Go Blue Guarantee

Go Blue Guarantee

GoBlue Banner

Students at ÂÜÀòÉç-Dearborn are eligible for the Go Blue Guarantee - University of Michigan’s landmark promise of free tuition for high-achieving in-state undergraduate students from qualifying backgrounds. Eligibility includes:

  • Full-time, in-state undergraduate student
  • Family income $125,000 or less
  • Assets below $125,000
  • Incoming 3.5 GPA

Additional Free Tuition Programs

Many of our students are receiving scholarships and grants to cover their tuition beyond the Go Blue Guarantee. In Fact, in 2024 nearly half of our incoming first year students received scholarships and grants to cover 100% of their tuition. All other scholarships and grants have their own eligibility requirements.

Michigan Student Aid

MAS Pathway


  • Full-time, in-state student
  • Family income of $75,000
  • Eligible for the
Detroit Promise

Detroit Promise


  • Live in Detroit and graduate from a Detroit high school
  • Full-time, in-state student
Wolverine Pathways

Wolverine Pathways


  • Full-time, in-state student
  • Participate and graduate from the

Reduced Tuition

Many of our families with higher incomes and assets can still qualify for merit based scholarships at ÂÜÀòÉç-Dearborn. We encourage you to complete the Net Price Calculator and explore more options for paying for college.

"The Go Blue Guarantee helps students of modest means put their dreams into practice at ÂÜÀòÉç-Dearborn. The university’s need-first financial aid strategy provides access to a Michigan degree and builds the leaders and best to make a difference in southeast Michigan and beyond." -- Domenico Grasso, Chancellor

Next Steps

Become a part of the ÂÜÀòÉç-Dearborn community and put your dreams to work for you.