
Modern medicine generally refers to clinical practice: the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disease by a physician. Two types of medical education and practice exist in the United States today.  The physician may be an allopathic physician (M.D.) or an osteopathic physician (D.O.).

Learn more about the classes and the national exam you need to prepare for medical school. Also learn information about medical schools and general information about allopathic (MD) and osteopathic (DO) medicine in the links below.

What classes do I need to take?

The classes you need to learn the content for the (MCAT) as well as meet the requirement for most medical schools (MD and DO) in Michigan and the USA are in the link below. You can learn more specific requirements for each of the schools, MD and DO, through MSAR and Choose DO Explorer listed in the "More Useful Links" below. 

What is the national standardized test?

The Medical College Admission Test, , is required of admissions to medical school (both MD and DO). The best way to prepare for the MCAT is to do well academically in all the pre-requisite courses before studying for the MCAT. The MCAT comprises General Biology, General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry, Physics, Critical Analysis & Reasoning, Statistics, Psychology and Sociology. To be more familiar with the MCAT exam, please read and understand the MCAT Essentials, published each year, on the . 

NOTE: Get free practice test questions and topic information as you take your pre-med pre-req classes on the  site.

What else should I know?

It is important that you learn and incorporate the  in your pre-requisite course work and extra-curricular activities. These competencies, especially the professional skills, are expected to be demonstrated in your application. For example, when a student volunteers in the community, the student gains professional skills in cultural humility and sensitivity as well as reliability and adaptability. 

More information, such as what you should major in or how to handle repeats or withdrawals at 蹤獲扦-Dearborn, can be found in our FAQ section.

Useful Links: Allopathic (M.D.) Medicine

Useful Links: Osteopathic (D. O.) Medicine