Postal Mail

Deadline: 1:00 PM

Mail is picked up by the U.S. Post Office by 1:30 - 2:00 pm every afternoon.  The mail must be in the mailroom by 1:00 pm to be processed.

Preparing Mail

In order to efficiently process the outgoing mail, please do the following:

  • Fill out and attach a blue mail slip to each batch of mail. Make sure you include a valid Short Code. Contact the mail department to get more blue mail slips if necessary.
  • Separate international mail from United States mail. 
  • Make sure the envelopes are stuffed properly and the contents do not exceed capacity. This allows proper sealing by the postage machine.
  • If you do not seal your envelopes, overlap the flaps. 
  • Overstuffed envelopes must be sealed.
  • The Post Office suggests typed addresses to expedite delivery.

Continued Mail Delivery

We occasionally receive and deliver mail for people who no longer work at the University. We assume that someone else has replaced that person and that the mail may be pertinent to the department so will continue to deliver the mail to that department.

Personal Services

There is a Federal Express drop box in the lobby of the CSS building. See the Overnight Mail page for more information.

You can mail packages under 13 oz. Packages over 13 oz. have to be taken to the Post Office for shipment.

Postal Rates

Mail Services

1200 - Campus Support Services Building
4901 Evergreen Road
Dearborn, MI 48128
Phone: 313-593-5480
Fax: 313-593-3519