Clery Policies & Procedures
Policy for Reporting the Annual Disclosure of Crime Statistics
The University of Michigan-Dearborn Department of Public Safety prepares the Annual Security Report to comply with the Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Crime Statistics Act. The full text of this report can be located on our website via the button below. Campus crime, arrest and referral statistics include those gathered via incident reports within our department as well as statistics reported to the ÂÜÀòÉç-Dearborn Department of Public Safety via Campus Security Authorities (CSAs) and statistics received from local law enforcement agencies.
The report is distributed by October 1st of each year and includes the disclosure of crime statistics for the most recently completed three calendar years. The crime statistics must also be submitted to the US Department of Education every year in a manner prescribed by the DOE. The report is posted on the University of Michigan-Dearborn Department of Public Safety website and the crime statistics for our school can be found on the website. Access to the report and a paper copy of the report is available upon request from the ÂÜÀòÉç-Dearborn Department of Public Safety, 1300 Campus Support Services Building.
Michigan law requires prompt, mandatory reporting to the local law enforcement agency by health care practitioners when they provide medical services to a person they know or reasonably suspects is suffering from wounds inflicted by a firearm or is a result of assaultive or abusive conduct. Department of Counseling and Support Services staff inform their clients of the procedures to report crime to the University of Michigan-Dearborn Department of Public Safety on a voluntary or confidential basis, should they feel it is in the best interest of the client.
A safe campus environment is essential to your success at the University of Michigan-Dearborn. In compliance with , the Department of Public Safety (DPS) and the university track crimes occurring on and near campus and offer that information to the ÂÜÀòÉç-Dearborn community and the public. Knowledge is power—and with this data, DPS not only fosters a culture of transparency and trust at ÂÜÀòÉç-Dearborn, but also uses this information to uncover problem areas and learn where to best concentrate campus safety efforts and resources.
- provides useful information such as crime statistics for the prior three years, safety tips and policy statements regarding safety and security issues, crime prevention program descriptions, and procedures to be followed in the investigation and prosecution of alleged sex offenses.
- The Daily Crime Log lists all crimes reported to DPS and can be viewed at 1300 CSS Building.
- Crime Alerts are timely warnings of crimes that may present a threat to the safety of students, faculty or staff.
- ÂÜÀòÉç-Dearborn Emergency Alert is an urgent, mass notification system that gives students, faculty and staff timely warnings about major active emergencies on campus.
- are the most recent 3 years of statistics of crimes that occurred on or near campus or in non-campus ÂÜÀòÉç-Dearborn facilities.
- Our Community Matters Rights and Resources Guide is a comprehensive resource guide for ÂÜÀòÉç-Dearborn students, faculty and staff who may have experienced sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and/or stalking.
- Campus Security Authority (CSA) mandatory reporting can be done by using the to report incidents.
- CSA Training Course, Dearborn -Clery Act Training for Campus Security Authorities (CSAs), is available for those with reporting obligations and can be found in .
A Campus Security Authority (CSA) is a school official with significant responsibility for student activities who, therefore, has an obligation to report certain incidents to the Department of Public Safety as mandated by the .
CSAs include (list not all-inclusive):
- Office of Student Life staff
- Athletics coaches and staff
- Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution staff
- University deans, directors and department heads
- Human Resources Staff
- Title IV Coordinator
- Advisors to recognized student organizations
- Any ÂÜÀòÉç-Dearborn faculty or staff traveling with students
—this will take approximately 30 minutes.
If you are a CSA and need to report Clery-reportable crimes or disciplinary referrals:
- Call 911 if it is an emergency
- Promptly complete an online
If you have questions related to the Clery Act or CSA reporting, please email Celia Robinson, Clery Compliance Coordinator at [email protected] or call DPS at 313-593-5676.
Department of Public Safety
4901 Evergreen Road
Dearborn, MI 48128