b'LEARNING THATMAKES A DIFFERENCEOur graduate students are gaining the knowledge and experience needed to shape real policies and help real people.At ÂÜÀòÉç-Dearborn, we believe in takingcommunity partners, access to state-of-classroom instruction one step furtherthe-art laboratories, and opportunities to ensure our students are well- to participate in faculty-led research prepared for their professional careers.initiatives. In recent years, our graduate In an era marked by technologicalstudents have worked alongside advancement, our graduates need toesteemed faculty to research topics possess a diverse skill set that willsuch as alternative energy, electric allow them to adapt to changes invehicles and viral diseases.their industries. To make sure you areWhile the primary goal of PBL is equipped with the skills and knowledgeto prepare students for a career in necessary to be successful in your field,their industry, its secondary benefit we have embraced Practice-Basedis fostering a supportive community. Learning (PBL) as a cornerstone of ourBy collaborating closely with faculty, curriculum. classmates, and campus partners, PBL is a learning model that integratesstudents are able to deepen their theory with practical experience,relationships and expand their network.allowing students to make a real difference in their areas of study. Each of our four colleges implements PBL in their courses through a variety of avenues: internships, collaborative projects with our corporate and'