

Review of University Prevention Program and Policy

The University shall review its "Alcohol and Other Drugs Prevention Program and Policy" to determine  effectiveness and implement changes, if needed, and to ensure that the University's disciplinary sanctions are  consistently enforced.