Recent Award Recipients
Below are the 2024 recipients of the Chancellor's Staff Recognition Awards.
These individual staff members and staff teams have made exceptional efforts toward achieving the mission of the University of Michigan-Dearborn.

2024 Award Recipients
Dearborn Victors Award: Dan Blacker, Facilities & Events Senior Manager - Athletics & Recreation
Advancing the Mission: External Relations Web Team: Bailey Ayers-Korpal, Kalanda Kambeya, Claudia Lugo-Meeks, and John Powell
Community Engagement: Molly Manley, Outreach & Engagement Specialist - Office of Community Engaged Learning
Innovation: Sophie Nguyen, Business Intelligence Analyst - Institutional Research & Effectiveness
Student Success: Kimberly LaPere, CIS Graduate Program Coordinator - Computer & Information Science
2023 Award Recipients
Dearborn Victors Award: Ryan Neloms, director for student conduct and conflict resolution
Advancing the Mission: Financial Services Leadership Team: Noel Hornbacher, Dawn Roult and Robin Wager
Innovation: Kelsey Parker, Experience+ project manager for experiential learning
Staff Development: Jocelyn Young Huinder, software training and documentation coordinator
Student Success: Tahnee Prokopow, health professions advising director
2022 Award Recipients
Advancing the Mission: The Career Connections Implementation Team: Joel Mangao, Mai Qazzaz, Tuere Wheeler
Community Engagement: Kari Kowalski, COB iLabs academic program specialist
Innovation Award: Greta Valmassoi, ITS AND CRM Team CRM project coordinator
Staff Development: Claudia Lugo-Meeks, External Relations web project specialist
Student Success: Jennifer Irwin, Office of Financial Aid officer administrator senior
2021 Award Recipients
The award criteria was changed starting in 2021 to align with the campus' strategic planning efforts.
Advancing the Mission: EXP+ Programming Team/Mardigian Library & Career Services. Team members include: Kelsey Parker, Emily Chippa, Jen McCloud, Josh Palmer and Meghan Lavelle.
Community Engagement: Molly Manley, Office of Metropolitan Impact
Innovation Award: Francisco Lopez, Office of International Affairs
Staff Development: Anitra Wells, Desktop Support Specialist in Dearborn鈥檚 Information Technology Services
Student Success: Jessica LeGrange, Office of Academic Success
2020 Award Recipients
Due to the pandemic, awards were not presented in 2020.
2019 Award Recipients
Exceptional Performance Award: Sue Flannery
Exceptional Service Award: Stacy Eglinton
Exceptional Long-Term Achievement Award: Renee Mainor
Exceptional Service to the Metropolitan Community and University Award: Richard Simek
Exceptional Team Award: Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) - Bernadette Trisko, Sara Byczek, Vivian Stovall, Vivian Saroki-Keller, Lusine Hambardzumyan, Jimmy Vuang and Judy Walker. Externs: Carmen Cochran, Ellen Hart, Jessica Ryder, Joseph Mitchell, Scott Tomey, Shelby Flanagan
2018 Award Recipients
Exceptional Performance Award: Kate Malicke
Exceptional Service Award: Eva Gogola
Exceptional Long-Term Achievement Award: Jeanette Whiting
Exceptional Team Award: ITS-Facilities ELB Hub (Sherie Modelski, Chundao Che, Rex Chang, Emily Hamilton, Jerry Van Couwenbergh)
2017 Award Recipients
Exceptional Service Award: Linda Grimm
Exceptional Performance Award: Elisa Madrigal
Exceptional Service to the Metropolitan Community and University Award: Tim Davis
Exceptional Long Term Achievement Award: John Berger
Exceptional Team Award: Web Services Team (Laura Garling, Christina Hu, Alyssa Kata, Patrick Irish, Michael Battistone)
2016 Award Recipients
Exceptional Service Award: Soraya Patton
Exceptional Performance Award: Robert Simpson
Exceptional Service to the Metropolitan Community and University Award: William Emerson
Exceptional Long Term Achievement Award: Patricia Rutkowski
Exceptional Team Award: CASL Advising and Records (Karen Wittkopp, Marlene Dupre, Giannina Wilson, Susanne Gassel, Anita Miller, Lisa Andrews, Jesse Stanghini, Marie Shearer, Frances DeYoung)