Severe Weather

Actions to Take

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Due to local community spread of COVID-19, choosing sheltering locations, and sheltering in place may present unforeseen challenges during a severe weather event such as a tornado.

To mitigate the risk COVID-19 to the campus community, 蹤獲扦-Dearborn building access may be restricted or altered. Therefore, it is critical that each individual review their safety plans to prepare for severe weather.

Prepare now for severe storms/tornadoes by identifying your building's shelter location, usually the lowest level away from glass windows and doors. When taking shelter, protect yourself and others from COVID-19 by staying at least 6 feet from other people when possible and wear a cloth face covering.

Include masks, tissues, gloves, hand sanitizer and a plastic bag to your personal or family's tornado safety supply list. Make sure any cough or sneeze is into a tissue or clothed sleeve. Use the gloves to dispose of used tissues into a plastic bag. 

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We monitor the forecast for severe weather in order to provide a timely warning to the campus community. Severe weather can strike at a moment's notice; therefore, insure you are ready to take appropriate action based on communications from the campus and stay alert to changing weather conditions.

Actions to Take: Specific Cases