File a Report
To File a Complaint with the University
To file a complaint with the University or for information about the process for addressing a complaint, please contact the Equity, Civil Rights and Title IX Office at [email protected], 313-436-9194 or via the . Alternatively, a report may be made using the .
You may read more about the process for complaints against students and the process for complaints against faculty, staff and third parties on this website.
To File A Complaint with the Police
Sexual assault, intimate partner violence and stalking are crimes. In addition to submitting an administrative complaint with the Equity, Civil Rights & Title IX Office so that the University may address the matter, individuals are encouraged to reach out to the Department of Public Safety to file a criminal complaint. If the behavior you experienced did not occur on campus or in a University program/activity, DPS is still available to help you identify and connect with the appropriate law enforcement agency and offer supportive services.
DPS is located at 1300 Campus Support Services Building, can be emailed at [email protected] or at the following phone numbers:
- 9-1-1 for help anywhere on campus, using a campus phone.
Emergency Phones connect directly to dispatch. Pick up any campus emergency phone to be immediately connected to the dispatch office. - 313-593-5333 contacts to DPS's 24/7 Dispatch
A dispatcher is available to receive your call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including weekends and holidays. - 313-593-9953 to reach the Public Safety administrative (non-emergency) phone, which is staffed 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Contact ECRT
4901 Evergreen Road
Dearborn, MI 48128