Severe Weather
Actions to Take

Due to local community spread of COVID-19, choosing sheltering locations, and sheltering in place may present unforeseen challenges during a severe weather event such as a tornado.
To mitigate the risk COVID-19 to the campus community, 蹤獲扦-Dearborn building access may be restricted or altered. Therefore, it is critical that each individual review their safety plans to prepare for severe weather.
Prepare now for severe storms/tornadoes by identifying your building's shelter location, usually the lowest level away from glass windows and doors. When taking shelter, protect yourself and others from COVID-19 by staying at least 6 feet from other people when possible and wear a cloth face covering.
Include masks, tissues, gloves, hand sanitizer and a plastic bag to your personal or family's tornado safety supply list. Make sure any cough or sneeze is into a tissue or clothed sleeve. Use the gloves to dispose of used tissues into a plastic bag.
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We monitor the forecast for severe weather in order to provide a timely warning to the campus community. Severe weather can strike at a moment's notice; therefore, insure you are ready to take appropriate action based on communications from the campus and stay alert to changing weather conditions.
Actions to Take: Specific Cases
Severe Thunderstorm Watch - high winds, lightning, and hail are possible.
- Listen for further updates and be alert to changing weather conditions.
Thunderstorm Warning - damaging winds, lightning, and large hail are expected and in the general area.
- The University will send an emergency alert to the campus to Seek Shelter in the interior of the lowest level of the building, away from doors and windows when a thunderstorm warning with winds greater than 75 miles per hour.
Tornado Watch - Conditions are favorable for the formation of tornadoes.
- Listen for further updates and be alert to changing weather conditions.
Tornado Warning - A tornado has been detected.
- The University will send an emergency alert to the campus to immediately Seek Shelter in the interior of the lowest level of the building, away from doors and windows when a tornado warning has been issued for Wayne County.
Tornado Safety Tips - American Red Cross
Flood Watch - flooding is possible.
- Stay tuned to local media for more information.
Flash Flood Watch - flash flood is possible.
- Be prepared to more to higher ground; listen to local media for more information.
Flood Warning - Flooding is occurring or will occur soon.
- If advised to evacuate, do so immediately.
Flash Flood Warning - a flash flood is occurring.
- Seek higher ground immediately.
- Before evacuating a campus building; if safe to do so beforehand:
- Secure vital equipment, records, and hazardous materials.
- Shut off all electrical equipment.
- Secure all laboratory experiments.
Campus closures due to inclement weather will be determined by the Chancellor and Senior Officers. Decisions to officially close the campus due to inclement weather and hazardous driving conditions are transmitted to all major radio and television stations for broadcast. A message will also be sent through the 蹤獲扦 Emergency Alert system.