We offer B.A. and B.S. degrees in the following areas.
Mathematics is one of the most precise and versatile human languages.
With it, mathematical scientists have described and understood complex physical phenomena, supported the infrastructure of the internet era, optimized production in industrial processes, and cultivated the creativity of young minds. As a language, together with its axiomatic underpinnings, mathematics is also a much-explored structure in itself. In recent decades, the boundary between pure and applied mathematics has dissolved, and training in both is important for every mathematician. The 21st century, with its growing importance of big data and computation, offers many opportunities to mathematicians.
The Department of Mathematics and Statistics offers a B.A. / B.S. degree in Mathematics, minors in Mathematics or in Computer and Computational Mathematics and Applied Statistics. Mathematics Education courses are also available.
The department provides the Math Learning Center (MLC) for student tutoring, placement exams, and more.
The Department of Mathematics & Statistics staff are located in 2014 CASL Building. During the Winter 2025 term we are open Monday - Friday 8:00 am until 5:00 pm.
You may also contact us at: [email protected]
Undergraduate Degrees
We also offer the following minors and certificates.
Graduate Degrees
Mathematics Related Degrees
Resources for Current Students
Below are helpful resources with information on advising, competitions, and research for Math and Stats students. More information on student organizations is available on the Mathematics program page.
2024 Mathematics and Statistics Honor Scholars

Centers & Institutes
Math Learning Center
Mathematics Education Project
Overview of the Center for Mathematics Education
I care deeply about making sure that all students have a quality mathematics education.
Director of Center for Mathematics Education
GirlsGetMath@Dearborn 2024

GirlsGetMath@Dearborn is a summer mathematics program at the University of Michigan-Dearborn that ran from August 12-16, 2024. High school students were invited to explore contemporary topics such as image processing, graph theory and modeling of epidemics, mathematics of voting, recommendation systems, and cryptology.
Activities included games, interactive lectures, daily computer lab activities and panel discussions about applications and careers in STEM fields.
Sponsored by the jeBlue foundation, Mathematical Association of America and icerm.
Alumni Network
This professional network is a great way for established alumni and recent alumni to connect. Senior students can learn about the career paths of our distinguished graduates over the past decades. Senior alumni can also promote their company and open positions. Another goal is to connect job seekers and potential employers, as well as connect alumni with similar professional interests.
Professor Thomas Fiore started this group to strengthen the professional network of 蹤獲扦-Dearborn MathStat alumni and friends.
Department of Mathematics and Statistics Events

The Department of Mathematics and Statistics host several events throughout the year. In March we celebrate Pi 3.14 day when students, faculty and staff enjoy slices of pizza, pie and themed activities! In December we honor and recognize women achievements in mathematics and statistics as well as celebrating the birthday of the late Mathematician Julia Robinson. Along with hosting career day events, math competitions and our special summer programming.
Below are some of our most current events.
Women in Math 2024 Celebration

Congratulations to the 32 women that were recognized for their high achievements in Mathematics, Applied Statistics, Actuarial Mathematics, and Applied and Computational Mathematics at our annual Women in Math celebration on Monday, December 9.
Opening remarks and brief overview of women in mathematics were given by Professors Kelly Jabbusch and Margaret Mikula. Games, prizes, awards and cake were provided. We also celebrated the 105th Birthday of Mathematician Julia Robinson.

Actuarial Career Expo in Ann Arbor

The University of Michigan - Ann Arbor extended an invitation to Actuarial Mathematics majors from 蹤獲扦 Dearborn to attend their annual Career Expo. This event was held on Thursday, September 19, 2024 with participation from 25 companies. Numerous students from the program attended, taking the opportunity to speak with company representatives and learn about various internship and job opportunities. Some students even received interview calls. Best of luck to them!
REU Site in Mathematical Analysis and Applications 2024

The University of Michigan-Dearborn REU Site in Mathematical Analysis and Applications is an eight-week summer program. The research projects are related to Fourier analysis, complex analysis, operator theory, spectral theory, algebraic coding theory, and mathematical music theory. Selected participants will have a unique interaction with experienced faculty mentors in a rich intellectual environment, where they will learn how to use mathematical ideas to solve real-life problems. The program will introduce participants to a large network of mentors and peers, which will assist them in career planning and in commitment to the scientific community. The program organizers will help students to find appropriate venues to present and publish their results. Additionally, students will learn more about the graduate school application process and career opportunities in academia and industry.
If you have any questions about REU at the University of Michigan-Dearborn, please contact Professor Zeytuncu at zeytuncu@umich.edu.
This REU program is supported by the National Science Foundation (DMS-2243808), the National Security Agency, the College of Arts, Sciences, and Letters, and the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Michigan-Dearborn.
Math Corps U(M)-Dearborn 2024
This was U(M)-Dearborn's second year hosting Math Corps here on our beautiful campus.
Math Corps is a program that promotes free education, as well as a sense of family & community! Our camp took place for four-weeks, from July 8th - August 2nd, and we had about 47 total middle schoolers as our student campers. We had 20 high schoolers as our Teaching Assistants, 10 college students as College Instructors/Assistants, four main Instructors, including a local middle school teacher, and a camp director (a Superintendent from the Warren school district). Our Executive Director, Yunus Zeytuncu, met with our sponsors, including Ballmer Group, as well as led campus tours for our campers. Professor Mike Dabkowski worked to strengthen our Math Corps relationship and increase our community bond with 蹤獲扦-Ann Arbor's campus.
Together, they dove into math, honed their reading and writing skills, and enjoyed fun afternoons outdoors and at the field house. Here are some of the best highlights of the program!
Student Awards & Recognition Ceremony 2024

Congratulations to all of the talented and hard-working students in Mathematics and Statistics who were honored at our Award & Recognition Ceremony on April 15, 2024! This event recognized students for academic excellence in Mathematics, Applied Statistics, Actuarial Mathematics, and Applied and Computational Mathematics. We also acknowledged those who have completed research projects and work to support students in our department as Office Assistants, Ambassadors and work in the Math Learning Center as Tutors and SI Leaders. This year's ceremony was very well attended. It took place in the Mary Kochoff Auditorium- 1030 CASL building followed by a reception on the second floor corridor.

MI-AMTE / CAC 2024

Michigan Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators Conversations among Colleagues Conference
This year's conference organized by Professors Angela Krebs, Nesrin Cengiz-Phillips and Margaret Rathouz was held at the University of Michigan-Dearborn campus on Saturday, March 16, 2024.
The conference launched with a plenary talk, proceeded into breakout discussion sessions organized by topic themes to address key questions posed by participants and session facilitators, and conclude with a second plenary talk. The conference closed with the annual MI-AMTE business meeting.
Pi day 3.14!

The Department of Mathematics and Statistics collaborated with the Association of Women in Mathematics to celebrate Pi day 3.14. Over 125 students, faculty and staff joined us as we enjoyed pizza, pie and games. Professor Dabkowski proved how Pi is an irrational number (a decimal with no end and no repeating pattern) that is most often approximated with the decimal 3.14 or the fraction 227.
Probably no symbol in mathematics has evoked as much mystery, romanticism, misconception and human interest as the number pi
~William L. Schaaf, Nature and History of Pi

Lower Michigan Math Competition (LMMC 2023)

The Lower Michigan Mathematics Competition is an annual contest held each spring between colleges in lower Michigan. Teams of 2 or 3 students travel to a rotating location to take a 3-hour written test, followed by lunch and a discussion of solutions.
The team came in tenth place overall. Teams from 蹤獲扦 Flint, Hope College, Kalamazoo College, Saginaw Valley State University, Macomb Community College, Albion College and Grand Valley State University all took place. They had three hours to solve ten problems as a team.
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
4901 Evergreen Road
Dearborn, MI 48128