How to Create Strong Resume Bullet Points

From the Office of Career Services, here is how to create a strong resume with specific bullet points

  • Use bullet points with descriptive statements displaying skills, abilities, and professional accomplishments (begin with a power verb).
  • Consider the job you are applying for - what are the qualifications and skills they are seeking?
  • Try to include quantifiable results (number of people on a team, cost reductions, etc.)

    STAR Method

    Consider the STAR method when reading a job description and brainstorming significant accomplishments you would like to highlight on your resume (this method is often utilized for interviewing too!):

  • Situation: What was the situation, problem, or conflict you were facing?

  • Task: What were you tasked with? What were your responsibilities or goals?

  • Action: What action did you take? What did you do to solve this problem? (start with action verbs)

  • Result: What was the result or outcome of your action? How did it benefit the organization?Can this result be quantified?

    Outlining the Impact

    Consider the following when forming a bullet point:

  • WHAT skill am I trying to convey?
  • HOW did I contribute or help accomplish the task/duties?
  • WHY did I complete, influence, improve the situation/task?
  • What was/is the IMPACT of my actions/accomplishments? (quantify accurately when possible)

Simple formula: Power Verb + What you did + Results/Purpose



Career Services

280 - Fairlane Center North
19000 Hubbard Drive
Dearborn, MI 48126
Phone: 313-593-5020
Fax: 313-593-3705