Make an Appointment
Sign in with your 蹤獲扦ICH credentials through our online scheduling system, .
When you're signed in, select the type of appointment you wish to schedule from the "Schedules" drop down menu at the top left of the page. You will have the option of our CASL location for in-person appointments, synchronous online appointments, and asynchronous eTutoring appointments.
Multiple missed appointments will result in your account being suspended. You may request your account be reinstated by emailing the Writing Center coordinator.
Online, eTutoring, and In-Person Appointments
Online Appointments (synchronous)
- Log into . Select the "Online Appointments" schedule in the "Schedules" drop down menu at the top left of the page.
- Select an open slot to make an appointment. You will get a pop-up window (check your pop-up blocker if you don't see this). Fill out all fields in the appointment window.
- You are welcome to attach your paper ahead of time, but it's not required. Then select "Create Appointment." You should receive a confirmation email. The Writing Center recommends scheduling a full hour for your first online session.
- A few minutes before your appointment is scheduled to begin, log into WCONLINE and select your scheduled appointment. In the pop-up window, click the link titled "START OR JOIN ONLINE CONSULTATION."
- You will be taken to a new window with a digital whiteboard and a chat box. The existing text in the whiteboard tells you how to use the online tutoring module. This text can be deleted, and you may paste your paper into this digital whiteboard.
- If the online tutoring module does not work for you, you may also use the chat box within the online tutoring module to invite your consultant to a shared Google doc.
eTutoring Appointments (asynchronous)
eTutoring appointments allow the writer and consultant to engage via WCONLINE without needing to be present at the same time.
- Log into . Select the "eTutoring Consultations" schedule in the "Schedules" drop down menu at the top left of the page.
- Select an open slot to make an appointment. You will get a pop-up window (check your pop-up blocker if you don't see this). Fill out all fields in the appointment window.
- You must attach your work along with a detailed description of the assignment and/or prompt when you make your appointment. Please upload files in Microsoft Word format (no PDF files please).
- Include all your questions for the writing consultant in the appointment window.
- Your consultant will return your writing with comments within 24 hours after the scheduled appointment time.
- Note: eTutoring consultants do not proof or line edit your work; they respond qualitatively to your questions and offer advise for revision. Recurring syntactical or grammatical errors may also be identified, time permitting.
Note: If your work requires additional drafting or development time, you may require a minimum of two (2) appointments. If your needs require greater immediacy, consider an online appointment instead.
In-Person Appointments
- Log into . Select the "In-Person Appointments" schedule in the "Schedules" drop down menu at the top left of the page.
- Select an open slot to make an appointment. You will get a pop-up window (check your pop-up blocker if you don't see this). Fill out all fields in the appointment window.
- You are welcome to attach your paper ahead of time, but it's not required. Click "Create Appointment." You should receive a confirmation email. The Writing Center recommends scheduling a full hour for your first session.
- Please aim to arrive to your in-person appointment a couple minutes early. The Writing Center is located on the third floor of CASL in room 3035.
- Consultants can arrange the space at their discretion and may transition an appointment to virtual if a student seems ill.
- If you are feeling ill, please cancel your appointment or email the coordinator ([email protected]) to change your in-person appointment to an online, synchronous appointment.
We encourage you to come at any stage in the writing process, so you may not have much to bring with you! See which of the following might pertain to you and your writing project:
- Your writing project, on paper or digitally.
- Prompt or writing assignment.
- Instructor's comments or assessment.
- Goals for your writing and questions you have about the project.
Writing Center
4901 Evergreen Road
Dearborn, MI 48128