Prioritized Use Standards for University Resources and Services
The University of Michigan-Dearborn welcomes use of reservable campus spaces for non-academic functions by students, faculty, staff, partners and guests. University Unions & Events coordinates spaces, equipment and services for scheduled events in a manner that supports the university’s mission and strategic initiatives and conforms to usage guidelines set forth by state and local regulations. University Unions & Events ensures that all activities it coordinates complement academic and other university functions. University resources such as rooms and services are intended to benefit our university mission, vision and initiatives. University Unions & Events is tasked with producing revenue to support our programs, services, and operations. Use of campus resources by university administration, colleges, departments, students, university-sponsored partners and the local community is defined through a set of guidelines for prioritized use and pricing as follows:
A. 1. University administration or departmental non-classroom activities that further student success, academic excellence, enrollment growth, philanthropy and/or diversity and inclusion.
A. 2. Student organization activities that enhance the student experience and create enduring connections to the university, fostering growth in areas such as student development, civic engagement, leadership development, Greek Life, multicultural programs and initiatives and LGBTQ+ programs and initiatives. Activities are focused primarily in the University Center, Union at Dearborn and Fairlane Center facilities.
- These activities are internally produced and financially supported by the university.
B. 1. Activities reserved by non-profit external companies, groups or organizations. These activities shall demonstrate alignment with the university mission and demonstrate measurable value to the university by furthering student success, academic excellence, enrollment growth, philanthropy and/or diversity and inclusion.
B. 2. University and student organization events that charge groups and participants admission, registration or other required fees for any on-campus reservations.
- These activities shall return financial payment to the university for resources used and services rendered and could be considered for a discounted rate.
C. Activities reserved by external organizations not sponsored by university administration or departments.
- These activities shall return market-based financial payment to the university for resources used and services rendered.
D. Activities sponsored by the university administration and departments and reserved for external companies, groups or organizations. These activities shall demonstrate alignment with the university mission and demonstrate measurable value to the university by furthering student success, academic excellence, enrollment growth, philanthropy and/or diversity and inclusion.
- These activities shall return financial payment to the university for resources used and services rendered at a discounted rate that produces at minimum a net-zero expense to the university.
- The university has established an annual limit of events that qualify for this status for campus units.
University Unions & Events welcomes and respects our responsibility to serve the meeting and hospitality needs at the University of Michigan-Dearborn. We are committed to providing consistently exceptional customer service and assistance supporting successful event experiences that benefit our university, its missions and our guests.
University Unions and Events
4901 Evergreen Road
Dearborn, MI 48128