SOAR Alumni Updates

Supreme Amos and Sacred Overstreet-Amos: Turning Passion into a Thriving Business

2 SOAR alumni sit candidly in their business
Sacred and Supreme // Photo by Moon Reflections Photography

蹤獲扦-Dearborn SOAR Alumna Robin Wilson: A Journey of Resilience and Creativity

SOAR alumni cuts the ribbon at her store opening
Alumni Robin Wilson cuts the ribbon at Vesey Lane Goods store opening // Photo by Nicholas Green

Spotlight on SOAR alumna Amy Tracy, B.S. 2022

SOAR Alum Amy Tracy in front of a waterfall in the Peace CorpsSOAR Alumna, Amy Tracy who received her bachelor of science degree in Health and Human Services in 2022, is currently working with the Peace Corps in Belize.  Surrounded by the sea and mountains and exotic wildlife, Amy works with elementary school-aged children, what we would consider 3rd through 8th grade, teaching them life skills to help them lead healthy, empowered lives, where they are enabled to realize their full potential.

She is a part of the YES Program- Youth Empowered by Sports, working with a village school helping to develop their sports teams. Her main focus is working with the athletes on their soft skills like sportsmanship, life-style choices, self-confidence, and social skills.  Amy also works with the National Sports Council, assisting with various sports tournaments throughout the year.

Her education and life experiences led to her current path, Amy needed a four-year degree to enter the Peace Corps, which had always been her dream. Pursuing her education was the first step outside of her comfort zone, and this made her more confident in stepping out of her comfort in other ways. Joining the Peace Corps and going to another country is definitely stepping out of my comfort zone! One of Amys favorite parts of joining the Peace Corps has been the intercultural exchange.  While she is not working, she is spending time interacting in her small community.  I really enjoy being in a country where the mindset is more communal and not individualistic. What surprised her the most was, by being here, she realized how little she knew about the world. This experience has made me braver, more mindful and thoughtful about the use of resources. As with any seaside country, they see a lot of plastic and refuse in the water.  During community beach cleanups where bags of plastics that have washed in from the sea are collected, the impact of plastic waste on the ecosystem is apparent. 

When her time in the Peace Corps is over, Amy plans to return to Michigan and work in case-management. She would like to work with refugee settlement.  Having had the experience of being someone in a foreign land, away from your familiar roots, has given me a new appreciation of what refugees go through.

Amys advice for current SOAR students, take advantage of all the resources available地nything thats available to you, take advantage of it!

Advocates for Change: SOAR Alumni Earn MSWs

SOAR Program

1038 - College of Arts, Sciences, and Letters Building
4901 Evergreen Road
Dearborn, MI 48128
Phone: 313-593-3960
Fax: 313-593-5552