CEHHS MPortfolios
The MPortfolio is a digital representation of your own individualized journey through your professional preparation program. It provides a space for you to publicly share your reflections on your learning as well as sample artifacts that demonstrate your growth and understanding of key concepts.
Accessing the CEHHS MPortfolio Template
Components of the MPortfolio
Depending on the course that you are in, your portfolio pages may vary. The following pages that might be included in your portfolio are the Welcome Page, Autobiography, Teaching Philosophy, Standards, and Examples of Work (Artifacts). The sections below provide a general overview of the purpose for each page, but you are still responsible to follow the rubric guidelines that have been provided to you.
The Welcome page is to engage people who first look at your Portfolio. Therefore, on your welcome page, you should introduce yourself and your portfolio to potential site visitors, such as other teachers, administrators, students, professors, and families.
- Introduce yourself, including your name, major/minor, and levels of certification and endorsements.
- Introduce your portfolio and highlight what visitors can find in the different sections of your portfolio. For example, in your writing, when you mention other areas of your portfolio, create hyperlinks (select the text you want to display as a hyperlink) to provide shortcuts to the related pages of your site.
- On the welcome page include your school email, Linkedin, and resume. Create hyperlinks to the related pages or sites and remember to keep them up-to-date.
- Resume - Your resume should be a summary of your education, skills, and experiences. This should be free of typos and grammar errors.
- Finally, on your Welcome page and elsewhere in your Portfolio, refrain from inserting comments that 'date' your words and will tend to render them in continual need of fine-tuning non-essential details. For instance, don't write things such as 'I am currently a junior and plan to graduate at the end of next year.’
The educational Autobiography page is where you reflect on your educational experiences and devise a way to present these reflections to others that will be interesting and fun. Do the following on your Autobiography page:
- Provide a professional headshot or a professional image to represent you.
- Tell about yourself, including some background information. Background information should include a description of who you are and discuss your current calling to pursue the teaching profession. What do you feel motivated to bring to the field?
- In addition, add a paragraph that shares past experiences that have contributed to your decision to be an educator, in education leadership, instructional technology, or educational technology.
- Finally, reference contact information, such as your university email, and invite visitors to learn more about your professional experiences through your Linkedin profile and resume.
On your Teaching Philosophy page, you should represent your up-to-date thinking about teaching and learning based on your beliefs, values, growth, and goals for instruction. On your Teaching Philosophy page, do the following:
- Focus on what it means to you, professionally, to be an effective and high-quality educator (as opposed to commenting on the experiences and motivations that led you to pursue the teaching profession--the focus of your Autobiography page).
- Your statement should be personal and specific. Be able to provide examples to support your views.
- Your philosophy statement is a work in progress, just like your MPortfolio. So as you work through other classes and enter the teaching field, your philosophy will continue to evolve and develop.
Teacher Certification MPortfolio Templates
For each artifact you present on your portfolio, you must give the artifact a proper title, include the artifact itself (e.g., Google docs, slides, forms, videos, images, or PDF), and then provide your reflections responding to the following prompts:
- Describe the project/experience and why you selected this particular artifact.
- Describe the skills and knowledge you have gained from this project/experience and explain how you will apply it in the future.
- When applicable, describe how this particular artifact addresses specific content standards or domain components.
- Finally, describe what lessons you learned and your professional growth from this project/experience.
Please make sure the permission settings of any files you link to are set so that anyone can view them.
InsTech / EdTech MPortfolio Templates
For each artifact you present on your portfolio, you must give the artifact a proper title, include the artifact itself (e.g., Google docs, slides, forms, videos, images, or PDF), and then provide your reflections responding to the following prompts:
- Describe the project/experience and why you selected this particular artifact.
- Describe the skills and knowledge you have gained from this project/experience and explain how you will apply it in the future.
- When applicable, describe how this particular artifact addresses specific content standards or domain components.
- Finally, describe what lessons you learned and your professional growth from this project/experience.
Please make sure the permission settings of any files you link to are set so that anyone can view them.
Educational Leadership Portfolio Templates
You should select a series of artifacts from your coursework which you believe demonstrate the breadth and depth of your understanding of each standards. You can use the subpages that have already been created to showcase your artifacts and add additional artifact pages as necessary. Please also provide links to the artifacts on this page.
Include artifacts that demonstrates your growth in understanding as it relates to the standards.
Include artifacts that demonstrates your preparation to become an educational leader.
Artifacts should be attached or hyperlinked on your page. Please make sure the permission settings of any files you link to are set so that anyone can view them.
In this section you need to provide a reflection on how you have developed the skills and knowledge required by relevant standards for your program.
You should select a series of artifacts from your coursework which you believe demonstrate the breadth and depth of your understanding of the standards. You can use the subpages that have already been created to showcase your artifacts and add additional artifact pages as necessary. Please also provide links to the artifacts on these pages.
Design tips to create your Portfolio
1. Define your purpose
By defining your purpose think about your audience and what you want to achieve with your portfolio. Showcase your best work and highlight your strengths.
2. Keep it simple
Simplicity is key! In design, less is more. Focus on showcasing your work using a simple and clean design. Use a neutral color palette and avoid clutter with too much text and images. Remember, your portfolio should be easy to navigate and visually appealing.
3. Spaces
When designing your portfolio, it can be tempting to cram everything in there. Creating an elegant and professional portfolio requires proportionate spacing of images and text. Set apart images or text with proper open spacing to create a visually pleasing page. It helps to set apart different kinds of content from each other.
4. Choosing a theme
Your theme should represent you! Showcase your goals as a future educator or educational leader. This is your opportunity to demonstrate your understanding, knowledge, and the key artifacts explored in your personal educational journey.
5. Fonts matter
When choosing the right typefaces on fonts for your portfolio, consider several factors such as legibility, readability, emotion, and tone, to name just a few. Some fonts are great for titles and headlines but not so great when it comes to the body copy. We want to create a cohesive and overall pleasing visual experience when others come across our portfolios.
6. Use professional headshots and imagery
Your profile pictures are going to be the first thing people notice when they visit your portfolio. Use a professional photo that shows you in the best possible way-smiling and relaxed. Make sure you've got a well-lit background for your profile pictures to look good. When it comes to images, make sure all images are high quality and cropped well. If there are elements of an image that aren't working for you, try making changes using online photo editing tools.
7. Check text and color contrasts for readability
When tweaking elements to make them look pretty, don't forget to check the text-contrast ratio between your fonts and background color. Text contrast is the difference between light and dark colors on a screen. The can help you create accessible and readable content for visitors, especially for those with vision impairments.
8. Showcase your personality in design choices
When you're creating your portfolio do not be afraid to add a bit of your own unique personality into the mix. It's important that you let some of your characteristic flairs shine through in color and style choices for your portfolio. That's what will make your work truly shine.
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B.A. Teacher Certification Program MPortfolios
Ed.D. Program MPortfolios
If you have any questions, please contact:
Michelle Wong Shum
Instructional Learning Intermediate
[email protected]
CEHHS Office of Student Success
19000 Hubbard Drive
Dearborn, MI 48126