Economics Internship Program
Economics Internships
Economics, through the College of Arts, Sciences, and Letters (CASL), offers internship opportunities for students to gain practical knowledge in their areas of study and improve their employment prospects upon graduation.
CASL offers off-campus educational opportunities for academic credit in a number of disciplines. The Economics Internship, which appears in the course schedule as ECON 398, offers students field experiences with businesses, non-profit organizations and government agencies. The placement allows students to get hands-on experience applying the tools of economic analysis to specific job and project assignments. Student interns spend either 8 or 16 hours per week in work at their placement site, for which they earn either 4 or 8 academic credits. Only four credit hours may be used to satisfy the concentration requirements in economics. All interns are assigned to an economics faculty advisor.
The earlier you apply for an internship, the greater likelihood that you will receive an offer and be placed in your ideal organization. Make sure that you apply at least one semester before you plan on doing an internship.
The final deadline for uploading your application form and resume is three weeks before the first day of final examinations in the preceding semester. For example, if you wish to intern in the fall semester, your last day to apply is three weeks before the first day of final exams for the summer semester.
I was able to use a lot of the skills learned in the classes I've taken.
Economics Internship Structure
Sponsored by the Department of Social Sciences, College of Arts, Sciences, and Letters, University of Michigan-Dearborn, and initiated by the Economics Faculty in 1978.
Limited to Economics Majors, Seniors and Juniors, by application and selection. Students must have completed two of Econ 301, Econ 302, and Econ 305; Econ 305 (statistics) is especially recommended.
Economics 398 involves 8-16 hours of work per week for the academic term, and regular reporting sessions with Economics faculty on campus, for 4 or 8 hours of S/E academic credit.
Intern placements occur on a trimester academic calendar:
- Fall: September-December
- Winter: January-April
- Spring/Summer: May-August
- Participate in, and contribute to, an ongoing enterprise in order to relate economic theory to practice.
- Observe, analyze, and report-on-the-job experiences so as to gain insights into working cooperatively to accomplish institutional objectives.
- Improve abilities to formulate meaningful questions and to pose possible solutions in order to improve problem-solving techniques.
- Define career opportunities and goals.
- Citizens Research Council of Michigan
- Detroit Economic Growth Corporation
- Eastside Community Network
- Grandmont Rosedale Development Corporation
- Washtenaw County Office of Community & Economic Development
CASL Internship Office
4901 Evergreen Road
Dearborn, MI 48128