Planning update, December 18, 2019
Dear Colleagues,
Over the past several months we have been meeting with the working groups. The five sub-committees have been working diligently to prepare interim reports that will help shape the future direction of our campus. Several of the groups have collected and incorporated input from faculty and staff members, as well as students, via focus groups and surveys. From the interim reports, several themes have emerged:
- Innovations to support the success of our students inside and outside the classroom and enhance their overall educational experience.
- Creative and flexible methods of teaching, completing work and conducting operations.
- Increasing awareness and visibility of 蹤獲扦-Dearborn as an educational institution of choice and identifying opportunities to showcase the research and scholarship that occurs on our campus.
- Increasing research productivity and philanthropic activity, identifying ways to utilize structural resources more efficiently and leverage technology.
- Outreach and strengthening partnerships with business, industry and communities.
At the link below you will find a word cloud developed from the ideas included in the interim reports written by the working groups.
The final reports were submitted on December 15 and we will review them over the holiday break and into the early part of January. A draft report will be composed and shared with the senior officers and deans, the working groups, and then the campus as a whole so that we can obtain broader input.
We would like to thank everyone who participated in this process for their hard work, creativity and thoughtfulness during the seminal ideation process. We look forward to working together with you to take this important initiative to the next level.
With our best wishes for a safe and restful holiday break!
Go Blue! Go Dearborn!
Domenico Grasso
Chancellor - Co-chair, Strategic Planning Initiative
Deborah Smith Pollard
Professor - Co-chair, Strategic Planning Initiative
Office of the Chancellor
4901 Evergreen Road
Dearborn, MI 48128