Student Projects
AAST 3150/ HIST 3671: Introduction to Arab American Studies
Personal Narratives and Museum Archives
Student Projects: Winter 2023 with Dr. Pauline Homsi Vinson

Student Projects
The work included here is a selection of student projects submitted to Pauline Homsi Vinson's Course: AAST 3150/ HIST 3671: Introduction to Arab American Studies, Winter 2023.
The students in this course went on a docent-led tour of the Arab American National Museum, which the museum graciously extended to the students free of charge. Students were then asked to write a photo essay based on their museum visit, personal experiences, and course readings. The project asked them to do the following:
Place some aspect of a personal experience related to either personal family life or the city of Dearborn (captured in a photo) in relation to an archival object available at the Arab American National Museum (also captured in a photo). Analyze the relationship between the two photos through a critical context or theme related to Arab American studies that is developed in , edited by Louise Cainkar, Pauline Homsi Vinson, and Amira Jarmakani. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 2022.
Some guiding questions the students were given included: What story does the photo of your family life or Dearborn tell? What story does the photo of the museum object tell? What concept in Arab American studies is developed in your chosen essay from Sajjilu Arab American, and how does it relate to the photos you are analyzing? How do the archive and critical essay help us place your personal or Dearborn story in a larger context of Arab American experience? What is this larger story?