Examples of Paragraph Elements on Text Page


The purpose of this page and the Landing page is to provide examples of all the Paragraphs Elements available to build out your web pages in 蹤獲扦-Dearborn's Drupal environment.

Following each example is a link to written step-by-step instructions and video demonstration.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Web Services team.



Text & Media Paragraph Element

Student with blue backpack starting on path to 蹤獲扦-Dearborn
Student walking through 蹤獲扦-Dearborn campus.

Choose from bachelors degree programs in the liberal arts and sciences, engineering, health and human services, business and education.

Broaden your study by pursuing a double major or minor. Sharpen your skills in a co-op or internship. Or apply for our competitive honors program which offers even smaller classes, strong ties to faculty and project-based learning with other creative, committed students. Your education is yours to tailor. At 蹤獲扦-Dearborn, we give you the tools to succeed.





Hallway with flags of nations from around the world displayed.

Students arrive from more than 19 countries and 18 states, bringing a variety of different educational, professional, and social backgrounds. Our students benefit from this diversity because it encourages a wide range of perspectives and solutions to real-world problems.

The College of Business continues to build partnerships with universities around the globe, including China, Italy, India and Taiwan, to help prepare students for success in todays global economy.




(The 'Text & Media' paragraph element can contain multiple paragraphs of text, hyperlinks and an image that can be positioned - left, center or right.)


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Call to Action


  Watch how to create the .




Program Educational Objectives

The educational goal of the PACS certificate is to provide students with essential computer science concepts, basic security principles, and the tools and experience necessary for an entry-level position in IT-Security.


  Watch how to create the .



Multi Image Carousel


  Watch how to create the .



Embedded Video


  Watch how to create .



Links Grid


  Watch how to created Links Grid.



Single Image Carousel


  Watch how to create Single Image Carousel.





  Watch how to created .



Embedded Video with Callout Quote

As a first generation American, I feel incredibly grateful for the opportunities Ive had in the United States and Id love to use my medical education to help improve healthcare quality.

Raehanna Ahmed, 19 Biological Sciences


  Watch how to create Embedded Video with Callout Quote.



Quote with Media

By becoming part of the CASL community, your time at 蹤獲扦-Dearborn will be life-changing and unforgettable.

Dagmar Budikova

Dean of CASL & Professor of Geography

Visit CASL


  Watch how to create Quote with Media.



Automated Events Grid


  Watch how to create Automated Events Grid.



Automated News Grid


  Watch how to create Automated News Grid.






Average GPA of incoming freshmen

State of Michigan icon


are Michigan residents representing 49 counties

world map icon


are Michigan residents representing 49 counties


of new students (FTIAC and Transfer) are first-generation college students


students of color


are Pell eligible


  Watch how to create .



Timely Update


  Watch to create Timely Update.




Faculty/Staff Grid

Natural Science Faculty

Krisanu Bandyopadhyay

Chair, Department of Natural Sciences; Professor of Chemistry

Samia Al-Qaisi

Collegiate Lecturer, Teaching Professor of Chemistry and Chemistry Lab Coordinator

Judith Bazzi

Lecturer IV and Laboratory Coordinator of Chemistry

Christos Constantinides

Assistant Professor of Organic Chemistry

Ashley DaDalt

LEO Lecturer III in Biochemistry

Craig Donahue

Associate Professor of Chemistry

Xiaohua (Shannon) Li

Associate Professor of Chemistry

Simona Marincean

Associate Professor of Chemistry; Chair, Chemistry Discipline

Sheila R. Smith

Associate Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry


  Watch how to create Faculty/Staff Grid.



Faculty/Staff Filterable List

Natural Science Faculty

Sorry, no results were found.

Search suggestions:

  • Make sure all words are spelled correctly.
  • Try different keywords.
  • Try more general keywords.


  Watch to create Faculty/Staff Filterable List.



Filterable Events List


  Watch to create Filterable Events List.



News Filterable List


How can we support young people with cancer?

Health Communication Associate Professor Nick Iannarinos research looks at creating advocacy and support avenues for teens and young adults with a cancer diagnosis....

Students from around the world thrive here

蹤獲扦-Dearborn hosts Fulbright Scholars from Bahrain, Cambodia, Kenya and Panama this academic year. Meet Mohamed Almajed, a finance professional from Bahrain whos studying in the College of Business....

How can we make driver assist features play nice together?

Assistant Professor Areen Alsaid says the growing suite of semi-autonomous technologies have the ability to make driving safer, more convenient and less stressful. But well only fully realize these benefits if the learning curve doesnt confuse drivers. ...

Want to know a secret?

Come to the new Stamelos Gallery Center retrospective, Best Kept Secret, showcasing five years of 蹤獲扦-Dearborn alum, faculty and student works. It opens today and runs through April 16....

U.S. News ranks 蹤獲扦-Dearborn's online programs among top in Michigan

Programs in COB, CECS and CEHHS ranked in the top 5 at Michigan public universities....

Planning for EV infrastructure is complicated. Heres a better way to do it.

Given a web of uncertainties, like future electricity price, consumer charging behavior and EV market growth, Associate Professor Jian Hu says a novel type of stochastic modeling can minimize the risks of public investments in EV infrastructure....

How volunteers made a difference on MLK Day of Service

The event, which is a partnership between 蹤獲扦-Dearborn and Henry Ford College, included more than 20 volunteer sites at the university and throughout the metro area....

Vitalis Ims winding, unexpected path to academia

The new Health and Human Services assistant professor talks about his prior experience as a musician and therapist, his lifes serendipitous turning points, and his current research on the impact of the arts on people in prisons....

How far will Donald Trump take executive power?

Some are concerned about overreach with the incoming administration, but Political Science Professor Mitchel Sollenberger says the use of presidential privilege has a long history....

Building a historic partnership

Each fall, a CASL course teams up with a Detroit nonprofit to enhance Eastern Market tours while honing students research and writing skills....


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Program List

Showing 10 out of 212 ResultsShowing 212 out of 212 Results


  Watch to create Program List.




Admissions & Aid


  Watch to create Admissions & Aid.




Next Steps

Next Steps

Become a part of the 蹤獲扦-Dearborn community and put your dreams to work for you.


  Watch to create Next Steps.




Visual Router Panel

Getting Around

How to get to campus and how to get around once youre here


  Watch to create Visual Router Panel.




Visual Router Grid

Additional Resources


  Watch to create Visual Router Grid.

