Registration Help and FAQ
蹤獲扦-Dearborn Catalog
The 蹤獲扦-Dearborn Catalog is a fundamental source of information concerning academic opportunities, policies, regulations, and procedures.
Key Term Definitions
Students should be familiar with the following key terms and their definitions pertaining to the University of Michigan-Dearborn registration process.
Academic advising should be sought from the students college or graduate department office prior to registration.
Students may elect a maximum of 18 credit hours in a given semester. Students should contact their college for policies and procedures regarding electing hours in excess of the maximum.
Continuing students who are eligible to register will receive an email notifying them that registration is beginning. Registration dates are based on the number of credits toward program you currently have. You can determine your registration date based on credit toward program as listed in the "Registration Timetable." New students and those participating in non-traditional programs will receive written information regarding their registration appointment time.
Engineering Students are not permitted to elect courses Pass/Fail. For students who wish to elect the course for audit, please check with your college for its policy on electing a course for audit. Electing a course for audit requires permission of the instructor. The Web system will allow a student to select a course with the pass/fail or audit grading option.
Students will not be allowed to register if they have a hold credit. A hold credit could result from having outstanding financial obligations to the university, academic probation, mandatory advising or other academic or non-academic conditions that require resolution prior to registration. Students eligible to use Web registration can check their holds via "" The "View Your Holds" page is located in the secure area within the Student Records section.
Late Registration begins on the day after the add/drop deadline (after the second week of classes for a full term and the first week of classes for a half term). Students are required to have the appropriate instructor signatures for all courses they wish to late register and must petition through their academic college to request to late register. If approved, the late registration will be routed to the Registrars Office for processing and a $25.00 late registration fee will be assessed to the students account.
Observe all prerequisites and comments listed in the Schedule of Classes and Undergraduate or Graduate Catalog, or the "Course Descriptions" section. Special attention should be given to courses in which a concurrent election is required (e.g., Chemistry 134). For such courses, the student must also register for the Recitation/Laboratory if different from the course reference number (CRN) for the lecture. The system will prevent students from registering for courses for which the proper corequisites and prerequisites are missing. Any exceptions to the rule require approval from the department or college offering the course. If permission is granted, the department or college may override a prerequisite electronically or may require that the student obtains written permission. Written permission is required to elect a course without its required corequisites. Courses that require written permission must be elected at the Enrollment Services counter (1169 UC).
Students in the College of Business are able to pre-select College of Business courses (for further information, please contact the College of Business). Preselected courses are official registrations.
The University of Michigan-Dearborn offers eligible students two options for registration:
- Walk-in
- Web*
Please see Registration Instructions for more information.
*All students (with the exception of students in some non-traditional programs) who have been enrolled at least once in the last three terms, new graduate students and readmitted students who do not have financial obligations, academic holds, or other registration restrictions are eligible to register via the Web.
Students will not be allowed to register for courses that conflict in time. Students should contact their college for policies and procedures regarding courses with time conflicts.
Current tuition and fees are available in the "Tuition and Fees" section. Please visit the "Payment Policy" section or the Student Accounts Office for the Tuition and Fee Payment Policy.
To waitlist, a course does not guarantee admission into it. Waitlisting may be done in person or via the Web during the early registration period through the first eight days of class for a Full Term (first three days of class for a Half Term). Office of the Registrar monitors waitlisted courses*. The faculty is not responsible for signing students into a class from the waitlist.
If enrollment in a course drops below the maximum, Office of the Registrar will enroll students from the waitlist (in order) into the course. Students will be sent a notification, via their official 蹤獲扦-Dearborn email, indicating that a waitlisted course has been added to their schedule.
Students who place their names on a waitlist for a course agree to be registered in the section if space becomes available or if a new section is opened at a time/day identical to that of the existing waitlisted section. Students must officially drop the waitlisted course from their schedule if they no longer wish to be considered for a space in a waitlisted course.
Additional Guidelines for waitlisting:
- Students are not permitted to waitlist for more than one section of a multi-section course.
- Students are not permitted to remain on a waitlist for a section of a course if they are already registered for a section of the same course.
If any of the above circumstances occur, the student will be deleted from one or all of the waitlisted courses for the section involved without notification.
- Students are responsible for verifying that their schedule and student status will accommodate the waitlisted course. In the event that it does not, the waitlist request cannot be honored.
Please visit the Student Waitlist Policy and the Waitlist Operating Principles pages for additional information.
*The College of Business Student Advising Office will monitor and enroll students from the waitlist into business courses.
Registration Menu
The Registration Menu provides five options:
Students can view their eligibility to register, earned hours, academic status and any holds that will prevent registration.
A dropdown will be displayed to select a registration term.
Registration Status
Information regarding whether a student is eligible to register and if a student has holds that will prevent registration will be listed in the main area. Permit Overrides that a student received and the students Earned Hours are displayed on the bottom. Primary Curriculum is listed on the right.
A dropdown will be displayed to select a term. Previous term schedules are available.
Browse Classes
Enter a subject and course number information. Subjects can be found by subject code (ACC) or description (Accounting). If description is used, it is possible to receive multiple subjects in the search results. For example, searching History will return Art History, History, and History of Music in the results. Multiple subjects can be searched at the same time. Course numbers can be left blank to see all classes offered in selected subjects.
The students can control the columns that are displayed in search results. Options are Title, Subject Description, Course Number, Section, Hours, CRN, Term, Instructor, Meeting Times, Campus, Status, and Attribute. Options can be selected and deselected in the Gear icon.
Advanced Search
Allows students multiple search criteria including Attributes, College, Department, Instructional Methods, Part of Term, Meeting Days, Open Sections Only.
Click on Advanced Search and enter/select data for one or more of the available search criteria. Click Search for results.
A dropdown will be displayed to select a term. Previous term catalogs are available.
Browse Courses
Enter a subject and course number information. Subjects can be found by subject code (ACC) or description (Accounting). If description is used, it is possible to receive multiple subjects in the search results. For example, searching History will return Art History, History, and History of Music in the results. Multiple subjects can be searched at the same time. Course numbers can be left blank to see all courses in selected subjects.
The students can control the columns that are displayed in search results. Options are Title, Subject Description, Course Number, Hours, Section, Instructor, Meeting Times, Status, Attribute, and Description. Options can be selected and deselected in the Gear icon.
Advanced Search
Allows students multiple search criteria including Title, College, Departments, Course Number Range, Credit Hour Range. Click on Advanced Search and enter/select data for one or more of the available search criteria. Click Search for results.
Course Details
The Course Details window is opened by selecting the Title for a course in the Browse Courses search results. The information provided is in several tabs.
The Find Classes tab is broken up into three sections. The top half of the screen is dedicated to entering search criteria to find classes. The bottom left portion on the screen displays a students schedule in a grid format and the bottom right displays a students schedule in a list format.
The Enter CRNs tab is used to enter CRNs directly. The +Add Another CRN option can be used to add multiple CRNs at one time. When you have finished entering the CRNs, click Add to Summary for them to be added to your summary.
Register from Student Educational Plan (SEP)
Select the Plans tab to view the plans you have created in Degree Works Plans and to register from that plan.
Click View Sections to see all sections for the course.
Click on the Add button to the right to add the course to your preliminary schedule (the course will then show in the summary section to the bottom right of the screen and on the schedule to the bottom left of the screen (if hybrid or on-campus course). Click on Plans to go back to the plan and select the next course to view sections.
NOTE: clicking the Add button only adds the course to your preliminary schedule. Notice that in the Summary window, the course status is listed as Pending. This means that you are not yet registered for the course. You will need to click Submit to register for the course. The enrollment status will then change to Registered.
Register from Student Planner
The Registration Cart has been replaced by the "Plan Ahead" system. Students will not be able to access it until registration opens
The Schedule and Options tab displays a students schedule and credit hour information. The email icons allow students to email their schedules to themselves and others and download a .ics calendar file.
Drop/Remove a Class
To remove the class, choose Remove from the drop-down options under Status next to the class that you wish to remove. You will need to click Submit to save your changes and to remove the class from your schedule.
See the Dropping Courses and Withdrawing from the Term sections for additional information.
The Look Up a Schedule tab allows students to look up and view their schedules from previous terms.
The Active Registrations tab displays current registration and ungraded classes.
Additional Information
For courses that would require a paper form in the past (i.e. independent study, directed study, masters projects, masters thesis):
- Once an agreement has been worked out with the instructor, it is the student's responsibility to initiate the process. [CECS and COB students should work directly with the Undergraduate (UG)/Graduate (GR) advising office or grad program coordinator.]
- The student should start with the appropriate form:
- or
NOTE: Forms must be downloaded and saved before completing.
- The student should complete the student section of the form and forward it to the faculty collaborator. [CECS and COB students should work directly with the UG/GR advising office or grad program coordinator.]
- The advising office or grad program coordinator will contact the student and provide the CRN.
- The student will be able to register for the individualized course in Banner, using the CRN and electronic override.
For courses that would require a paper Add & Drop form in the past (including co-op):
Students can access a fillable , complete it, and email it to [email protected]. The form must be downloaded to make it fillable.
If the instructors permission is required and granted, the permission can be granted via email to [email protected] from the instructors @umich email address.
Any errors that occur when attempting to add classes will display on the screen. You must then select another course or request permission, from your Academic Advising Office, to override the restriction error. E.G.: Class Restriction--if approved, an electronic override will be assigned for you allowing you to enroll in the course. You will need to repeat the registration steps to officially enroll in the course.
Prerequisites errors will display any required courses that must be completed or taken concurrently to allow registration for the course.