
Career Services can help with interview prep!

Practicing Interviewing

Interviewing is a skill that must be developed and fine-tuned, and the purpose of an interview is to take what is written on your resume and cover letter and personalize that information through a conversation. During this process, the hiring organization and potential employee both have an opportunity to explore whether or not a fit exists. 

Practice interviewing techniques, or practice your interview skills online with Big Interview (you will need your University email).

The Interview

Interview Practice

During the interview process, the hiring organization and potential employee both have an opportunity to explore whether or not a mutual fit exists. Interviewing is a skill that must be developed and  fine-tuned.

Career Services

280 - Fairlane Center North
19000 Hubbard Drive
Dearborn, MI 48126
Phone: 313-593-5020
Fax: 313-593-3705