SOAR Mentors
Peer Mentors Help New Students Soar
SOAR peer mentors offer advice, support, encouragement, and guidance to first-year SOAR students. Beginning a new journey in college as a returning adult learner while having many responsibilities outside of school can be challenging. Having a knowledgeable mentor who has been through the same adjustments helps new students transition well and thrive at 蹤獲扦-Dearborn.
Get to know our 2024-2025 SOAR student mentors!

Marjani Abdur-Rahman
A Health and Human Services major.
Marjani shared some encouraging advice for other returning adult learners, you are never too old to be successful, so make sure your focus is on your why and the end goal and not paying attention to what others around you are doing or what they have going on.
She says, "Make sure to take care of your mental and physical health health. You come first! Don't wait until you're overwhelmed to reach out to your instructor or other students for help"

Ida Braakenburg
A Criminology and Criminal Justice Major.
Her advice for returning adult learners is, not to look to anyone else to decide what works for you. Every persons needs are different, so do not judge yourself based on some elses experience. As a non-traditional student, coming back to university can be daunting, make sure to go at your own pace."
Ida shared advice for CCJ/Pre-Law students saying something that really helped me was to get involved with my professors. Talk to them after class, email with them and help them to get to know you personally. Last year I had a professor in particular that was very difficult, after getting to know him, he actually ended up writing a recommendation for me for a scholarship, as well as becoming one of my biggest supporters. This professor was difficult because he wanted to challenge his students, not because he was heartless."

Tiffany Duggins
A Psychology major.
Tiffany's advice to new SOAR students is, believe in yourself because you are capable, you are magnificent and you CAN do it! No matter how many times you fail trying圭ontinue to SOAR. Things always have a way of working themselves out.
"it's never too late to decide you want more for yourself, to take a step in a new direction, and to create a vision that you never thought possible."

Ifasekemi Hammonds
A Health and Human Services major.
Ifasekemi encourages returning adult learners and HHS students with the Dr. Seuss quote, Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to better. Its not. Ifasekemi says the Dr.Seuss quote reminds me when I feel overwhelmed by statistics, recently learning about my passion areas of maternal and community health or when I learn of so many injustices, to remember why I care so much. Somebody has to in order to impart change but in doing so, also, please remember to care for yourself.
"Take your time. You'll realize you're loved. Experience will take you far and you have been learning your entire life. You know what you're doing and you know why you're here!"

Bre Rice
A Children and Family Studies major.
Bre says, "Success comes from within. As a New student coming in at 蹤獲扦-Dearborn, take initiative, stay disciplined, manage your time wisely and embrace every learning opportunity. Push yourself, dont be afraid to ask question, seek support when needed, and remember that growth happens when you challenge yourself & please dont be afraid to step outside your comfort zone."

Brittanni Sgriccia
A Health and Human Services major.
Brittanni's advice to other students, in the field of Human Services, empathy and compassion are as important as academic knowledge. Stay connected to why you chose this path, and let your passion for helping others drive you. Your dedication to learning will ultimately shape the impact you have on the lives of those you serve.
Brittanni also shared some helpful advice for other returning adult learners to prioritize time management and stay organized, but also give yourself grace when balancing school with other responsibilities. Remember, persistence and dedication are key to achieving your goals.
"Embrace your unique perspective and life experiences - they are your strengths!"
SOAR Program
4901 Evergreen Road
Dearborn, MI 48128