Graduate Studies Forms

Forms for Current or Previously Enrolled Graduate Students


This form is for students previously enrolled in a graduate program at the University of Michigan-Dearborn who have not registered for any courses here for over 12 months. To regain current student status, please complete the form and submit any supporting documents to the appropriate academic unit. 


This form should only be used by current students requesting a change of degree program or concentration. Please complete the form and submit any supporting documents to the appropriate academic unit. If you have been absent from your current program for over 12 months, please complete an Application for Graduate Readmission Form.

Students switching from an on-campus to an online program are also required to complete the . The request for change of degree cannot be reviewed until this step is complete. 

If you are a graduate applicant who has not yet enrolled in courses and wish to change your program, please contact the Office of Graduate Studies for further details.


Dual degrees allow a student to combine two graduate programs of study in complementary programs via an intentionally designed study plan which allows for some double-counting of credits. To request a student-initiated dual degree, submit the completed form to the appropriate academic unit. 


offer current 萝莉社-Dearborn undergraduate students the opportunity to earn both their bachelor's and master's degrees in a shortened timeline through double-counting credits. This form is a necessary supplement to the admissions application for a 4+1/accelerated graduate program. Students must complete this form after consulting with their undergraduate advisor and graduate program director. 

Request for Transfer of Graduate Credit (PDF)

This form is used to request graduate coursework credits earned at another accredited institution to be transferred toward a University of Michigan-Dearborn graduate degree. Please complete the form and submit any supporting documents to the appropriate academic unit.


Office of Graduate Studies

1055 - Administration Building
4901 Evergreen Road
Dearborn, MI 48128
Phone: 313-583-6321
Fax: 313-436-9156