Leadership & Meetings

2024-2025 Executive Board & Officers

Chair: Shareia Carter

Vice ChairStephanie Hall-Sturgis

TreasurerElisa Madrigal

Recording Secretary: Rebecca Richardson

Corresponding Secretary: Judy Walker

WebmasterMaureen Sytsma

Commission for Women Executive Board Members

Shareia N. Carter


Shareia Carter

Associate Dean, Dean of Students & Co-Director of the Office of Holistic Excellence


[email protected]

Stephanie Hall-Sturgis


Stephanie Hall-Sturgis

Supplemental Instruction Coordinator, Academic Success

Term Expires 2026

[email protected]


Elisa Madrigal


Elisa Madrigal,

Administrative Coordinator, Department of Mathematics and Statistics and Women's and Gender Studies Program, CASL

Term Expires 2026

[email protected]


Rebecca Richardson

Program Assistant, SOAR Program, CASL

Term expires 2026

[email protected]


Judith Walker


Judy Walker

Coordinator, Disability and Accessibility Services

Term expires 2026

[email protected]

Maureen Sytsma


Maureen Sytsma

Administrative Assistant Intermediate, Advising and Academic Success, CASL

Term Expires 2026

[email protected]


Christine Homan

Administrative Assistant, College of Engineering and Computer Science

Term expires 2026

[email protected]

Diana Smrt


Diana Smrt, Ph.D.

Lecturer IV, Organizational Behavior and Strategy, College of Business

Term expires 2026

[email protected]

Jennifer MacLeod


Jennifer MacLeod

Program Manager, Career Services

Term Expires 2026

[email protected]

Sharon Rose Piwang


Sharon Rose Piwang

Administrative Assistant, Department of Language, Culture, and the Arts, CASL

Term expires 2026

[email protected]

Harmony A. Reppond


Harmony Reppond, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Psychology, Department of Behavioral Sciences, CASL

Term expires 2026

[email protected]

Lisa Perry


Lisa Perry

Accounting Clerk Intermediate, Department of Behavioral Sciences, CASL

Term expires 2026

[email protected]

Zainab Radi


Zainab Radi

Career Coach, Career Services

Term Expires 2026

[email protected]

Executive Board Meetings

The Commission for Women Executive Board usually meets on the third Friday of the month from 10:00 am - 11:30 am.

All meetings are held via Zoom, unless otherwise noted.

Upcoming CFW Executive Board Meetings

The Commission for Women fall meeting schedule is TBD.  Meetings are typically held September - April, with sub-committees meeting periodically over the summer if needed.




Commission for Women